[NoobSubs] One-Punch Man + OAD + OVA (1080p Blu-ray 8bit AAC MP4)

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (11.13 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted04/12/2016 16:10
SeriesOne Punch Man - Episode 3 (of 12): The Obsessive Scientist
Article (!)One-Punch Man + OAD + OVA (720p/1080p Blu-ray 8bit AAC MP4)
http://open.nyaatorrents.info:6544/announceS: 10L: 9C: 10U: 2873d, 8hr, 25min ago
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9 comment(s):
22/12/2017 23:00 — Anonymous
Beware that all videos are hard-subbed!
23/12/2017 23:42 — Anonymous
Wow... until I read your comment I thought ALL .mp4 videos were hardsubbed!
Been avoiding mp4 releases all this time because I didn't know the could be toggled on/off.

*You learn something new every day...* :)
23/12/2017 23:52 — RamenSub
You can easily change a file's extension tho. i.e. .mkv to .mp4
Checking the MediaInfo is much better.
24/12/2017 00:26 — Anonymous
>You can easily change a file's extension tho. i.e. .mkv to .mp4

What's the benefit of changing the extension? (I mean, I don't have problems playing any files, just didn't know mp4 vids could have embedded softsubs).

Also, I thought that if a file's media info doesn't show subs listed as its own track it meant that the subs were baked in/couldn't be disabled.
24/12/2017 01:08 — RamenSub
no benefit. I'm just pointing out to anon to not to simpy assume .mp4 extension implies hardsubbed

I thought that if a file's media info doesn't show subs listed as its own track it meant that the subs were baked in/couldn't be disabled.
25/12/2017 20:36 — Anonymous
>I'm just pointing out to anon

Thanks, that was me. :D What I meant was I didn't understand how changing the extension would tell somebody whether the mp4 has hardsubs rather than soft... And I also want to know about hard vs soft subs before I download it anyway.

I look at the mediainfo on animetosh but have never seen mp4 with a separate sub track in the info.
Is there some way to tell in the media info here that I miss? Thank you again for helping!
25/12/2017 20:53 — Anonymous
AT usually zips external subs (not muxed into mp4/mkv) inside a .7z file.
27/12/2017 09:28 — Anonymous
Right! So, when we see a .mp4 on animetosh and look at its info, how can we tell if it's softsubbed?

Because when I check the info and don't see a sub track, I thought that the subs were baked in (hardsub).

Is there info we can see for mp4 files on this site that tells us the difference before downloading?
27/12/2017 09:56 — RamenSub
> when I check the info and don't see a sub track, I thought that the subs were baked in (hardsub).
Yes. If you can see subtitle in the screenshots.
Every now and then you'll find fools who submit RAW as English subbed.
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