[SobsPlease] Girls Band Cry (WEB 1080p)

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Date Submitted27/11/2024 11:20
Series (!)Girls Band Cry
CommentReleased by SobsPlease group.
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 47L: 2C: 343U: 77d, 8hr, 17min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 47L: 3C: 332U: 77d, 8hr, 10min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 56L: 4C: 376U: 77d, 8hr, 4min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 48L: 4C: 314U: 77d, 8hr, 4min ago

58 comment(s):
01/12/2024 18:59 — Anonymous
AT run by Netflix Korea? Let us continue to raise our [censored] together:
26/12/2024 19:57 — Anonymous
The infamous episode 8 of Girls Band Cry won "anime episode of 2024" award on Abema TV (~japanese Netflix).
OnK s2 was the overall winner and Dandadan got best OP animation and won the popular vote.
26/12/2024 20:12 — Anonymous
"infamous"? I struggled though the entire series and thought it was crap.
26/12/2024 20:34 — Anonymous
Yeah GBC is a great technological feat but the story and characters are overdone at this point.
26/12/2024 21:40 — Anonymous
What is infamous about another yuri (gay) episode when only a couple of percent of the world population is happy (gay)?
It's not brave or anything like that, just gay.
26/12/2024 21:53 — Anonymous
Have a yabba-dabba-doo time
A dabba-doo time
We'll have a gay old time
26/12/2024 23:16 — Anonymous
> What is infamous about

There was a BIG fansub war about translation of "kokohaku-des" phrase in GBC ep.8 First group subbed it as directly confessing love but another refused to walk into the yuri-baited trap and came up with "want you to feel loved". They got napalm-level flamed for that choice! Someone then made a wall-of-text meme with Weezer's Buddy Holly music to ridicule the feud. Official eng-sub arrived later and used direct confession, despite no yuri happening in later episodes at all.
26/12/2024 23:35 *Anonymous
26/12/2024 23:43 — Anonymous
That's not true, all weebs care passionately about everything Japanese anime produces.
27/12/2024 00:39 — Anonymous
Some options depending on which end you're crying from.
27/12/2024 00:43 *Anonymous
27/12/2024 02:15 — Anonymous
I'm crying from either end and I bet my post gets removed like the one above. The show sux IMHO.
27/12/2024 02:27 — Anonymous
You are entitled to your own opinion, even if it is wrong.
27/12/2024 02:43 — Anonymous
>You are entitled to your own opinion, even if it is right.

27/12/2024 03:03 — Anonymous
27/12/2024 03:06 — Anonymous
27/12/2024 03:14 — Anonymous

If we are talking about shit shows, let's talk about Frieren, Dandadan, Blue Box, AOT, Roshidere, etc
27/12/2024 08:30 — Anonymous
Except right now we are NOT talking about those shows, are we?
27/12/2024 03:17 — Anonymous
>If we are talking about shit shows,

This is one too talk about...
27/12/2024 03:22 — Anonymous
It really is a crappy show, the story line has been done a million times before. It just sucks.
27/12/2024 04:10 — admin
Your comment sucks.

We get that you don't like it. You don't need to hammer the point any further.
27/12/2024 05:57 — Anonymous
@admin If they want to bawl You might as well instead start commenting "waaaaa awwaaaaa awwwaaaa awwwaaaa awwwaaaaa!"  
Or start posting pacifier stickers.
27/12/2024 06:48 — admin
What would that achieve?
27/12/2024 08:44 — Anonymous
*Or start posting pacifier stickers.

I got your pacifier right here... You know what you do with a pacifier, right?
27/12/2024 13:53 — Anonymous
27/12/2024 05:49 — Anonymous
Lol @ admin. These mfrs and their essays in the comment sections what even is the point to argue back and forth over stupid shit that amounts to nothing? Neither of them is right if they have to make nearly 100 comments resulting in literally nothing other than sounding stupid every time in different uploads nearly every fucking day. What momentous accomplishments the make!!!!! Geez...... reminds me of a newborn bawling nonstop.
27/12/2024 06:59 — admin
Well, you could probably argue that applies to most discussions on the internet, and even off the internet.
I think discussion over "stupid shit" is fine in general, but not when it devolves into pointless bickering (or as you call it, bawling).
27/12/2024 13:52 — Anonymous
Thats what I meant by stupid shit Its always bickering and insults.
27/12/2024 08:47 — Anonymous
Yet, here you are bawling again...
27/12/2024 10:16 — admin
And... what if they are?
27/12/2024 16:22 — Anonymous
>  what even is the point to argue back and forth

Rupa said: the opposite of love is indifference
L 02/01/2025 19:40 — Anonymous
03/01/2025 20:00 — Anonymous
Totemo oishikatta-des, arigatou gozaimasta! 2 * Nakayubi tateteke kudosai!
05/01/2025 16:04 — Anonymous
Well, I don't really speak japanese but you're welcome I guess? feel free to ask any skipped torrents on AT. if my seedbox is not being used for seeding. will gladly fetch it.
04/02/2025 18:05 — Anonymous
i hope you...
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