[SobsPlease] Girls Band Cry (WEB 1080p)

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Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (23.40 GB) | Website
Date Submitted27/11/2024 11:20
Series (!)Girls Band Cry
CommentReleased by SobsPlease group.
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 47L: 2C: 343U: 95d, 16hr, 49min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 47L: 3C: 332U: 95d, 16hr, 41min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 56L: 4C: 376U: 95d, 16hr, 36min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 48L: 4C: 314U: 95d, 16hr, 35min ago

58 comment(s):
27/11/2024 11:37 — geha714
please let this one go through thx!
27/11/2024 11:40 — Anonymous
pls fetch
27/11/2024 16:32 — Anonymous
Thirded! Thanks :)
27/11/2024 17:35 — Anonymous
This non-licensed (!) anime was the Spring 2024 season's winner of: best drama, best slice-of-life, best original story, best female MC (Iseri Nina), best supporting female character (Awa Subaru), best OP and best ED categories. Honorable mention: re-inventor of fansub war...
27/11/2024 19:18 — Anonymous
So what, I thought it was a crappy series.
27/11/2024 19:26 — Anonymous
nobody asked for your opinion
27/11/2024 19:52 — Anonymous
So what, nobody asked for his input. I have the right to respond to it.
28/11/2024 04:19 — Anonymous
28/11/2024 04:37 — Anonymous
Lulz, he did despite your saying "Nope".
27/11/2024 20:35 — Anonymous
Too bad the only thing going for it was the animation. The story is as generic as musical anime can be
27/11/2024 21:29 — Anonymous
> The story is as generic as musical anime can be

Nina the Starry Brat:

Btw, SobsPlease fansub of GBC is controversial because they refused to walk into a yuri-bait trap set up in ep8 and made a very much "diplomatic" translation instead. The remaining 5 episodes justified their cautious decision but the fandom much vilified them versus Nakayubi subs. Anyhow, let's continue to raise our Weezer together!
28/11/2024 06:39 — Anonymous
Not watching an 18-minute video on someone's terrible opinions.
04/02/2025 20:17 — Anonymous
nina and the starry bride is awesome stfu
28/11/2024 03:34 — Anonymous
Huh? It's been licensed for a while now already.
28/11/2024 07:14 — Anonymous
During its own season, GBC was fully unlicensed for 95% of the world. It became licensed for weird, non-streaming digital purchase methods (e.g. Microsoft Store) this August an for North America only. Worldwide CR streaming only became available on 6th November.
27/11/2024 18:24 — Anonymous
Pls fetch pls pls pls
27/11/2024 23:15 — Anonymous
The Trix sub version of Girls Band Cry still seems to work when KrankenFiles download option is used:
28/11/2024 11:54 — Anonymous
28/11/2024 13:30 — Anonymous
Regrettably, this v2 patch can only help those who already have the large video base files (whose DL links don't work any more).
28/11/2024 13:49 — Anonymous
please fetch
28/11/2024 22:35 — Anonymous
Animetogenashi Animetogeari
29/11/2024 20:11 — Anonymous
Shroud group will hopefully post the latest Girls Band Cry BD's rip soon.
01/12/2024 12:45 — Anonymous
Shroud has now uploaded the lastest GBC bluray volume:
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