[Sav1or] Yuru Camp△ (Laid-Back Camp) Season S1 + S2 + OVAs + Movie [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS]

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Date Submitted18/10/2023 17:54
Series (!)Yuru Camp
CommentYuru Camp△ (Laid-Back Camp) Season 1 + Season 2 + OVA + Movie
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 59L: 13C: 1089U: 152d, 4hr, 44min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 10L: 4C: 72U: 482d, 4hr, 4min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 14L: 6C: 382U: 482d, 3hr, 52min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 61L: 13C: 2460U: 152d, 4hr, 8min ago
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SubtitlesAll Attachments

12 comment(s):
18/09/2024 09:20 — Anonymous
Watched this release completely, although skipped many OP/EDs or just looked away from them.
In case a v2 or a batch with S3 is planned, here are all video glitches I found:

Heya Camp E04 (S00E08) - 2m 18s
Heya Camp SP (S00E17) - 1m 59s
Yuru Camp S01E05 - 5m 49s
Yuru Camp S01E08 - 3m 18s
Yuru Camp S01E10 - 9m 40s
Yuru Camp S01E11 - 2m 6s
Yuru Camp S02E11 - 4m 18s
Yuru Camp SP2 (S00E02) - 6m 16s
Yuru Camp SP3 (S00E03) - 1m 45s

The glitches are not severe, still watchable, but noticeable.
18/09/2024 09:58 — Anonymous
18/09/2024 15:09 — Anonymous
By severe and unwatchable I mean something like [Sav1or] Girls und Panzer - S01E08 v2 at 8:24, where the video bounces around and then freezes for several seconds, skipping content. The uploader said there they are going to remake it later, so I hope for this one too.
19/09/2024 12:05 — Anonymous
common QCless mini encoder L
22/09/2024 09:57 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Girls und Panzer has slowed down and was delayed since our GPU stopped working and we have been prioritizing other projects in the interim but here's a preview of the progress so far: https://imgur.com/a/XGKpj9g

Before our GPU stopped working we were able to fortunately finish rescaling the entirety of Season 1 so both Sav1or and Sav1our releases will have a rescaled Season 1 straight from the BDMV. The resolution was already very high (900p) so the difference is very hard to notice in most scenes but at least it was completed. Fortunately, the movies might not need the same treatment so we'll be encoding those as is. We've added all the audio commentary we could find. We are also considering modifying AK-Submarine's subtitles but with text extracted from the German PGS subtitles to have styled German subtitles but that's a very lofty goal for a language we don't understand so that might not happen. At the very least, we'll have a ton more German audio and subtitles available thanks to a new source. And since we're on the topic of sourcing subtitles, if anyone has subtitles in other languages besides Japanese, English, and German we would appreciate a link. We know of someone's personal project to make Spanish subtitles but those seemed difficult to get. Also some of the Tank Corner episodes don't have any subtitles whatsoever since they don't exist (yet) but we've included them regardless for the sake of completeness.

We hope to have GnP done before the end of the year or perhaps within the next month.

22/09/2024 09:35 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Hey there, thanks for compiling this list of issues with this release - we have been aware of some of them for some time now so sorry for any inconveniences it has caused. This was brought up in the Anime AV1 Discord server and became a meme of sorts every time L-Smash as a chunking method was suspected to be a culprit of decode issues. Our investigation into the issue yielded some new information and has since changed our tool set whenever possible. You can read more about it here. Not everyone has access to the Discord so here is our quote below:

I'm aware a good portion of my encodes are corrupted by LSmash chunking issues and a few from Grav1synth before I figured out what was causing it. Both of these are solved now and the former involves a costly fix but is not impossible.
Errors in video streams exist for many releases but here are the few ones I have plans or at least desires to redo with better sources, new mitigations, and new encoding setups:

* Girls und Panzer - All BDMV sourced + rescaled. Huge project currently underway. Plagued by Grav1synth + Lsmash and then "patched" without fully understanding what caused the issue. I got the most flak for making a v3 of this. Never before have I been so intensely insulted and berated for doing such a bad job.
* Yuru Camp - Basically a recurring meme where scenes are destroyed by LSmash chunking.
* Honzuki - Lsmash again, and it's my first project which I redid once already. Dgdecnv which did not exist then is now available.
* Railgun - Lsmash. No one has said anything but I watched it and it happened many times. Would like to redo along with the Index and Accelerator series.
* Golden Time - Lsmash on E16. Want to redo with BDMV.
* Princess Principal - No known issues, haven't watched it yet but I want to redo with new setup + use BDMVs.
* Gunslinger Girl - Lsmash. Grav1synth. Want to redo with modern SVT internal FGS.
* LoGH OG - No known issues but want to redo with the 255gb source.

I'm aware of Lsmash issues with Death Note and Bakemono no Ko, but am not redoing them.

I'll reiterate that I do not do subtitling or typesetting or QC. If the source subtitles are bad and there is no better source then that's the best we have and I have no interest in improving it. I also have yet to find/make a solution that fixes missing fonts so if my source has missing fonts in 1 random episode then that's the best we got. Unless someone can present a 1-click batch solution then that won't change.

In short, using L-Smash in Av1an has known issues and fortunately they can be avoided by using certain older versions of DGDecNV and/or recent versions of BestSource. Unfortunately, there is no perfect chunking method that always works and is the most performant. We learned this the hard way and there are many users who still doubt this knowledge because their experience doesn't reflect ours and others like us.

So back to Yuru Camp; we decided to wait until the 3rd season BD and the accompanying English dub was available before tackling this project again so there will be a new Dual Audio release eventually using a different chunking method less prone to issues that plagued this one. We currently do not have a working GPU so our only option is to use BestSource. However, a lot of recent releases have been using it and the decoded output is quite reliable so we expect the next version to be free of those issues. We also have our Normal-Boost Multi-Pass algorithm that would be a great boon to image quality. There have also been great strides in improving quality from SVT-AV1 - chiefly Variance Boost and faster encoding at lower/better presets - that would improve the next release.

22/09/2024 13:23 — Anonymous
Cheers, and thanks for all the work and info.
Looking forward to new releases.
18/09/2024 12:44 — Anonymous
I stg mini encoders will not watch their own releases even if their lives depended on it
18/09/2024 15:21 — Anonymous
based af.

Mini encodes are the best, your system is too ancient to handle NextGen video codecs lmao
19/09/2024 12:02 — Anonymous
you stupid retard, that's an encoding issue reported on the comment above "Yuru Camp S01E05 - 5m 49s".
19/09/2024 14:34 — Anonymous
Guys, the anonymous strikes back
she talking to itself
22/09/2024 10:10 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Guilty as charged. And our lives won't ever depend on it.

A lot of our work is automated and we don't have time to watch every series - not even for example our own Princess Principal release despite planning to redo it with a better source and add the new movie. There are some releases we'll never watch because we don't find them interesting. We have watched some series months after they were released. We've seen some, such as Railgun, that also suffered from the same issues as Yuru Camp. We plan to of course replace them with better versions in the future.

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