[SanKyuu] Hazurewaku S1 (WEB 1080p AV1 AAC) [Multi-Sub] (Failure Frame) [Batch]

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (4.153 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted26/09/2024 23:00
Series (!)Hazure Waku no "Joutai Ijou Skill" de Saikyou ni Natta Ore ga Subete o Juurin Suru made
Comment[SanKyuu] Hazurewaku S01 (WEB 1080p AV1 AAC) [Multi-Sub] (Failure Frame) [Batch]
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 21L: 5C: 2181U: 132d, 16hr, 56min ago
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 19L: 0C: 1679U: 135d, 9hr, 55min ago
udp://open.demonii.com:1337S: 2L: 33C: 1U: 161d, 3hr ago
http://open.acgtracker.com:1096/announceS: 2L: 1C: 0U: 9d, 12hr, 30min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 20L: 2C: 1551U: 132d, 16hr, 48min ago
http://tracker.anirena.com:80/announceScrape failedU: 12d, 4hr, 43min ago
http://tracker.acgnx.se/announceS: 1L: 0C: 2263U: 132d, 16hr, 42min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 132d, 16hr, 38min ago
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406.9 MB
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327.5 MB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

28 comment(s):
Q 05/10/2024 08:43 — Anonymous: "dtbrue, please"
This is for SANKYUU or ANYONE who has this specific encoder information:

Could you please tell me the encoding options you used for your av1 video encode. The encoding preset speed compression? like a 6 or? also if you used a crf or average bitrate. along with any other options. Also if oyu would like to list types of filters if you would like to add those i would really appreciate it. Or you could direct me to somehwere you have answered this before?
05/10/2024 12:50 — Anonymous
SANKYUU if you read this, i actually cant find your av1 encoding settings inside the metadata mediainfo. I looked and it exists in other groups but would you mind listing yours, the presets or advanced options you use?
07/10/2024 12:45 — Anonymous
what correlation between encoding settings and watching experience?
05/10/2024 09:13 — Anonymous: "dtb"
!Im so dumb, i found most of them in the mediainfo, i just didnt see it under the video section of mediainfo!

So to not waste the peoples time who end up reading this!

Instead ill use this message to gratefully thank the Creatives and Originators on this Site.

Sankyuu & the SubGroups, and a list of honorable sub groups (mentioned at end)

--and also hugely AnimeTosho! for being the only reliable place with web-dl ddl. It is a massive boon on this world! I just wish we still had Zippyshare because now anything older than 2 months is usually depreciated into oblivion and non-existence. It is really sad to see so much resources go to waste, because you all did so much already! to post them originally, in the first place, and to provide a spot for them to exist for years to come. -Thats also why releasing the batches when they come out at end of season provides us weebs a our best opportunity to have access to a complete full season when the show is done airing.

I really hope we can find a replacement for zippyshare, amen.

Thanks so much to you all who work to improve everyones lives. You make the world a better place granting media access to the masses. They will improve the world exponentially better than they would without the culture they gained through sites like AnimeTosho!


honorable mentions: ERAI, EMBER, YAMEII, JUDAS, DKB, DB, ASW, BREEZE, im going to forget many but know you are also included.
05/10/2024 09:17 — Anonymous: "dtb"
actually i did some research, it seems like now, after a month the links are depreceiated. I hope the community can find a solution, or just one very smart animetosho personel.
05/10/2024 10:15 — Anonymous
Well, there is nandesuka's buzzheavier. It's pretty much better than zippyshare cos you get ddl link (can paste anywhere) and the files stays 10 years until
If you have experience problem with bzz site, you can contact him on reddit he is very friendly (:
05/10/2024 12:15 — Anonymous: "dtb"
awesome, i didnt know the buzzheavier ddl link was that accessible, i have trouble collecting the ddl link itself, so that i could directly have a download start once the link is clicked (maybe call it a direct download file link). But this is probably for the best! So that mirror sites don't steal the link and portray it published as their own link in one of those sites that steal content. Like they often steal from gogo anime and create their own front-end with none of the integrity.

if there is a way to get a direct download link from buzzheavier that would help. since im having trouble with my download manager accepting buzzheavier. hopefully not a problem on my end.
06/10/2024 09:39 — Anonymous
you're welcome dtb.
and to the anon claiming "falsehood": did you even contact him on reddit?
05/10/2024 12:36 — Anonymous
Buzzheavier is not Nandesuka's site, quit posting falsehoods.
06/10/2024 19:18 — Anonymous
Yeah. No idea where they get that idea from.
05/10/2024 11:22 — Anonymous
Let's see....
The people who are doing the uploads and posting their illegal work should spend more money on a better hosting site so that other people can download it for free over the next decade or so.
Seems legit to me.
05/10/2024 12:48 — Anonymous: "dbtrue"
I wrote a massive reply in the same thread, i had to refresh due to the captcha and it defaulted to posting in the main body rather than replying. so if you want a good answer on why we should do that, then go ahead and find it here.

05/10/2024 12:45 — Anonymous: "dbtrue"
Yes, if the price is a necessary extra then yes.
Although i was considering along the lines of perhaps finding additional hosting sites, or having the option to refetch some important downloads link outdated batches. But if you want to be close-minded and in denial rather than productive and engaged in progressing our living standards or the world's, etc.. then that is a choice you made.

--(please ignore any typos if you could)

I do think there could be other options in engaging the community more to perhaps find useful updates in a way to replace what zippyshare used to delivery to us, wonderfully. for example if the community has access to funding those options that is not an ethical problem, objectively, as far as is known. I would personally donate funds for this.

I very profoundly understand the motivations behind allowing the public masses access to mass-media and have correctly the strong belief and support in how allowing access to the best of all cultures, and spreading that information world-wide, especially to the impoverished, is a world-wide whole benefit with a negligble and very small cost.

If you have first world living wage income then it is actually easier and less time consuming to simply subscribe to crunchy roll or hidive and other various streaming platforms. It is faster, easier, better organized, simple, accessible, less time consuming. So if you are not impoverished, not poor, then it is not a very smart choice to be downloading your anime from torrents or whatever. It is simply more efficient to use the streaming services available.

The PROBLEM is that most impoverished and poor people do NOT have the finances available to do this. So they are left with NO ACCESS to the very important cultural information which leads to the development of the human mind, as people learn, evolve adapt and become more ingenius. All axiomatically leading to an improved quality of society and improved lives of the people. It is a far reaching effect. It is also a calming presence, improving the peaceful nature of society. The benefits are widely exeperienced everyday in first world countries.

Yes, people should have access to the information necessary for cultural development and cultural intelligence. We need smarter, more informed, better adapted people everywhere throughout the entire world.

(97% of these people would never be able to learn from mass media because they would not be able to afford it, nor would they watch it. So the "cost" to the "owners" is negligble and very small in comparison the benefits gained. These impoverished people are NOT going to be buying their blurays or DVD's or streaming special multimedia! so it is null and void anyways in 97 out of 100 cases. And those 3 of 100 people who live in first world countries and have a full time job and make more money than they need and they still choose to waste their time downloading episodes are not that smart and are lacking in integrity and moral values. so for approximately 3% of instances there is are questionable ethics at play. But since in 97% of instances the benefits are massive and enormous and world-wide improving, this doesn't matter much at all. Those 3% of people really should learn to stop wasting their time and just work one extra hour of overtime so they can afford their streaming services that month!)

I could go on and on about the imoprtance of mass-media and identify how it's wide-availablity is an incredibly productive benefit rather than a negative cost to society. Anyone who thinks it is a negative impact is lacking in their commitment to study, educate themselves, and think things through for longer than 5 minutes. I mean they need to truly consider and think more deeply how to listen less to rich-assholes complaining about 3% in lost profits when the benefit clearly outweighs some rich person's desires to have a third or fourth house they never live in. While you can not even enjoy modern culture!!! Please learn to think for yourself, and to discern the true nature of things rather than to believe in everything you hear from corrupt corporations and individuals OBVIOUSLY only interested in profits (they are not even interested in sustainability or building a better future, just profits, the act alone is corrupted at the core).

Okay thanks for listening I guess. It is important that people repeat this information so others can consider how to improve the wrong actions of others who are currently leading our society in corrupted directions, usually due to greed and narcissism. Sometimes we are only 10% wrong, but that 10% of corruption can cause major problems like not allowing the poor to be educated through means such as mass-media because they CAN NOT PAY THE PRICE IT WRONGFULLY COSTS. There needs to be exceptions to rules, especially when they are obviously not 'perfect'.

That is why. That is my response to such negativity.
05/10/2024 12:46 — Anonymous: "dbtrue"
THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A REPLY TO THE LAST COMMENTER, SORRY. when i refereshed the page due to the captcha it defaulted to post in the root thread. ill try to fix it.
05/10/2024 13:03 — Anonymous
"So they are left with NO ACCESS to the very important cultural information which leads to the development of the human mind" "Yes, people should have access to the information necessary for cultural development and cultural intelligence."

LMFAO, Anime does not fit what you said. Anime is basically a diversion from real life.
05/10/2024 13:17 — Anonymous
I agree. Anime is at the very bottom of the list of "very important cultural information which leads to the development of the human mind".
06/10/2024 08:32 — Anonymous: "dtb"
Emotional Intelligence is an intergral type of Intelligence crucial to huamn development and is one of the backbones of our lives from work to school to reproduction and nuturing.

You should try thinking more thuroughly before dismissing something crafted by artisans and produced to be favored by the human massess. Anime most definitely improves people's intelligence, in several key factors. Through multiple means.

Are you forgetting about how all it takes is to bring someone to share in an experience to improve their adaptation and thus their intelligence. I feel like no one even read what i wrote yesterday before they choose to insult it. And im finding each person clearly doesn't mind acting stupid and long as they get to insult someone else to make themselve's feel better about their' whatever selves.

We actually see this trope represented like 3 out of 40 anime's there will be characters which represent the very microcosm of what is occurring here in this thread. It is by these examples people can learn to educate themselves and improve, adapting through mass media... Anime...

Even the Anime you are calling nothing but "a diversion from real life" and how it is NOT "a very important cultural information source" according to your very own words...

you prove yourself wrong by simply reinacting the classic anime trope. And you say people can not become more intelligent through experiencing Anime, which is by definition, CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE ANIMATED STORIES, in another word, ANIME!

it is okay to admit you are wrong.
06/10/2024 08:36 — Anonymous: "dtb"
I realize that you may not know what Anime Trope I am referring to. The Anime Trope is the one where the main protagonist is often challenged by the public, by either being bullied or by others who disagree with him trying to prove that the main protagonist is somehow wrong. Or maybe even lets say the main protagonist is a commoner, and the people around him are Nobles, so in this instance they bully the main protagonist for no other reason than to insult them.

THAT IS THE EXACT ANIME TROPE, I am referencing to when I spoke about how even now anime is imitating real-life cultural problems. This is the anime trope i was referring to.
07/10/2024 02:34 — Anonymous
Emotional intelligence?  You wanting special treatment and given free reign to break laws because you are poor shows you lack maturity as well as the intelligence you claim. Everyone has their own problems. What Ive been through in life is probably 50 times worse than what you've been through but you shouldn't care and nor should anyone else who doesn't know me. I sure as hell don't expect to be bottle fed special treatment and I'm certainly not going to bawl to the world about my problems. You are literally whining about wanting special treatment to pirate anime with half a dozen essays. How in the hell is that emotionally intelligent?
Grow up and take that crap somewhere else like Facebook or better yet a psychiatrist.
06/10/2024 04:54 — Anonymous
Dude wrote a 10,000 page thesis whining about how he should be able to get away with breaking laws because he`s poor.  All of us take the same risks downloading illegal media. Anyone can download media if they want. You aren't special.  Tv isn't a necessity. Download by the means available to you and deal with it if you get busted or go to the library if you cant.
06/10/2024 08:17 — Anonymous: "dtb"
If you don't understand what was written just ask questions, don't pretend to know better, and/or default to insults which ignore the actual subject. Thanks. "Sharing Multimedia" is not universally illegal btw.

I really had hope kidnergardeners would have gotten this behavior out of their systems by the time they start posting on forums pretending to adult, now that everyone has a tablet from the age of 5 yrs.

No thanks, i dont think i will waste time on those suggestions. I also very much disagree. Mass Media (TV) is a necessity, a necessary part of improving the future. It is NOT going to happen without it.
06/10/2024 08:51 — Anonymous
Dear dtb, it's time to leave the city and take up farming.
06/10/2024 11:36 — Anonymous
cough cough... piracy... cough cough
06/10/2024 12:41 — Anonymous
"Sharing Multimedia" is not universally illegal btw.

Yes, it is. Why do you think there are pirate sites? Some small parts of the world just kind of look the other way.
Read Torrent Freak sometime.
07/10/2024 02:51 — Anonymous
Yep universal. He probably never heard of Torrent Freak before you mentioned it. Feds were going after piracy all the way back yo the 90s. Music then movies then porn. Japan was late to the party with piracy laws but they do have them. Latest piracy law change was packaged into the covid relief package.
05/10/2024 14:03 — Anonymous
I can see people learning about Japanese culture through Anime... but that is not what Anime is for.
Can't we just keep the comments to any problems with the uploaded files and not turn this site into Twitter.
06/10/2024 05:08 — Anonymous
i ain't reading all that.
i'm happy for u tho
or sorry that happened
07/10/2024 09:55 — Anonymous
To all of you old schoolers   "NAPSTER"
That's what probably started the whole anti-piracy movement.
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