[Raizel] Sword Art Online (1080p Dual Audio FLAC)

Source LinksNyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (39.86 GB)
Date Submitted25/12/2013 05:05
Series (!)Sword Art Online
322.3 MB
372.3 MB
355.1 MB
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425.5 MB
359.3 MB
462.5 MB
437.1 MB
390.9 MB
1.484 GB
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1.178 GB
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1.194 GB
1.468 GB
1.441 GB
1.472 GB
1.458 GB

21 comment(s):
25/12/2013 05:49 — Anonymous
Mr. admin, sir.  We would like links for this show, please.

--We wouldn't usually ask you for something this big, but it's so lonely here at the orphanage at Christmastime...  The state staff just lock us in the basement so they can go to Christmas parties.  So we orphans all gather around the laptop we stole from the administrator's office to stay warm (cough! sneeze! nose running!) and watch heartwarming adventures like this, and dream of better days that perhaps are not impossible...

I guess you'll probably say no...Oh well, we orphans are kind of used to hearing that word...

Thank you anyways...(cough! sneeze! strange chest pain!)

Merry Christmas!  
25/12/2013 08:24 *zooby
Here's an alternative that was fetched, and is 1/3 the size.

25/12/2013 09:31 — Anonymous
Ah, the bit-starved ChaosBlades version with 1080p file sizes 100MB smaller per ep than CBM's 720p version.  I expect you didn't know that, or you wouldn't have suggested it.  I can't imagine why AT has it at all.  

Thanks for the thought, but no thank you, sir.  Even we orphans have some minimal standards...

25/12/2013 09:58 *goldfish
Btw, Otakucop fetching this. You can wait in there in case this isn't going through (which I think won't).

25/12/2013 10:09 — Anonymous
Here's hoping, goldfish.  I've seen them skip some big ones in the last couple of months.  Last Raizel update there, 5.8 days ago.
25/12/2013 10:25 *goldfish
Just tell otakucop's moderator on their chatbox to keep it fetched and don't forget to keep praying so some AT's mod can let this through as this week some anime series have already ended and the remaining of ongoing series are taking a break, hence, a quite idle week.
25/12/2013 10:32 — Anonymous
...ah, nicely done, goldfish.
Also, a policy or opinion question, if I may: Is/should AT satisfied to have 1080p and other higher-quality users jump ship to Otakucop and elsewhere for their higher quality program needs, or would AT prefer to be the place for everybody?  

Only admin can answer that.  Personally, I'd like to see AT continue as a gathering place for everybody and a focal point for the fansub anime community.  I hate it when we fraction.
26/12/2013 01:27 — Anonymous: "any nigger can answer"
the answer is no, go somewhere else and bug them
26/12/2013 01:28 *Anonymous: "damn greedy niggers"
[Racist comment removed]
26/12/2013 07:56 — admin
At the moment, I don't really see this as becoming any sort of gathering place or focal point.
We're just another resource, amongst many others, and I encourage you to consider all resources, not just what AT provides.
So if Otakucop provides what you want, by all means, use them!

Though I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "fraction" so, by all means, elaborate if you wish.
26/12/2013 10:10 — Anonymous
1. You underestimate yourself a little.  Quite a few fansubs now refer their fans to AT.

2. I wondered if you wished to even have requests for the larger format files here.  Reading into your standard practices, I'm guessing not.  Even a single volume of Coalgirls 1080p versions (2-3 episodes) are now often auto-skipped.  I'm not complaining.  You have been very generous, and your standard practices meet the needs of many.

26/12/2013 11:01 — Anonymous
One thing more, if I may, is the "chunking" factor.  If a Coalgirls, Raizel, coldhell, etc. torrent came out with a single episode every couple of days (or as needed to avoid the wrath of the Nyaa-gods), it would get links here.  If it was two episodes at a time, it might get links here.  If it was three episodes at a time, it might not get links here.  And so on.  

1. This rule has a mathematical merit, no doubt...

2. If torrent authors could be persuaded to game your system with the smaller chunks, would that be fine?
27/12/2013 01:57 *admin
It's a difficult problem to solve nicely.
Ideally nothing gets skipped, but we don't have enough bandwidth to handle this, so I've got to put in limits somewhere to make things work. It's definitely not perfect and can be gamed, but I don't see this often done. Thanks for pointing it out nonetheless.
Also the script does currently have a weakness in not handling large torrents terribly well, but I'm looking at improving this.

I've pushed this through as there's less activity on the server at the moment.
27/12/2013 03:08 *Anglerfish
Thank you for this unexpected generosity.  In that case, I thought I should create a login:  "Anglerfish" -in honor of another friendly fellow here, and, it must be admitted, Girls und Panzer OVA4.  I regret I have but one "sole" to offer... Although I am just a "guppy" here...(etc. "flounder", etc. "halibut", and all the other jokes).

Nice to meet you all.  admin, if you like action-romance, I hope you'll watch this show also, sub or dub.  (the dub adds some cleverness and humor, actually).  I can't think of an anime romance I liked better, but it does take about 6 episodes to get to it.
25/12/2013 19:51 — alpeia2
It's Hi10 format, of course the file sizes will be smaller. I've watch a lot of things made with Hi10 and at 1080p with no issues. I suggest you try and download one and see if it works for you or not.

High 10 Profile (Hi10P)
Going beyond typical mainstream consumer product capabilities, this profile builds on top of the High Profile, adding support for up to 10 bits per sample of decoded picture precision. (source Wikipedia)
25/12/2013 23:26 — goldfish
I don't know about this release, but Raizel always encode his videos in Hi10 format, right?
Why those two (Raizel's and ChaosBlades's videos) have a large difference in their size?

I-It's not like I want this, B-Baka.....!!! M-My taste is worse than this, y-you know!!!
And no.... It's not like I like that A-Anon or anything..... I-It's just... Emm... I think it's nice to help people... Hmmph... Alpeia-kun no baka!!!
26/12/2013 03:15 — alpeia2
I don't know what the format of Raizel's files are? Looking at the file list sizes to me it looks like just h264 without the Hi10 profile, so maybe they are not using it?
26/12/2013 04:11 — goldfish
Can't answer anything because I don't know even a thing about encoding. Maybe some people can answer this.

Btw, based on Otakucop torrent progress page, they're still fetching this, just wait in there, @anon.
26/12/2013 09:22 — Anonymous
Raizel's are all Hi10P.  The difference in sizes reflect the difference choices made for quality versus data reduction.  Raizel's are high quality, similar in most ways to Coalgirls in file size and quality, with the addition of an English audio track.

You can use Hi10P to create an 80MB version of each episode, or even smaller.  Does that answer your questions?  The differences are the quality retained, not the encode method.

P.S. If quality is held constant, the difference in file size between HiP (8-bit) and Hi10P (10-bit) is about 20%, or around 100MB in a 500MB encode.

@goldfish: Thanks for the update.  
27/12/2013 02:45 — alpeia2
Thanks for the great info. I think I have a better understanding now.
26/12/2013 01:24 *Anonymous: "no nigger"
[Unintelligent comment removed]
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