[amZero] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! S3 [1080p AV1 10Bit][BDRip][Dual Audio][MultiSubs] (Konosuba)

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Date Submitted05/03/2025 20:19
Series (!)Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o! 3
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 0L: 39C: 0U: 7d, 17hr, 57min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 1L: 37C: 0U: 7d, 17hr, 57min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 32L: 85C: 40U: 7d, 17hr, 48min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 1L: 37C: 0U: 7d, 17hr, 57min ago
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SubtitlesAll Attachments

62 comment(s):
06/03/2025 19:50 — Anonymous
I mean thanks for the release, but just leave out the redundant pointless dub.
Saves effort, space, and cringe. A triple-whammy of profit!
06/03/2025 19:52 — Anonymous
what you want is what you want.  Issue your own version if you want.
06/03/2025 20:12 — Anonymous
True they should just leave out the Japanese dub
06/03/2025 20:56 — Anonymous
imagine being mad at 200mb
06/03/2025 20:24 — Anonymous
Piss off. Find another release if you don't like this one.
06/03/2025 21:08 — Anonymous
PSA: The original voice-over is not a dub.
"Dubbing" is only when other languages add localization.
You're welcome for the free knowledge.

And dubs are ALWAYS awful, in any language. Kills the cultural significance and original artistic intent.
People who watch dubs are...well...don't wanna get too insulting by dropping truth-bombs.
Point is, look into yourself and reflect. Maybe you'll grow up and learn some respect and TEGRIDY :-3
06/03/2025 21:26 — Anonymous
Piss off. You take yours your way and I'll take mine the way I enjoy better. Reading subs takes away the viewing pleasure for many of us. I'm sure the original artists prefer people to enjoy anyway they want. Only weebs peddle your tripe.
06/03/2025 21:31 — Anonymous
Nope, you're wrong. And lazey. And throwing insults shows that you don't have arguments.
There is no "your way" or "my way", only an objectively right and wrong way.
I feel sorry for you. And Anime or any other movies/shows and their creators in general.
Defending dubs and thinking you have ANY leg to stand on. Jeez...
06/03/2025 21:36 — Anonymous
And I say you are wrong. You enjoy it your way and I'll enjoy it my way.
06/03/2025 21:43 — Anonymous
But YOU are wrong, which is a proven fact.
Stop telling yourself lies and lazey excuses. My gawd, is it THAT hard to go into yourself, past your ego, and change for the better? Apparently...
06/03/2025 21:47 — Anonymous
That's it, just keep telling yourself that...
06/03/2025 21:52 — Anonymous
You're wrong dawg, no matter what you're telling yourself.
Accept it or not, but that's just how it is *shrug*
06/03/2025 22:22 — Anonymous
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
06/03/2025 22:42 — Anonymous
No, it's objective fact. There's a difference.
Struggle all you want, until you wise up.
06/03/2025 22:53 — Anonymous
It's only objective in your mind and not a fact, therefore your opinion. BTW, I hear your mommy calling you for dinner...
06/03/2025 22:55 — Anonymous
Funny. And sad how you can't distinct or don't know the meaning/difference between the words objective and subjective.
But funny mommy-joke. I'm crying and gonna leave the internet now.
You prolly have super-high T, I'm impressed!
07/03/2025 22:25 — Anonymous
Lol. A white jackass who doesnt speak or read Japanese and probably never been been to Japan runs his mouth again about dubs as if he created the anime industry himself and is Japanese or a historical expert.
Just ignore this guy hes not worth anyones time
07/03/2025 22:35 — Anonymous
The guy runs his mouth with all thse comments about fubs and yet he needs to read subs translated to English. If he was watching unedited raws he might have at least a small amount of common sense talking about Japanese culture but nope he needs subs which just as much for foreigners as dubs making anything he says moronic. Sad thing he doesnt have enough brain power to have the ability of common sense.
Some people prefer subs and some prefer dubs but to engage in a thread of over 60 comments of pure stupidity is just laughable. Seriously best to just ignore this guy. Its obvious he isnt right in the head so best not to engage him at all. The fact that he would argue so much with the only connection he has to the industry is he watches and thinks that makes him an expert at Japanese. As another commenter mentioned he is delusional and enjoys being confrontational. Hes probably on a lot of head meds. Just ignore him.
07/03/2025 07:09 — Anonymous
Dubfags have no right to talk about "original artists". Fuck off, accept that you're mentally handicapped if you consume dubs.
07/03/2025 05:56 — Anonymous
No dubbing is when you voice over pre existing footage which anime is since they don't record the actors until the animation is mostly done

Also the rest is just some weird yellow fever bullshit
06/03/2025 21:40 — Anonymous
If you think that dubs are insulting to the creators they would never allow licensing of the dubs, they just want people to enjoy it.
06/03/2025 21:48 — Anonymous
That's a marketing-thing. They have to localize, because lazey tasteless people sadly expect dubs.
But some studios don't give a shite, like the old Resident-Evil- or Silent-Hill-games. Or even Rockstar-games nowadays. No dubs allowed, since the games were/are very specific to the setting. That's how it should be.
Dubs are not enjoyable, so that's that (:
06/03/2025 22:20 — Anonymous
Y'all mad about an English dub? Did you notice this release includes French subs?
06/03/2025 22:29 — Anonymous
The key word here is "sub". Although kinda weird, since they're all made from the English translation,
it's still fine, since the original voice-over stays intact.
06/03/2025 22:34 — Anonymous
Hmm, a real "purist" watches them raw, no subs needed.
06/03/2025 22:41 — Anonymous
You're missing the point.
But thanks for the contribution anyway...
06/03/2025 23:25 — Anonymous
To the anon pushing Japanese dubs:: If it is alright for the Japanese to watch Japanese dubbed American TV shows, movies and cartoons (there's a lot of them) then there is nothing wrong with watching anime in a dub other than Japanese. You my friend are a dweeb.
06/03/2025 23:34 — Anonymous
You're missing the point. Again. Maybe deliberately...?
To repeat: In Anime, Japanese is not a dub, it's the original voice-over. "Dubs" are everything that comes after, as part of localization.
And to repeat again: You're missing the point. When was it stated that watching dubbed Anime is bad but watching dubbed US-stuff is fine? Because it's not. It's just as heinous. It was clearly stated that ALL dubs are bad and make sensible people cry.
So yeah, you either didn't really read the points that were being made, or didn't understand them. Who's the "dweeb" here I wonder. Good lard...
07/03/2025 00:04 — Anonymous
Go cry me a river but stay on the other side.
Every thing you said is just an opinion just like the other anon said.
07/03/2025 00:15 — Anonymous
Nope, it's not. I've backed it up with objective facts.
And nobody was able to refute any of it.
So how about _you_ all keep crying, hm? (:
07/03/2025 00:20 — Anonymous
Show us some real scientific papers that show that watching dubbed Anime or any dubbed show is bad.
It's just your opinion.
07/03/2025 00:28 — Anonymous
It's logic, yo. I laid out all the facts.
The rest is on you, but still, you haven't refuted any points I made.
Scientific papers...... x'DDDD
07/03/2025 00:33 — Anonymous
There are a lot of us here who think you are the one with flawed logic. And you haven't proven your facts other than stating your opinion.
07/03/2025 00:39 — Anonymous
Nope, you're still wrong. And still no rebuttal...
I don't have time to wait forever, you know! :-x
07/03/2025 00:50 — Anonymous
Yup, just keep telling yourself that your way is the only right way.
Where is the scientific proof other than your opinion?
You can't show any because it's just your opinion.
Go back to your echo chamber on Reddit or where ever.
07/03/2025 01:09 — Anonymous
*sigh* It's getting kinda tedious...
There is no "my" way. Facts are facts, yo. If you don't wanna accept them, that's on you. Next thing you're gonna tell me that playing on PC is not objectively better than on console. I kinda see you as THAT guy :'DDD
And again with the scientific peer-reviewed studies from an echo-chamber from Reddit or whatever... x'DDDD
07/03/2025 01:23 — Anonymous
Your so called "facts" are nothing more than your opinion.
You can't show any proof other than your opinion.
My fact is if someone prefers to watch a show one way and another prefers it another way they are both doing it right.
Prove me wrong with real facts and not your "opinion".
07/03/2025 01:26 — Anonymous
Hmm... Maybe he actually is trying to say "onion" all this time...
07/03/2025 01:29 — Anonymous
Yeah, and he's going on about what the dude is writing is just his "opinion", but then stating HIS opinion as fact...
Enough Internet for today, kids.
07/03/2025 01:57 — Anonymous
They both are just spouting opinions, but the one who said that watching it the way you like it is more correct than the one who says subs and JP dubs is the right way.
07/03/2025 02:02 — Anonymous
well that's -your- opinion. I agree with the sub dude. wait what?
07/03/2025 00:18 — Anonymous
Fortunately, some dumbass who wants to be a dictator of the way others watch anime is a nobody who will never matter.
07/03/2025 00:22 — Anonymous
Yup, after all it's just his opinion.
07/03/2025 00:26 — Anonymous
a) Your grammar gave me a twitching eye, thanks.
b) Again, someone who's missing ALL the points. How is talking about the objectively right and wrong thing "dictatory"? That would make all teachers ever dictators xD
How are people's egos so MASSIVE that they can't take a step back and just think "yeah, what I've done until now is wrong and kinda silly, but hey, no biggy to start doing the right thing now"? Unbelievable. THE HUMANITY!! :'DD

Oh yeah, and thanks again for not having *any* arguments and just resorting to name-calling. Proves my point nicely (:
07/03/2025 00:45 — Anonymous
* How are people's egos so MASSIVE that they can't take a step back and just think "yeah, what I've done until now is wrong and kinda silly,

Yes, your EGO is massive, thanks for admitting it...
There is no right or wrong way to watch a show as long as you enjoy it. Watching it your way I would dislike it if there was a dub available. Watching subbed shows distracts from the action of the video.
You do you and I'll do me.
07/03/2025 01:05 — Anonymous
No, since I listen to criticism and adept, without being a sour litle child about it. It's not about "me", it's about facts and reality, yo.
And reading doesn't distract. You just have to learn to read, y'know? It's pretty fast and pretty much automatic after that.
And you are aware that in animation, the voice-work comes first, right? So anything you see on screen is animated to the performances of the voice-actors/actresses. So you are disrespecting the original intend and work that's been done with your laziness and childish stubbornness.
And kinda hilarious that your only "argument" is the infinitely-lame and cringey "I DON'T WANT TO READ MY MOVIES BOOHOOOO DURRR!".
So there absolutely is a wrong way to watch stuff. And you are free to "do you" (you maidenless? I'm sorry :P), but I'm free to call out that you're objectively wrong. That's how, well...SOME people learn. Progress and sech :-3
07/03/2025 01:11 — Anonymous
That sure is a childish response from someone who can't really prove their point other than opinions.
You are objectively wrong, as I said if you enjoy watching a show the way you like it you are doing it the right way for you.
07/03/2025 01:16 — Anonymous
No. How often do I have to point out that you're wrong on that? I'm not the childish one here, sorry to tell you...
And man, you've eaten the word "opinion", haven't you? Again, dubs can't be "enjoyed", and are never "right". It's a hollow lazey lie. There, that's scientific for ya!
07/03/2025 01:21 — Anonymous
* There, that's scientific for ya!

That's not scientific, it's an opinion.
07/03/2025 01:25 — Anonymous
Man, it's like talking to a comical, ignorant, low-IQ wall that can't read and has no sense of taste, respect, or goddamn TEGRIDY. I give up. You are and will always be wrong until you wise up, because you claiming to like Anime and then watching dubbed kinda makes you a silly hilarious phoney but hey, maybe it's not your fault for being like that. Maybe you actually can't change. Who am I to judge...
Sorry ma guy, it's not your fault! It's not your fault... *sniff*
07/03/2025 01:29 — Anonymous
So, you are admitting you can't really prove your point other than your opinion, thanks.
07/03/2025 01:33 — Anonymous
No, you're still wrong. As proven by your never-ending regurgitation of the word "OPINION", and not providing any refutes.

And I swear, when I'm going to bed later, the word "opinion opinionOPINIONopinion opinion opinionOPINION opinion" will haunt me into my dreams....
07/03/2025 02:00 — Anonymous
After catching up on all of this when I go to bed your so called facts, facts, facts will haunt me considering you didn't prove any facts. You just said they were.
07/03/2025 02:08 — Anonymous
As they should! :-o
Thank you for finaly catching up. Took a while, but I'm proud of ya!
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