[GJM] One Punch Man II OVA - 03 [720p].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (239.8 MB) | Website
Date Submitted07/03/2020 04:17
Series (!)One Punch Man (2019)
udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969Scrape failedU: 58d, 7hr, 48min ago
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceScrape failedU: 956d, 12hr, 4min ago
http://tracker.anirena.com:80/announceScrape failedU: 342d, 12hr, 57min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 88d, 4hr, 1min ago
udp://tracker.uw0.xyz:6969/announceScrape failedU: 86d, 8hr, 24min ago
udp://tracker-udp.gbitt.info:80/announceS: 1L: 0C: 0U: 52d, 8hr, 17min ago
http://tracker.gbitt.info/announceScrape failedU: 177d, 14hr, 2min ago
https://tracker.gbitt.info/announceScrape failedU: 5d, 21hr, 47min ago
FilesThis torrent appears to be broken - not all, if any, files may be displayed

11 comment(s):
12/03/2020 19:12 — Anonymous
Please upload direct links
12/03/2020 19:33 — Anonymous
This was fake, not GJM
12/03/2020 19:45 — Anonymous
Literally the same, only in 720p.
L 12/03/2020 19:53 — Anonymous
This is the official [GJM] release: https://animetosho.org/view/gjm-one-pu...kv.1434020
12/03/2020 20:00 — Anonymous
"Official fansub" is oxymoron.
12/03/2020 20:09 — Anonymous
Just where did I say fansub? I said it was the official [GJM] release, not that fake one that is the topic of discussion.
12/03/2020 20:12 — Anonymous
If interested, check out the website link -an alternate Nyaa with no Horrible, mostly Erai-Raws and they are "Trusted".
16/03/2020 18:35 — Anonymous
The only reason why Erai-Raws aren't "trusted" on nyaazi, is because HS/cartel being butthurt about competitors, but not able to do anything beyond it. And Nyaa Pantsu was the first one to emerge from the old nyaa ashes, even though it was just 4chan fun project.
16/03/2020 23:19 — Anonymous
Being trusted by Nyaa.si is the highest honor in the anime download community, so it is easy to understand how hurt some might feel at being overlooked...
16/03/2020 23:44 — Anonymous
Pffft, the only ones that consider it an 'honor' are the few that have it. There are several groups that have been there for a few years that deserve it but Nyaa hasn't added any to the list in ages.
It's kind of like Anidex in that they haven't added groups into the groups category in a long time.
17/03/2020 00:22 — Anonymous
Yeah, I was joking.  Stuff works somehow anyways, mostly.
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