The Girl Downstairs S01 1080p VIKI WEB-DL AAC2.0 H 264-VARYG (Aishang Ta de Liyou, Multi-Subs)

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (2.581 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted11/08/2024 15:11
Series (!)Aishang Ta de Liyou
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udp:// 24L: 5C: 88U: 206d, 4hr, 6min ago
udp:// 23L: 4C: 83U: 206d, 4hr, 5min ago 25L: 4C: 92U: 206d, 3hr, 38min ago
udp:// 22L: 5C: 82U: 206d, 4hr, 6min ago
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SubtitlesAll Attachments

13 comment(s):
11/08/2024 18:53 — Anonymous
please unskip this torrent :)
11/08/2024 19:12 — Anonymous
what are these sizes, how can this be a real paid streaming service
11/08/2024 20:49 — Anonymous
They appear to be messed up files, the media info for ep1 (from NYAA) shows the show as 12 minutes not 24.
11/08/2024 21:04 — Anonymous
thats because the episodes are only 12 minutes long.......
11/08/2024 21:37 — Anonymous
12/08/2024 02:44 — Anonymous
Use your head. Its not rocket science. The source material is Chinese not Japanese. 22 episodes of 14min each.
If two episodes are 24 minutes in Japanese dub simple common sense says that the Japanese dub is combing two episodes together.  Instead of 22 you will get 11 episodes. If you subtract the into and ending of one of the episodes that's like 3 minutes right there to help whittle it down from 28 to 24 minutes.
12/08/2024 02:46 — Anonymous
Meant to post this Myanimelist link not Animetsosho.
12/08/2024 04:53 — Anonymous
28 min an ep? Most JP anime I've ever watched with the OP and ED is under 25 min long. If it was 28 min there would be basically no room for commercials. Speaking as an encoder the anon who said 24 min is just about on the money.
12/08/2024 07:06 — Anonymous
Jesus man you must have some really low comprehension skills. You saw the 28m part but cant understand anything else? Obviously you rode the short bus to school. This is a Chinese series and their is no written rule how long an episode will be. Take up your issues with Bilibili.
14/08/2024 00:17 — Anonymous
Man!!! Read it completely! (Chinese episodes have OP and ED for each episodes. Japanese episode merge two episodes, so they instead of having 2OPs and 2EDs, they have one OP and one ED per episode)

Slight note to anyone reading: Japanese episodes have different OP song compared to the Original Chinese and different naming also (localized Japanese names, yes!!), which I personally don't like!
14/08/2024 00:18 — Anonymous
Forgive my broken English
12/08/2024 12:44 — sameer
( -‿-)-🍥🍣
As someone who has watched the show in chinese and some in japanese, i confirm what others have already deduced. Japanese have combined two chinese subsequent episodes into one.
17/08/2024 12:27 — Anonymous
There are no english subtitles on episode 5, 6 and 13 -.- FML
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