[Edited-HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T - 02 [Honorifics edit]

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Date Submitted17/01/2020 20:28
Series (!)Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 2 (of 25): The Daihasei Festival
CommentEdit of HorribleSubs release of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T episode 2 to include Honorifics.
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45 comment(s):
18/01/2020 23:31 — Anonymous
Job needed doing. Respect.

Bonus points in future episodes if "I'm with judgement" is swapped out for "Judgement, desu!"
18/01/2020 23:34 — Anonymous
You can hear the honorifics in the audio.  Typing it in the subs for the deaf and dumb, how nice.
18/01/2020 23:39 — Anonymous
Fuck off. Just. Fuck. Off.
18/01/2020 23:42 — Anonymous
>>>"You can hear the honorifics in the audio"

Yes. Hearing. WHILST reading. processing two different names is jarring. As someone already pointed out. Its like the translator decided to change Kirito to Kevin. Its that fucking bad.

Anyway, fuck off back to your dubbed you fucking casual.
18/01/2020 23:55 — Anonymous
Yes, a tiny brain like yours is no fun.  And your dick has probably developed braille.

Sucks being you, literally.
19/01/2020 01:12 — Anonymous
There is a total arsehole that haunts these threads. I'm pretty sure its an admin, as who the fuck else would reply in the negative to every decent discussion. I'm pretty sure its you boyo, and you singlehandedly killed the atmosphere on animetosho comments section. suitable only now for technical issues.

BTW, on topic, esper here, and I can tell you there is something wrong with the energy from your post. you're health stats are terrible, you should go see a doctor soon. Take my advice buddy, could save your life.
19/01/2020 01:16 — Anonymous
a potato with two wires has more brain power than you.
19/01/2020 04:38 — admin
Yes. Hearing. WHILST reading. processing two different names is jarring.
What's even more jarring is when you hear Japanese, but the subtitles are in English! If you read out the subtitles in your mind, they sound nothing like what the people on screen are saying!

Drives me nuts, I tell ya.
18/01/2020 23:38 — Anonymous
I know horriblesubs is mostly automated these days, but its still amazing that one of their guys didn't take 20 minutes to sort each new Railgun episode prior to their release. The aniplex sub is probably the most brutal and uncaring translation of all time, the aniplex translator has a total lack of understanding of the tone of the characters. Such a well loved franchise too.
19/01/2020 00:09 — Someone
>> The aniplex sub is probably the most brutal and uncaring translation of all time, the aniplex translator has a total lack of understanding of the tone of the characters.

Proof with examples?

And what do you mean sort each new episode?
19/01/2020 01:06 — Anonymous
sort each new episode

I dunno, he could possibly be suggesting that someone from horrible runs a batch script over the aniplex ripped srt file swapping out their awful anglosizations and reinstating the characters proper names i.e. the honorifics. Then they would spend 20 mins proof reading to make sure it reads well.

I totally agree with the anon above btw in that failure to translate honorifics is similar to completely swapping out a characters name, or maybe giving them a random nickname> e.g. Kirito to Kirie

btw Casuals need not reply. Beats me why they even bother 'contibuting' to discussions when they only have a passing interest in the subject anyway.
19/01/2020 01:14 — Anonymous
Someone who thinks a fuck potty mouth mixes with a discussion of the polite speech of honorifics is the real newbie birdbrain and doesn't understand the meaning of honorifics at all.
19/01/2020 01:23 — Anonymous
Not the guy you're replying to, but it looks you have a completely simplistic western idea of what honorifics even are. You seem to be implying that noone in Japan, India, China and countless other countries ever swears, ever?

I can assure you in these countries the improper misuse of honorifics would be seen as much worse than the simple use of a word like "Fuck"
19/01/2020 01:27 — Anonymous
My point was about honorifics being about polite speech rather than just titles.  I don't know what simple idea you are working from.
19/01/2020 01:31 — Anonymous
You are being too simplistic. Honorifics are much more important than mere 'politeness'. You are a westerner, you allow people to call you by name. Honorifics in western culture are manly reserved for elites, Lord, Sir, etc. You are a slave.
19/01/2020 01:33 — Anonymous
Deliberate miss-statements of another person are a troll thing.  

No time to waste on a troll like you.
19/01/2020 04:55 *Someone
So the anon meant just the honorifics and not the other translations? Considering translation for Railgun T has "Miss" for all "-san". It should be easy to find and replace by oneself in much less than 20 minutes. Anyways, instead of complaining, people could just be the change themselves.
19/01/2020 01:28 — Anonymous
Westerners are scum. You can address them using their name without honorifics and they don't even care, in my country you can only do that with dogs and low caste slaves.
19/01/2020 01:31 — Anonymous
You have caste slaves in your country in this day and age?  I pity your people and "culture".
19/01/2020 23:52 — Anonymous
19/01/2020 01:33 — Anonymous
To the people that own your country, you, are a slave
19/01/2020 02:12 — Anonymous
This is quite interesting, we don't have honorifics in the UK, but all my life I've noticed that some people naturally add a sort of 'slang honorific' onto peoples names, it's usually something like “-fella” or “-boy” “-girl”  “-pal” “-dude” “-mate” “-son” “-bro”, and there are old fashioned ones only used by older people now, like “-hen”

“How are you getting on with that job there Mick-fella?”

“Is everything ok with you Dave-pal?”

“Alright there Johnny-boy?”

That kind of thing. It's more prominent I think in Celtic areas, Scotland, Ireland and Wales I think. I'm going to look at this more carefully to see if I can spot anything that denotes relationship and levels of familiarity. Right away I would think that “-pal” is perhaps more familiar than “-fella”, and that “-son” would be used in a friendly way when addressing someone familiar, but of a lesser social rank, perhaps a work trainee or something.
19/01/2020 02:14 — Anonymous
I like people that talk like that
19/01/2020 03:18 — Anonymous
One thing they all have in common: they are English terms, not Japanese.
English subs are suppose to be, well, English.
19/01/2020 03:42 — Anonymous
So, by your reasoning, "sushi" should only be translated as something like "raw fish with rice that's been seasoned with rice wine vinegar". Yeah, that works.
19/01/2020 03:52 — Anonymous
if it were a lesser-known food an English description would be appropriate or any humor or meaning would be lost.
19/01/2020 04:06 — Anonymous
"English subs are suppose to be, well, English."

Sushi = not English word, despite how well-known it may or may not be to people

Honestly, the way I see it is the anti-honorifics crowd is made up of people who are either too lazy to be bothered learning aspects of something they are supposedly interested in or too scared to let anything from another culture brush up against them. Either way, it's a step backwards.
19/01/2020 04:16 — Anonymous
Actually, "sushi" appears in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.

So does ski, pajama, pizza, etc.  English has always absorbed words from everywhere.  Japanese does too.

The names of things makes no strong argument for anything, isn't that obvious?
19/01/2020 04:30 — Anonymous
You're a step behind because that's my exact point on the matter. Honorifics don't translate - they simply are what they are.
19/01/2020 04:48 — Anonymous
No, I'm saying the meaning has to be clear if their is important meaning, and you want meaningless gibberish.  Not the same thing at all.

What's probably most interesting is the purpose of honorifics.  It is used to enforce status in a society.  In the west honorifics have been minimized.  It used to include whether you were a land owner.  Now all we have in the US are Mister, Mrs, Miss, Dr and government titles.  And we've gotten partially rid of Mrs and Miss in this generation (now Ms.) and some want to get rid of Mister but no one knows how, since in everyday life, you need some polite meaningless way to address others.

I wonder if Japan's pool of honorifics have shrunk over the last 100 years, or if they are stagnant.
19/01/2020 04:22 — Anonymous
Just because people are interested in anime doesn't mean they are interested in the Japanese culture.
19/01/2020 04:47 — Anonymous
Which is why we have dubbed versions, right? But that's actually a little different than what I wrote - if they're watching subbed versions, they have no choice but to be exposed to Japanese language and, with that, Japanese culture, whether they're interested in Japanese culture or not. So, if they're interested in the anime itself and watching subbed versions, not learning about some frequently occurring aspects is, in my opinion, pretty lazy. Which brings me back around to "why not simply watch the English dubbed version if you don't want to be bothered with that annoying 'different culture' stuff"?
19/01/2020 04:50 — admin
why not simply watch the English dubbed version
Many shows don't have an English dub available?
19/01/2020 04:52 — Anonymous
I think honorifics misses the point.  Something I liked in earlier anime subs was it gave me a glimpse into the Japanese mindset.  I'm talking about things like proverbial or common expressions.  Compare for example:

English version: “Easier said than done.”

Japanese version: “Even though you say so.”

You'll notice the Japanese proverb has the famous social context missing in the English version.

This is the real loss in modern anime products and not likely to ever return.  To me, honorifics are closer to meaningless.  
19/01/2020 04:03 — Anonymous
English should be English
Pizza should be Bread with Tomato and Cheese
Taco should be Flat Bread with Beef and Vegetables
Sushi should be Rice and Vegetables
Onee-sama should be Dear Honorary Older Sister
Stupid Ass should still be Absolute intolerance based on personal preference
19/01/2020 05:03 — Anonymous
It's a bit silly how the word 'honorifics' in the title of this link TRIGGERS such hate from a few. When you can't avoid the fact that the majority of the subs posted here contain honorifics and they are rarely commented upon, it gets even more absurd.
19/01/2020 05:31 — Anonymous
Watch it raw. Problem solved. Doesn't understand Jap? No worries, no need to be genius to learn it, everyone should be able to do it with more practices.
19/01/2020 06:10 — Anonymous
19/01/2020 08:54 — Anonymous

dear God, can we please stop arguing? - if you don't want to watch the version that puts emphasis on the honorifics, then ignore these releases, and if you actually like them, then watch them - its just an option that can easily be ignored if you feel it to be a waste of time/energy... why make needless drama???

just calm down and walk away people... don't be weaboos - just settle down, ok?

19/01/2020 16:40 — Anonymous
sounds like you're the one who needs to walk away.  no one's forcing you to read comments.
20/01/2020 00:10 — Anonymous
20/01/2020 00:53 — Anonymous

then what are you doing replying to the comment if you yourself aren't reading them? - go fuck yourself, troll. only sex you'll ever get anyhow  :)

20/01/2020 01:12 — Anonymous
after your dad nailed you you shouldn't have turned down the penicillin.  Way too late now.
19/01/2020 20:57 — Indonesian_Weeb
Anime is trash. And so am I!
Holy moly, this comment section...
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