[a4e] Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite 01-12

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (2.707 GB) | Website
Date Submitted26/03/2013 14:57
Series (!)Hanaukyou Maid Tai: La Verite
Comment[a4e] Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite 01-12 [『花右京メイド隊』(はなうきょうメイドたい] "Hanaukyo Maid Squad"
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12 comment(s):
20/06/2014 16:02 — Zehn-Void
Is there any downloadable link from here?
04/01/2021 05:41 — TakaOni
Is this the only release for this anime? Hard to find this version. Currently downloading from torrent but was wondering if anyone else released this. Thank you
04/01/2021 06:27 — Anonymous
clicking the link at the top of this page will take you to the series page.  Clicking on the AniDB link on that page will show you AniDB's info including all groups that ever released a version.
05/01/2021 05:21 — TakaOni
Thanks! Did not know that was a thing
04/01/2021 10:50 — Anonymous: "ron"
There are a couple of seeders left for this old series but with an old tracker and being a seven year old upload the chances are slim. Maybe someone might have it saved and re upload it for you or tell you where to find it.
Good Luck.
05/01/2021 05:22 — TakaOni
Thank you, I am still downloading from torrent but also trying the link below as well.
04/01/2021 19:16 — BetaMAX
#Even a Pawn can take down a King#
Take E-D's, it's better. Anyway, the filenames are wrong. Just rename them.
#nibl @ irc.rizon.net for much faster DL.
04/01/2021 19:46 — Anonymous
Hanaukyo Maid-tai = 12 episodes 2001
Hanaukyou Maid-tai: La Verite = 12 episodes 2004 is the Alternative version.
04/01/2021 22:22 — Anonymous
chauthanh has a variety of files under 5 headings.  Good luck sorting it out, but there are 3 OVAs that you might not find elsewhere.
05/01/2021 05:23 *TakaOni
Awesome I will try that site. I didn't know file name was wrong so I will try IRC channel as well. Thanks!

edit: IRC is working good and E-D was named wrong so thank you @BetaMAX for pointing that out, really appreciate the help I get here ^_^
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