Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (918.9 MB)
Date Submitted30/11/2013 19:01
Series (!)Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Episode 2 (of 4): Ghost Whispers
CommentThanks to desioner.

14 comment(s):
01/12/2013 03:15 — Anonymous
720 stopped in 2010. Is this subbed or a raw??????
01/12/2013 03:24 *Gurphy_TC
Moderator    Invisible Avatar - Patent Pending
The subtitles are in a separate, misnamed file, "GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_ARISE_2[720]".  Download into the same folder and rename to GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_ARISE_2[720].srt

Your video player will associate the two files as long as the name is the same except for the suffix.

To answer your question, the mkv by itself contains no subs and therefore is a "raw".
01/12/2013 03:25 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
It's raw but the subs are included tho you have to make sure the subfile matches the video file name in order for the subs to show up.
Or you can always mux them on if you know how.
Q 02/12/2013 02:35 — Anonymous
Many spelling errors. Too many Unnecessary with letter t and others. As an example: Affairs is written with ff and not with tt.
L 02/12/2013 03:14 — Anonymous
Here is a corrected subtitle version, done by myself:!QJpCnbjL!dP0AiylB...6etkSvB_9I
02/12/2013 03:44 — Galaxy_Defenders
Thanks, Myself.
02/12/2013 12:02 — Anonymous
Oh you...
02/12/2013 22:36 *Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Ugh can't open it in aegisub for some reason.....for both .srt
03/12/2013 02:33 *goldfish

I can open it, maybe you just need to redownload it sir.
03/12/2013 04:10 *Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
I downloaded it like 3 or 4 times before I posted that earlier and am no sir.
03/12/2013 04:21 *Galaxy_Defenders
srt are simple text files.  Open with notepad or anything and copy/paste.  Re-name to *.txt to make it easy.

Are you, by chance, an ambitious fellow who is thinking of converting to ass and merging back into the mkv container?


Convert and Merge = CMG ("Companion, Order of St Michael and St George") Honorific: "Sir"
Add in Commie's styling from Ep 1 = KCMG, ("Knight Commander Order of St Michael and St George")  Honorific: "Sir"
Add Karoke = "Dutchess, Order of St Michael and St George",  Effect: Hospitalization for delusions of grandure, my Lady.
03/12/2013 18:56 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Thanks for the info I rarely fool with .srt since no one uses it no more unless they rip the subs from DVD'S or something.

Ah I forgot there is a old .srt program I should've tired opening it with that.

And yeah pretty much since it looks like no one else is going to on Nyaa's just something until someone really fixes the script up.
03/12/2013 11:03 — goldfish
03/12/2013 19:10 *Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
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