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Date Submitted16/04/2013 18:18
Series (!)Nekomonogatari (Kuro): Tsubasa Family
Article (!)Nekomonogatari

14 comment(s):
17/04/2013 12:04 *cool_boy_mew
Can I request this please? At least episode 3-4 and both ED and OP please =D

To complete this:
L 17/04/2013 15:44 *Yogicat
Nyahaha! #FelineYogi@irc.rizon.net
{Too late, mate}
18/04/2013 11:57 — cool_boy_mew
20/01/2014 10:56 — Anonymous
It's dead again:(
21/01/2014 06:42 *Galaxy_Defenders
Were you hoping for Yogicat to re-new his links for this, or AT links?  If AT, address a note here to admin.  (The Yogicat links were to a dl service that we don't always get due to Jheberg randomness.  People have their preferences, so I thought I'd ask.)
21/01/2014 08:49 — zooby
Hey Galaxy, you're a mod, right?
21/01/2014 10:15 — Galaxy_Defenders
I am not authorized to answer that question...

This is admin's party.  I like to keep him lurking.  Lots of other stuff for me to do, as needed.  

--AND: There was the incident of the Coalgirls White Album request and the two follow-ups before the days of Mods...

-And this request was not pushed on 17/04/2013 before the days of Mods.

Conclusion: Said/Did all I want to on this page, so feel free if you want...
L 23/01/2014 18:59 — mercer
23/01/2014 19:38 *zooby
Go to anime-sharing or a warez site to ask for all these torrents. Or make use of final8's DDL for Hellsing and Ebiten.

Tibb is not your personal torrent gopher. He may say "it's okay" and that he doesn't mind, but he's being polite.

Some anons have expressed their discontent for you blatantly asking for DDL links from Tibb in the past.

Posted by Anonymouse, 04/01/2014
I'd suggest you start to try going to a warez forum or maybe an anime forum to have torrents fetched. As far as I can see, you're like one of the only guys asking Tibb to upload things. This may be alright with Tibb, but in all honesty, this is not fair to everyone else. What makes you so special that you get all these requests approved?

Come on, man, have some consideration. There's a lot of stuff I want, but I won't go bugging Tibb because he's not my personal uploading service.

Posted by Anonymouse, 04/01/2014
You're being an inconsiderate ass and taking advantage of Tibb's generosity. For christ's sake he is not here to fetch every damn torrent you want. GO TO A WAREZ SITE FOR THAT.

You're the only person constantly asking for old torrents, so do it somewhere else instead. You realize that links here last a significantly shorter amount of time because of how public this site is right? Tibb's efforts will ONLY benefit you and a few people that get the files within maybe a month or so.

So again, stop being an inconsiderate ass and asking for all these torrents.

Posted by Sergius, 04/01/2014

23/01/2014 22:52 — Anonymous
I'd suggest learning how to download from irc bots. You have the benefit to resume download if your connection isn't very good.
15/11/2014 12:31 — Tsukihi-chan
can you yuki this Tibb? thanks
31/12/2014 18:15 — Destano
Hello Tibb, can you send a jheberg for Nekomonogatari Kuro?

thank you
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