[ZenSub]To Love-Ru_ Trouble - Darkness OVA - 04 (640x360 Web)[4768FA39]

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Date Submitted03/12/2013 23:25
Series (!)To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness OAD
Article (!)To Love Ru Darkness OVA 04
File Name (Size)[ZenSub]To Love-Ru_ Trouble - Darkness OVA - 04 (640x360 Web)[4768FA39].mkv (49.52 MB)
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11 comment(s):
04/12/2013 00:02 — Anonymous
Done by an indonesian group.
04/12/2013 04:17 — John_Rhogan
I'll wait for a higher quality sub.
04/12/2013 07:12 *Anonymous
04/12/2013 04:29 — Anonymous: "Yukki"
FINALY OUT last night im d0wnload from online anime raw versi but here out video for this show webrib but im wait for better quallity like BD OR DVD thanks for sharing
04/12/2013 06:11 *goldfish
If you already have the RAW version, you just need to download the .ass file, rename it with the same filename as your RAW video, and place both of the file in the same folder.
04/12/2013 08:26 — Anonymous: "Yukki"
i take last night Format Mp4 N0t Mkv Im C0nvert to mobile mp4 f0rmat n0t support ass
04/12/2013 12:58 — goldfish
But it still would l0a...

Nevermind.... I'm sorry f0r taking y0ur time...
05/12/2013 03:52 *admin
We exchanged the '0' and 'o' keys on one of the keyboards at work once. The user was a "hunt-and-peck typist".
It does help that 0 and o are next to each other on the keyboard.
05/12/2013 04:17 — Yogicat
Nyahaha! #FelineYogi@irc.rizon.net
I met someone who learnt typing when typewritters didn't have '1' and people would have to use 'l' for one. (yes, she was THAT old.)
Asking her to use "1" for one was hell.
05/12/2013 10:08 — goldfish
Nice tips... Maybe I can troll my friends with that trick too..
04/12/2013 05:34 — Anonymous
Good call guys.  All these naked boobs and hilarious situations can wait for a few months, I guess.
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