[Zafkiel] Urusei Yatsura (2022) - 04 [1080p][HEVC][9D98DB28].mkv

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (1.200 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted03/11/2022 20:49
SeriesUrusei Yatsura (2022) - Episode 4 (of 23): Sealed with a Kiss!!
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 3L: 0C: 8U: 266d, 12hr, 29min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 1L: 0C: 318U: 261d, 5hr, 26min ago
http://tracker.anirena.com:80/announceScrape failedU: 248d, 11hr, 43min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 2L: 0C: 303U: 265d, 21hr, 51min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 10L: 2C: 368U: 571d, 4hr, 20min ago
File Name (Size)[Zafkiel] Urusei Yatsura (2022) - 04 [1080p][HEVC][9D98DB28].mkv (1.200 GB)
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SubtitlesAll Attachments | Zafkiel [eng, ASS]

32 comment(s):
08/11/2022 21:20 — Anonymous
Literally the best release out there with the best subs.
08/11/2022 22:18 — Anonymous
Pizza is better
08/11/2022 22:26 — Anonymous
09/11/2022 06:01 — Anonymous
damn Zafkiel deleted a lot of detail...
10/11/2022 18:39 — Anonymous
That's not really true. Pizza encode is just some kind of hybrid encode of many sources and added artificial grain.

And Pizza's release is using trash sentai subs, Zafkiel subs are like a whole galaxy better than this.
10/11/2022 19:16 — Anonymous
Zafkiel is just rebranded Nii-sama for anyone wondering. And Pizza is not using raw Sentai subs as stated on their nyaa descriptions.
10/11/2022 19:24 — Anonymous
Lol. Source? And even if, Nii-sama is great.

>And Pizza is not using raw Sentai subs as stated on their nyaa descriptions.
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Yup. They added OP and ED and some typesetting. That's all. They didn't even split the double lines. All dubtitle idiotic localization is still there.
10/11/2022 23:41 — Zafkiel
'Zafkiel is just rebranded Nii-sama'
Topkek. But thanks for compliment, I guess.
11/11/2022 09:06 — Anonymous
Taking that as a compliment shows how subpar you are.
11/11/2022 23:32 — admin
And making this statement shows how sophisticated you are, I presume?
12/11/2022 09:11 *AyaseYuuto
I bet you never actually watched any series released by Nii-sama, especially these newer ones, but HONORIFICS BAD SO NIISAMA BAD. How typical.
12/11/2022 14:49 — Anonymous
You lost the bet, pay up.
12/11/2022 18:26 — Anonymous
Nii-sama bad cause they take an official translation, detranslate things, introduce typos, and introduce translation errors that didn't exist prior to them touching it. A straight simulcast rip is always the superior option.
14/11/2022 19:03 *AyaseYuuto
__Nii-sama bad cause they take an official translation, detranslate things__
__detranslate things__
What are you even talking about?
If you're talking about words that have been known in the fandom for decades like "moe," "tsundere," suffixes or other things like that (which is exactly what they are doing, nothing more nothing less), it's a lot of an upgrade over subtitles forcefully substituting and altering it. So another "+" for them.
Countless polls and topics on various forums, including normie places like MAL always show that the overwhelming majority of fans want suffixes and common "otaku" words left in the subtitles. You are in the minority, get out of the bubble and understand this at last.

PS. All groups are currently taking the official subtitles and editing them. No one in their right mind would waste several hours translating the whole thing from scratch when, in most cases, only some details need improvement (unless you're talking about Sentai like Yatsura, where half the sentences are up for improvement, or series that have no translation, which is rare).

__introduce typos__
Are you still referring to their first 2 TV releases ever? Which were later corrected in the Bluray release? You're trying too hard. Protip: before hating on something or someone, do your research so you don't come off as an idiot.

__and introduce translation errors__
No one has ever given ANY example with these "errors." And when someone has tried, it has come out that they are obviously wrong because they don't even know the basic Japanese syntax and N5 level words.

__A straight simulcast rip is always the superior option.__
Only for someone full of shit like you, who tries to discredit others at all costs by simply writing/repeating plain lies without any proof or actual arguments.
Every typo that was reported was corrected in patches right away, or in the batch release. It wasn't much, I've been following their releases almost since the beginning.

If you love official subtitles so much, then go watch with official subtitles and fuck off from groups or people who are trying to do something good like when anime was watched by people who really loved the medium itself and Japanese pop culture. I for one appreciate what both the Zafkiel of this release and the cited Nii-sama are doing. At least they save me from reading nonsense written by failed novelists who destroy the works of others instead of writing their own works.

Not to mention that this episode was done by someone completely different and the subtitles from Zafkiel here are infinitely better than the official ones. But I assume that any opportunity is a good one to express your unjustified hatred.
14/11/2022 20:19 — Anonymous
Consider going outside and having sex please for the love of God.
15/11/2022 01:31 — Anonymous
You sure are spouting off a bunch of lies.

The fact you don't even know that most of the real fansubs lately from DDY and GJM and such are in fact original translations, speaks volumes about how you're talking about a subject you're clueless on. But thanks for making it obvious.
15/11/2022 01:32 — Anonymous
Funny enough, you also don't seem to realize Zafkiel is Nii-sama... which is common knowledge. They try to pretend it's not true, but they left proof in one of their releases and that was posted publicly.
15/11/2022 01:34 — Anonymous
Ayase talking out of their ass as usual.
15/11/2022 19:38 — Anonymous
Nice argument.
15/11/2022 19:42 — Anonymous
"Funny enough, you also don't seem to realize Zafkiel is Nii-sama"

Who the fuck cares who it is Mr detective? What is even your goal. Both subs from zafkiel and Nii-sama are good. Fuck off if you don't like and stop acting like sociopath. People like you are fucking pathetic.
15/11/2022 20:25 — Zafkiel
'you also don't seem to realize Zafkiel is Nii-sama'

Wow. I'm speechless. So using a quick file muxing app (which defaults the group name to nii-sama if you don't change it manually, and it probably happened to me in one or more files) developed by one of their members makes me nii-sama. https://ibb.co/4P4HxZ9
Well, let me say just one thing - get a life. I can't find any word to describe the degree of utter pitifulness that people like you are showing. Seeing such brainless hatred ceases to surprise me that most of the normal people of the scene and veterans left it long ago. No one in their right mind would play detective tracking down people who do subtitles. Rather, they would enjoy the fact that there are different options available. But yeah. The key phrase here is "no one in their right mind."
15/11/2022 21:26 — Anonymous
whatever you say nii-sama.
15/11/2022 22:42 — Anonymous
You love being called a retard, right?
11/11/2022 15:21 — Anonymous
I count about a total of 1000 completed downloads, so that's the truth.

Sorry about the noise around here.  I wish we could blame it on covid.
15/11/2022 02:18 — Anonymous
the average nyaa user is pretty dumb
11/11/2022 02:59 — Anonymous
Zafkiel, you ain't gotta lie to try to talk your release up, we see through you and the comp speaks for itself.
10/11/2022 19:16 — Anonymous
What exactly is better except arguably better video quality?
Personally, I will always choose a release where there are better subtitles. Pizza has subtitles from Sentai. In this case, the essence of crap, literally dubtitles.
16/11/2022 14:42 — Anonymous
The video is objectively better.
Q 15/11/2022 03:24 — Anonymous
When is ADMIN going to wave their magic wand and make this comment crap go away?
15/11/2022 05:05 — Anonymous
Just the normal fascist solution of banning deleting those I disagree with.
15/11/2022 11:03 — Anonymous
"fascist solution" save the BS for your Twitter account.
I thought the comment section was supposed to help potential downloaders if there were problems with uploaded files mirrored here.
This seems to be more of a "communal toilet" where people go to dump their shit with no responsibility.
15/11/2022 19:45 — Anonymous
The original poster just stated that this is his favorite release (I agree with this statement too). Usual nyaa autists started shitting on it copy pasting thier usual comments (which proves how pathetic people with no life thay are).
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