[UnderSore] Ookami to koushinryou S01E02 (2024) | Spice and Wolf-Merchant meets the wise wolf

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (1.357 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted10/04/2024 21:15
Series (!)Ookami to Koushinryou - Episode 2 (of 12): Wolf and Distant Past
CommentA fansub of ookami to koushinryou with karaoke for songs (romanji and kanji), with translations (modified CR subtitles), re-timed, fixed typesetting
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 19L: 0C: 160U: 330d, 16hr, 27min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 20L: 0C: 146U: 330d, 16hr, 17min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 330d, 16hr, 6min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 20L: 0C: 155U: 330d, 16hr, 4min ago
File Name (Size)[UnderSore] Spice and Wolf (2024) - 02 (1080p) S01E02.mkv (1.357 GB)
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SubtitlesAll Attachments | English [eng, ASS]

14 comment(s):
10/04/2024 21:50 — Anonymous
Literally just changed like 5 lines. What a fucking worthless upload.
11/04/2024 03:34 — Anonymous
I had no idea more lines changed = better upload. please clarify where you get this logic from
11/04/2024 04:15 — Anonymous
uploader claims credit for translation. it's amazing he did an original translation that is identical to crunchyroll's with just a handful of word changes. Lie about the work done, of course people are going to give him crap for it.
11/04/2024 04:19 — Anonymous
it is clear from the nyaa release notes that the subtitles come from subsplease. quit whining and policing others. a vigilante is just as, if not more narcissistic and self-serving, than the villain
11/04/2024 04:22 — Anonymous
And yet uploader credits himself for the TL both via the watermark in the video and all over Discord in every server he's in.
11/04/2024 04:24 — Anonymous
11/04/2024 04:33 — Anonymous
That's not proof of anything, nowhere is it implied that this is done and it looks like that space is too cramped to clarify anything

What a specific set of words mean to you can mean something totally different to someone else. If you read the nyaa release notes it's clearly saying it's modified CR

And even if someone is doing such a thing, that does not give you the right to act as the vigilante hero who would save us all. All you're doing right now is gatekeeping and alienating people while having a holier than thou attitude
11/04/2024 04:35 — Anonymous
Okay stellaraqua.
11/04/2024 04:36 — Anonymous
no where it's implied? you literally list it as "TL: stellaraqua".
There is no way around that fact. Go lie to someone else.
11/04/2024 04:50 — Anonymous
There is no lie going on here, it's just the members of one subtitle group trying to put another down at this stage

Why don't you work on your own release for another 3 weeks before you release the first episode to impress the 80 or so people who will wait for it. By then i would have likely released all the way to ep5
11/04/2024 04:53 — Anonymous
you literally list it as "TL: stellaraqua".
There is no way around that fact. Go lie to someone else.
11/04/2024 04:21 — Anonymous
This comment section is the exact reason people don't deserve nice things
11/04/2024 05:42 — Anonymous
It's just not a good release besides maybe the OP/ED translation (and that might be critiqued too depending on the person) as this person has done song TL's adequately for other shows.
12/04/2024 21:35 — Anonymous
>nice things
i'd rather get cr than this crap
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