
Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (69.33 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted19/11/2016 21:17
Series (!)Juuni Kokuki
Tracker(s) 6L: 1C: 10U: 2880d, 10hr, 33min ago
1.245 GB
1.748 GB
1.467 GB
1.801 GB
1.902 GB
1.554 GB
1.701 GB
1.569 GB
1.769 GB
1.608 GB
1.555 GB
1.584 GB
1.466 GB
2.018 GB
1.740 GB
1.538 GB
1.361 GB
1.384 GB
1.994 GB
1.351 GB
2.340 GB
1.310 GB
1.776 GB
1.535 GB
1.402 GB
1.717 GB
1.419 GB
1.453 GB
1.590 GB
1.502 GB
1.663 GB
1.253 GB
1.409 GB
1.517 GB
1.283 GB
1.502 GB
1.515 GB
1.519 GB
1.259 GB
1.261 GB
1.421 GB
1.344 GB
1.263 GB
1.311 GB
1.412 GB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

16 comment(s):
Q 19/11/2016 21:39 — Pollux
I approve this Message!
Can we let this awesome release through?
20/11/2016 02:43 — Anonymous
This is a classic. A lot of AT users will be interested in getting a good BD version of it.
Admin, please be so kind and consider it as a candidate for fetching.
Thanks in advance.
20/11/2016 02:52 — Anonymous
Since you're expressing your view about AT users, my sense of the current AT crowd is they are looking for more reasonably sized encodes these days.  I personally would have considered 1.5 - 2GB episodes a couple of years ago.  Now I wait for a more reasonably sized releases.

And this 69GB by itself may be close to AT's normal daily traffic.
20/11/2016 03:19 *Koby
Kametsu Forum | Kametsu Projects | Lost Years |
On the contrary, these are reasonable sizes. People are also more prone today to go after bigger sizes than they've ever been due to the rapid increase of internet speeds and the affordable hard drive prices. People seeking smaller sizes are those seeking lesser quality encodes often either mini-encodes or HEVC encodes where size is the concern not quality. Most quality encoders are more prone to giving encodes the actual bitrate needed to not reduce quality now than they've ever been. In years past, a lot of encoders tended to opt to sacrifice some quality for file size; that's no longer the case, now the goal is typically to be as transparent to the source as possible while fixing source issues if needed. That said, the encode utilized here in this remux has been around a while as aniDB lists the HQR raws as a 2013 release.

As for AT's daily traffic, I'm sure it's closer to 1TB a day than it is 69GB. Shoot even my server sees close to 500GB a day in traffic and it's not downloading/uploading every single thing posted to Nyaa/TT.
20/11/2016 03:54 — Anonymous
I don't think anybody here at AT downloads your stuff.
20/11/2016 04:07 — Anonymous
As for traffic, I was referring to downloads in a 24 hour period, as seen on any AT page.  And since there are 8 upload hosts at AT including Usenet, 69GB downloads would create 552GB of upload traffic, for a total of 600GB for this one release.

20/11/2016 04:07 *Koby
Kametsu Forum | Kametsu Projects | Lost Years |
lel. Well that's certainly not the case, and even if it were, more than enough people download them elsewhere to be worth uploading. Otherwise our site wouldn't have been around for more than 12 years now (making us one of the oldest active groups still around).  Most of the stuff my team has put out has trumped existing releases on sites that only keep the best around. But you're free to keep 'thinking' whatever. When you've been around the scene as long as I have, you're bound to run into some haters; I've gotten use to it. It's easy to attempt to troll (and fail at it) when hiding behind an anonymous-nick. But thanks for your terrible troll attempt of bringing my stuff in the comments section of something totally unrelated. It's always a nice reminder of how childishly cancerous the users of AT who hide behind 'anon' can be.
20/11/2016 04:13 — Anonymous
I never mentioned your stuff until you commented here, you paranoid whack-job.

'Oldest active group' and not yet Nyaa trusted?  That has to be a record.

The system works!
20/11/2016 04:16 *Koby
Kametsu Forum | Kametsu Projects | Lost Years |
No one cares about colors at Nyaa. They mean absolutely nothing (there is even userstyles out there to get rid of the colors because of that). Just like for the longest time, most of the best releases were typically found in 'red'. Nyaa at least finally changed the rules a month ago so that simply using a fansub subtitle doesn't warrant red status anymore.
21/11/2016 13:03 *00sas
We are ONE, we sail under the one banner, WE ARE THE MEDIUM PIRATES!
More than twelve years?! Not according to

I don't care either way, just got intrigued...

Not to mention only this year you guys got really active.
21/11/2016 18:50 *Koby
Kametsu Forum | Kametsu Projects | Lost Years |
I said that our site has been around for more than 12 years now, not that we'd been releasing stuff that long. Kametsu was created in 2004 and ran on a subdomain, the domain was purchased in 2005 though. =) As for our encode group, the very first release I ever did that was tagged [Kametsu] was in 2007. So as far as being a release group, we're only 9 years old in that regard (but that still qualifies us as one of the older groups still actively releasing stuff). However our earliest releases were never dumped on aniDB and have mostly been lost to the sands of time (xvid, mp3, ssa anyone? lel). That said, this is speaking solely in terms of [Kametsu]; I have in the past helped out with several fansub groups way back when official streaming wasn't a thing and actual translators were required. So I've dabbled in the scene for more than a decade myself now... damn that makes me feel old. haha

As for our activity this year, a lot of that is because we hired some new faces from the community forum who had been doing a good job on their own. Most of the original team is long gone. Also we used to solely do our own encoding and a lot of our stuff from 2012 for example utilized our own subtitle work as well. Now a lot of releases are remux of other encodes if we deemed one acceptable. We're mostly a dual-audio release group. Most of the new team members don't encode so they were hired on to do remuxes or to work on releases of shows the users of our group who do encode wanted to encode but didn't want to do the rest. We still of course do our own encoding when we feel the available encodes weren't up to a level we deemed acceptable for us to work with. Though more and more good raw groups have shown up. Like right now though, I've got around 5 shows sitting on my drive that I plan to encode the BDMV soon for a release; Death Parade being one of them to look forward to possibly being released next month.

Anyways, this is pretty off-topic here and hijacking Catar's release comments. If you'd like to discuss things more, we can always chat it up on IRC sometime or whatever.
21/11/2016 19:40 — 00sas
We are ONE, we sail under the one banner, WE ARE THE MEDIUM PIRATES!
Sure thing. What's your channel?
21/11/2016 20:04 — Koby
Kametsu Forum | Kametsu Projects | Lost Years |
#Kametsu @ ( works too)
21/11/2016 00:32 — Anonymous: "twizttid13"
Yea boyeeee! Exactly what I was waiting for, the NZB. This is a rather large release but will be worth it.
21/11/2016 03:55 — Pollux
I approve this Message!
Yeah, getting the NZB totally makes getting some of these bigger packages waaaaaaaay easier. :)
21/11/2016 03:03 — alpeia2
A big thanks to the Admin for letting this classic anime threw! YAY!
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