[Trix] Blue Box S01 v3 (1080p AV1 Opus) [Multi Subs] | Ao no Hako (VOSTFR) (Batch)

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (4.456 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted27/03/2025 21:51
Series (!)Ao no Hako
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 1L: 12C: 0U: 3d, 1hr, 50min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 1L: 12C: 0U: 3d, 1hr, 50min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 8L: 28C: 10U: 3d, 1hr, 38min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 1L: 12C: 0U: 3d, 1hr, 50min ago
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SubtitlesAll Attachments

27 comment(s):
Q 28/03/2025 17:53 — Anonymous
Why are you using opus not eac3
Yesterday 07:07 — Anonymous
Why are you like this
Yesterday 11:09 — Anonymous
Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids. Adults download something else.
Yesterday 11:18 — Anonymous
opus 2012 more recent than EAC3 2004
opus compression level is much better than EAC3
This is what this group does.
Compress the size of video files.
Yesterday 13:39 — Anonymous
I think they're implying the E-AC-3 audio from the source was reencoded to opus.
Yesterday 14:29 — Anonymous
If that is the case EAC3 must be bigger in size. And videos source is from h264/x26
Yesterday 21:35 — Anonymous
why would someone reencoded E-AC-3 (lossy) to Opus (Lossy)?
Yesterday 22:23 — Anonymous
LOL, source video is lossy too, why bother reencode it in the first place...
Today 00:45 — Anonymous
There's benefit to encoding lossy video to even lossier, but not really for audio.
Today 04:08 — Anonymous
Today 05:32 — Anonymous
There's no real benefit in encoding lossy audio to another lossy audio format. If you need proof to validate your lack of knowledge, you can google it. it's not that hard.
Today 09:12 — Anonymous
Your inability to show proof speaks volumes.

I've encoded 256Kbps AAC to 128Kbps Opus plenty of times, halving file sizes with no perceptible loss in quality, at least to my ears. That's plenty of benefit for encoding lossy audio to another lossy audio format.
If you can't acknowledge that, you're either insanely stupid or a conceited bigot.
Today 09:59 — Anonymous
I stopped reading at "I've encoded 256Kbps AAC to 128Kbps Opus plenty of times". This is the proof that you have no idea what you're doing. Sad.
Today 11:01 — NekoTrix
AV1 all the way!
Dunno anon, you just sound very closed-minded.
Today 11:22 *Anonymous
[removed - pointless bickering]
Today 12:16 — Anonymous
ah yes, teachers always there to stop the bullied not the bully. For the record, It's not me who started name-calling. It's not my fault if someone doesnt know why compressing lossy audios is bad. hence, they are at fault for their own lack of knowledge.
Today 13:35 — NekoTrix
AV1 all the way!
You've preached your opinion for quite a while and failed to give arguments explaining why that would rather be a fact. Whereas I explained why it's a reasonable thing to do in some cases.

Telling others to google it, that they lack knowledge, that they're stupid, just goes to show how actually clueless (or malicious) you truly are. Someone in the position of knowledge (according to you anyway) has no right to insult others. Or else tell us who you are and prove that you've done things that warrant your credibility. If you are unable to, I will not continue discussing with someone in bad faith.
Today 16:04 — Anonymous
I still don't see why I should explain if your ultimate goal is to save space. I don't think we have the same interests. whatever floats your bloat. Tho, I understand why the audio should be around 640kbps when the video is around 1000kbps. Again, more power to you.
Today 08:56 — NekoTrix
AV1 all the way!
Hey, it's all quite simple. The original E-AC3 5.1 640kbps audio stream in Netflix sources is ~120MB in size, and transcoding to Opus 128kbps after downmixing to stereo reduces the size to ~20MB with minimal discernable quality losses.

You are free to disagree with that last statement, but in this case I hardly understand why you'd get my release to begin with since the video quality loss is much more important.

You will not see me reencode clearly lossy audio (128-192kbps) any lower, because there's little benefits to that. The idea that lossy audio should never be reencoded under no circumstances is dumb. You are always reencoding from a lossy video (unless you got access to masters? Personally I don't.) but the difference is that the potential for compression is usually much higher. It's rarely the case for audio because most online services only serve already heavily compressed audio. Netflix's highest tier surround streams have quite a high bitrate, with a high potential for further compression down the line.

As you may know, 128kbps Opus is transparent in most cases (even more so when it's an audio track and not actual music). You may discern a quality difference with great audio gear or in rare, well-documented, edge cases, however the audio quality remains much higher than the video quality, even compared to Netflix's own video stream I'd argue, so let alone mine.

All in all, this choice was driven by the fact reencoding E-AC3 5.1 640kbps -> Opus 2.0 128kbps saves more than 2GB in the release total size, which results in almost a 50% size reduction. As for the downmixing, I don't expect many of the users that download my weekly releases to have surround sound systems.

If you don't like any of this, I invite you to get another release that better suits your needs.
Today 10:09 — Anonymous
tldr if I don't reencode the audio to opus, the audio size will be bigger than the video. then again, if your goal is reducing the size, more power to you.
Today 11:00 — NekoTrix
AV1 all the way!
Reducing the size is precisely the goal of compression.
Today 11:24 — Anonymous
Compressing video? yes, compressing lossy audios? no.
Today 11:37 *admin
If you can come up with actual reasoning to support your argument, spit it out. ("compressing lossy audio bad" is not reasoning)
Otherwise, you've made your opinion apparent - you don't need to reiterate it.
Today 12:12 — Anonymous
Lmao, not you too. Eh I don't see why I should explain thing to strangers. People can find out why if they're interested. If not, then why bother explaining.
Today 15:31 — Anonymous
Can we stop calling what you do "compression"? Its not, its getting rid of details/altering the quality to gain space.
Today 15:42 — Anonymous
Mfw there's a difference between lossy and lossless compression
Today 15:48 — Anonymous
wow, it's almost like that's literally the entire fucking point of lossy compression
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