
This torrent has not been fetched due to skipping policy.
Source LinksTokyoTosho | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (57.50 GB) | Website
Date Submitted29/05/2024 13:10
Series (!)Shen Yin Wangzuo (2022)
CommentThrone.Of.Seal.(Shen.Yin.Wangzuo).1080p.+NEW.Bullit.Sect.Subs.(more.readable).+Purple.Rain.Subs.S01E001-S02E104.(EFC). Edited For Content archives are all MKV format and have removed all intro and exit music (except E001 of each season). Visit Bullit Sect for all things EFC in one spot
Tracker(s) failedU: 10d, 4hr, 1min ago
udp:// 6L: 1C: 2U: 262d, 18hr, 33min ago
udp:// failedU: 263d, 5hr, 41min ago failedU: 250d, 16hr, 1min ago failedU: 64d, 15hr, 2min ago
udp:// failedU: 2d, 16hr, 31min ago failedU: 262d, 18hr, 16min ago
udp:// failedU: 15hr, 11min ago
4 more trackers

7 comment(s):
29/05/2024 13:54 — Anonymous
For those  who dont know Bullit Sect Subs cover he Pinyin symbols and are much easier to read.
29/05/2024 15:03 — Anonymous
don't spam.
31/05/2024 10:42 — Anonymous
Please provide reasoning with critical comments to be informative, helpful and allow for debate.  Right there in the instructions.
saying dont spam is spam itself.  Hardly anyone knows what our subs are about so Im giving that info to everyone.
31/05/2024 13:13 — Anonymous
The torrent description says all that needs to be said. Posting it again as a comment is unnecessary and makes it look like you're trying to advertise yourself, which some people believe is inappropriate here.
31/05/2024 14:01 — Anonymous
copy/pasting the same comment on two releases is spam.  Don't do it anymore.
31/05/2024 14:30 — Anonymous
AT's automation warns and prevents people from posting the same comment twice.  So their intentions here are clear.  

Getting around that just makes you a bad actor.
31/05/2024 15:32 — Anonymous
Saying "don't spam" is already helpful. On the other hand, saying the same thing twice is not.
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Current Time: 22/02/2025 19:52

