
Source LinksAniDex | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (41.24 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted23/04/2020 22:13
Series (!)Sword Art Online: Alicization
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 6L: 1C: 610U: 880d, 19hr, 17min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 9L: 2C: 527U: 1556d, 14hr, 24min ago
3.249 GB
1.479 GB
1.510 GB
1.555 GB
1.385 GB
1.558 GB
1.511 GB
1.500 GB
1.309 GB
1.517 GB
1.452 GB
1.904 GB
1.783 GB
1.725 GB
1.723 GB
1.724 GB
1.392 GB
1.599 GB
1.672 GB
1.356 GB
1.474 GB
1.674 GB
1.714 GB
1.768 GB
1.706 GB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

21 comment(s):
Q 23/04/2020 22:54 — Anonymous
Any chance of putting this through.  It's complete with ep 18.5.
24/04/2020 22:02 — Anonymous
I could really use this as well.  It has the dual audio version of episode 18.5 which KH's release does not have (it has 18.5 in Japanese only).

What exactly is the skipping policy anyway?
24/04/2020 22:10 — Anonymous
Read this if you want to know: https://animetosho.org/about
03/05/2020 05:49 — admin

(seriously, who the hell releases in PCM audio?!)
06/05/2020 19:53 — Anonymous
Thank you!  I agree about the PCM audio though, that's just ridiculous.
Q 23/09/2020 08:54 — Anonymous
If anyone has this in a cloud storage please post the link if possible, can't torrent this😖
28/11/2020 23:04 — Anonymous
Please refetch this, dowmload links are broken
28/11/2020 23:22 — Anonymous
AT doesn't. Some nice guy might.
28/11/2020 23:41 — Anonymous
If the nice guy does, some other guy will call him a thief.  The fun here never stops.
28/11/2020 23:23 — Anonymous
You must be new here, please read below:  Expired links do NOT get reuploaded as files are deleted after we process them
29/11/2020 16:07 — Anonymous
The NZB link for this should be good for several years.
L 29/11/2020 23:52 *MeH
Possibilities are endless ...
ep01        ep02        ep03        ep04        ep05        ep06
ep07        ep08        ep09        ep10        ep11        ep12
ep13        ep14        ep15        ep16        ep17        ep18
ep18.5     ep19        ep20        ep21        ep22        ep23        ep24
30/11/2020 11:24 — Anonymous
Thank you bro :)
27/12/2020 17:34 — Anonymous
02/03/2021 09:07 — Anonymous
Anyone add this to some cloud storage? My ISP won't let me torrent
02/03/2021 10:11 — Anonymous
Get a seedbox and torrent through it.
Q 25/08/2021 21:27 — Anonymous
Any chance of this getting fetched again?
25/08/2021 22:46 — Anonymous
Read below the comment box.
26/08/2021 05:57 — Anonymous
Weird how it says that torrents won't be re-uploaded but there's a lot which have been...
26/08/2021 10:37 — Anonymous
The re-uploads are mostly done by other people and not the original poster.
Sometimes you get lucky.
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Current Time: 13/03/2025 19:52

