[SiMPLE] Dragon Ball Super - Super Hero (2022) [No Tint - 4K HDR UHD]

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Date Submitted15/12/2022 21:58
Series (!)Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero - Complete Movie
CommentNote: This release corrects the green tint issue on the source with a proper DCI-P3 to D65 white point correction.
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceScrape failedU: 745d, 18hr, 3min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 35L: 20C: 1394U: 745d, 7hr, 55min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 745d, 17hr, 42min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 62L: 25C: 2136U: 745d, 17hr, 35min ago

2 comment(s):
16/12/2022 21:38 — Anonymous
Not for poor people? FY
If you are so fck rich why are you downloading this bloated shit fat encode and not buying original?

Low efficient / low resolution 3rd world poor vilages encodes are cpu friendly thetefore they save energy, trees, lower CO2 emission. These kind of encodes does have power to bring content to everyone and unify anime community, whole, in global scale regardless ones country, finances and tech level of playback device.

We will not speak about mpeg that is just for trolls but,
just using h264 would not suck your device's battery charge like fck#$ av1 or h265 does regardless whether you are 2gen silk pants, Bill Gates or 3rd world person.

We all are using Alkaline batteries, 60 years old tech.
No progress in their capacity upgrade only in methods how fast you can deplete them for example by using more efficient video codecs - they will fuck your cpu and thus charge of your phone, laptop regardless of amount of coins in your piggy bank.

Most ppl have shit sight anyway, who will notice some small video noise of few pixels, so why not stop using hevc/av1/4k? They are not worth it.

Do yourself favor! Dont support bloated encodes they are shit, more trouble then not.
You will do well for whole Earth, trees, ppl and your cpu will not kill your device's baterry.
16/12/2022 22:53 — Anonymous
stop coping poor boy
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