[Shimai] Gotoubun no Hanayome~ (The Quintessential Quintuplets~) (WEB 1080p EAC3)

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Date Submitted27/11/2024 13:24
CommentKnowing my luck, now that I've put in the effort to sub this, Crunchyroll will probably release this soon.
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 2L: 0C: 71U: 48d, 3hr, 53min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 3L: 0C: 62U: 48d, 3hr, 46min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 2L: 1C: 86U: 48d, 3hr, 40min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 1L: 0C: 62U: 48d, 3hr, 40min ago
548.8 MB
739.9 MB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

10 comment(s):
27/11/2024 21:34 — Anonymous
Are subs good ?
27/11/2024 22:08 — Anonymous
"Are subs good ?"

I prefer dubs.
27/11/2024 22:10 — Anonymous
Was not the question you dumbass.
27/11/2024 22:47 — Anonymous
Wrong, they asked are subs good and I said I prefer dubs.
If they asked if the subs were good on this release it would be another matter, you dumbass.
27/11/2024 23:21 — Anonymous
pretentious ass response
27/11/2024 23:31 — Anonymous
Well, learn proper English and ask properly worded questions.
Q 28/11/2024 00:59 *Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
There's no need for this pettiness. Anyone insisting that strangers use proper English should be more than intelligent enough to understand what is being asked. However, misunderstandings happen and that's a 2-way street too. A simple "Sorry, misunderstood that. Could you clarify the question?" would have sufficed and saved everyone in your shoes the same confusion. Blaming others entirely for your misunderstanding is inappropriate and counter-productive.

"Oh stewardess, I speak Jive!"

Context matters - even in proper English. This appears to be a release made entirely for the purposes of sharing an unofficial English subtitle. The first commenter asked "are subs good ?" which, given this context, should be interpreted as "Are the subtitles any good?" and not "What is your personal preference on watching shows, with original disposition audio and foreign subtitles, or with foreign audio and no subtitles?" While the latter is certainly a common question, it is not appropriate in this context.

We speak proper Jive English so we'll reiterate on this question. We're also interested in objective answers over petty squabbles because we want to know if these subtitles should replace the ones we used from Aitakatta.

Are the unofficial English subtitles provided by Shimai in this release a good localization and are they better than the official B-Global or Aitakatta (modified B-Global) subtitles as Shimai claims?

Have a nice day,
- Sav1or
28/11/2024 02:38 — Anonymous
i caved last year and begrudgingly watched aitakatta's subs. saw this today and thought i'd try a rewatch with these instead and i can definitely tell you these are miles better - they flow a lot better in English and aren't overly stiff like B-Global/Aitakatta.

really the only thing i would say is there are a few scenebleeds(? where some lines remain on screen for a tad too long and are still present briefly on the next scene) and some lines could've been line-broken for better readability but other than that these were all-around a significant improvement
28/11/2024 07:24 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Thank you very much for the review! We appreciate the details and comparison and we're sure others will too. We're no strangers to technical issues like scenebleeds since we don't fix those kinds of issues but regardless, it's a far better problem to have than watching with an inferior localization.

Also thanks to Shimai for making and sharing these subtitles. We'll be sure to use them when we update our release with the upcoming sequel and better encoding.

- Sav1or
29/11/2024 04:43 — Anonymous
Gordon Ramsay: "Finally, some fucking good subs"
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