[Sav1or] Girls & Panzer (Girls und Panzer) + OVAs + Movies (EN|DE) [1080p][AV1][OPUS][Multi Audio]

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (12.35 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted02/09/2023 18:13
Series (!)Girls und Panzer
CommentGirls und Panzer + OVA + Movies
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 3L: 2C: 354U: 534d, 7hr, 40min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 1L: 0C: 0U: 212d, 20hr, 58min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 2L: 0C: 362U: 205d, 4hr, 54min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 3L: 0C: 17U: 210d, 40min ago
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SubtitlesAll Attachments

14 comment(s):
Q 04/09/2023 11:19 — Anonymous
S01E07 ... No Jpn Audio.  Two Engs and a Gmn Audio.  Plz revise if possible.
04/09/2023 23:39 — Anonymous: "Sav1or"
Apologies for the missing audio, we forgot to apply CTRs patch for E07 on the source and so we'll be making a v2 release along with our next projects. We could write all the file/track validation software in the world and yet we still succumb to silly human errors - like forgetting to run a .bat file. Again, sorry for the error, and thanks for letting us know!

L 05/09/2023 01:17 — Anonymous: "Sav1or"
For those who cannot wait, here is a v2 S01E07 with the applied patch and of course, encoded to OPUS 160K 2.1 for consistency (https://gofile.io/d/h0F220).
For those who cannot wait, prefer to download just the audio track, and are not averse to muxing the audio track themselves: (https://gofile.io/d/H2DqKw).

MultiUp links in case GoFile is unavailable:
V2: (https://multiup.org/f6f8c404ece19fc03e1efe963efd6f0a)
JPN OPUS Only: (https://multiup.org/500a513d4f3e0c77e49c1732ef423c55)

Again, apologies for the error,

05/09/2023 10:34 — Anonymous
Thanks for the fix
05/09/2023 16:38 — Anonymous
Thank you for such a quick response.
07/09/2023 09:26 — Anonymous
S01E04 ... Noise in Video stream at around 00:05:14, found with the file downloaded from DownladGG and GoFile.  Please confirm.
07/09/2023 13:26 — Anonymous
07/09/2023 16:35 — Anonymous: "Sav1or"
Thanks for the heads up, these issues appear to be rare but it seems they do crop up from time to time. We've made a note of the issue and will re-encode S01E04 for the v2 release.

07/09/2023 21:03 — Anonymous
Thanks Sav1or-san,
Currently found are,
- S01E04 05:14
- S00E34 06:54
- S01E08 11:41
I have only checked halfway through, but perhaps there is more.
09/09/2023 10:00 — Anonymous
As a result, these were found after finished checking all files;

-Video Noise
  S01E04 00:05:14
  S00E34 00:06:54
  S01E08 00:11:41
  S01E09 00:07:45
  S01E11 00:08:12
  S01E12 00:06:54
-Audio Noise
  S01E10 00:14:12

Hoping this information is helpful.
09/09/2023 10:03 — Anonymous
>Audio Noise
  It's in Jpn Audio Stream.
09/09/2023 17:54 — Anonymous: "Sav1or"
Thank you very much for the checks, we'll be adding these to our list of fixes and we'll do our best to resolve them for the v2 release. The audio noise is interesting as we've never seen, or rather heard, of issues with encoding audio before but we'll check against the source and re-encode as necessary.

On a somewhat related note, we're in the middle of a lengthy investigation regarding video noise/corruption being introduced into SVT-AV1 encoded variable framerate streams after applying photon-noise via Grav1synth. While Girls und Panzer is not variable framerate, we have concerns that the same process could potentially be causing these issues.
As an insight to our testing methods, or lack thereof, there is no guaranteed automation software to check for these issues so it makes investigating them difficult. We merely check for missing tracks, metadata, and we more recently do a very cursory yet non-automated A/V desync check to avoid similar issues we'e had in the past. While there have been issues in the past with older AOM builds, which were mostly resolved with the newer Lavish fork, it seems we're now encountering both repeatable and random issues with the combination of SVT-AV1 and Grav1synth. While we could omit Grav1synth from our process, we prefer to keep it as AV1 grain synthesis is quite instrumental towards reducing if not eliminating our largest pet peeve, gradient banding while keeping encoding performance high. If you're interested in learning more or wish to have a peek behind the stage for what's next, join us at the AV1 discord listed in our descriptions.

Again thanks for all the details, we appreciate it,

L 22/09/2023 18:05 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Thanks to your feedback, we have released a Mk.II (https://animetosho.org/view/sav1or-girls-panzer-und-ovas-movies-v2-en.n1720176) which should be mostly compatible with Mk.I.

26/09/2023 12:53 — Anonymous
Great! Thank you so much, Sav1or-san.
I had watched all the v2 collection.  Then, leave my comment on your Mk.II post.
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