Rockman.EXE [Megaman]

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Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (36.98 GB)
Date Submitted13/06/2018 12:17
Series (!)Rockman.EXE
CommentMegaMan: NT Warrior, Axess, Stream TV series + Maverick Hunter X: The Day of Sigma, Program of Light and Dark movie. Moreinfo
udp:// failedU: 75d, 18hr, 44min ago
udp:// 14L: 6C: 81U: 1210d, 14hr, 26min ago
udp:// failedU: 1166d, 3hr, 21min ago
udp:// failedU: 142d, 20hr, 53min ago
udp:// failedU: 1125d, 14hr, 22min ago
udp:// failedU: 346d, 13hr, 26min ago 16L: 5C: 2239U: 312d, 2hr, 15min ago
udp:// failedU: 19d, 1hr, 42min ago
udp:// 12L: 4C: 52U: 531d, 5hr, 27min ago

22 comment(s):
L 14/06/2018 17:26 — dark_axl21
Google Drive

Rockman.EXE [Megaman]


Individual Links:
08/07/2018 17:11 — djg
Restricted access?
08/07/2018 17:14 — Anonymous
E-mail harvesting.
09/07/2018 02:26 — Anonymous
Don't be salty about it, just because the uploader didn't share the files with you, doesn't mean he/she is "harvesting emails"
09/07/2018 02:57 — Anonymous
Heh, shows how much you know, I wasn't stupid enough to give a stranger on the internet my e-mail addy.
09/07/2018 04:54 — Anonymous
Stranger to you maybe, but the uploader is nice to know once you get to know the person.
Could just create a gmail for downloading purposes, totally different from private or personal usage.
09/07/2018 02:23 — Anonymous
Clearly the uploader is keeping the files private and only sharing it with known and trusted associates .
09/07/2018 03:01 — Anonymous
As if he actually knows everyone who sends the e-mail. Why would he have to post the link here if he actually knows them. He could just send the links to them without posting them here.
09/07/2018 04:52 — Anonymous
I guess the uploader does that since it's easier for me and the others to access it.
Plus Animetosho is quite resilient.
09/07/2018 17:31 — Anonymous
It would actually be easier just to post the real links that don't require an e-mail addy.
Q 09/05/2019 16:29 — Anonymous
plz let this through live links, only complete release collection on AT.
09/05/2019 17:35 — Anonymous
A 2018 torrent copied to TT today.  That don't work.  Nice try.

poisoned, I would guess.

Get a seedbox.
09/05/2019 17:38 — Anonymous
f*ck off troll
09/05/2019 20:12 — Anonymous
what does poisoned mean about a torrent? I see that a lot on AT.
09/05/2019 21:03 — Anonymous
If a torrent has been uploaded here before (nyaa) and say a year later the same torrent gets uploaded again to a different indexer (TT) it is automatically rejected here because it has been here before (poisoned).
Some people think they are gaming the system then find out it didn't work.
09/05/2019 23:50 — Anonymous
Oh, thanks a lot for the explanation! Now those other conversations make sense. :p
09/05/2019 18:43 — Anonymous
Use the link in the first comment.
09/05/2019 18:51 — Anonymous: "Anon"
That's the guy that harvests your e-mail addy. From what I hear most times you won't get the access to the files.
09/05/2019 20:21 — Anonymous

"Those who require access, sorry, I do not know who you are or trust you well enough."
L 10/05/2019 22:25 *djg
09/06/2019 20:39 — Anonymous
10/05/2019 22:41 — Anonymous
Good job.
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