[QTS] Mobile Suit Gundam Seed HD-Remaster ep 01-50 Original English Subtitles (720p SUP)

Source LinksNyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (220.8 MB)
Date Submitted12/02/2013 15:44
Series (!)Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED

9 comment(s):
12/02/2013 18:37 — John_Rhogan
These better work. I already have as 720 (now 480 to save hard drive space), and these had better work. If I knew how to make thse into .ass I would, but I don't.
L 12/02/2013 20:53 — Tibb
13/02/2013 03:19 *John_Rhogan
Unfortunately, the subs don't appear when I downsize to 480, but whatever. Thanks nonetheless.

Also, there's no subs for the After-Phase epilogue.
26/03/2013 23:00 — A_Registered_Trademark
according to a note on Nyaa, After-Phase was not included in the R1 release outside of Japan, hence no subs.
14/02/2013 19:41 — Anonymous
how come episode 1 to 50 summore 720p the file so small that only 220mb ?is it virus ?
14/02/2013 21:47 — Anonymous: "Basil"
These are subtitles only, not episodes.
Q 26/03/2013 15:45 — Anonymous
how to use this .sup file. I try with VLC and it not work? he subs don't appear.
26/03/2013 21:35 — A_Registered_Trademark
I believe admin once said that sup files are supposed to work with VLC 1.1 and later.  If that's true, all you should have to do is unzip this file to get 50 sup files and put them in the directory with your 50 QTS 720p raw mp4 files.

1. You can get 7-zip at www.7-zip.org
2. To match up, the mp4 and the sup file names need to be identical for each episode.  Be sure any download service you used didn't change blanks to underline spaces or upper to lower case letters.  Since the sup files come zipped, they should be correct so change the mp4 file names to match them, if necessary.

If you don't succeed, trying another video player is a good idea.  The CCCP package (http://cccp-project.net/) is easy to install and shouldn't mess up your VLC installation.  You could also check to be sure your VLC is up to date.
Q 26/03/2013 22:34 — Anonymous
the newest cccp version should play them fine. i'm using it to play vids with sup files.
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