[project-gxs] Nisemonogatari [10bit BD 1080p]

Source LinksNyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (5.666 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted06/11/2016 19:09
Series (!)Nisemonogatari
http://open.nyaatorrents.info:6544/announceS: 17L: 1C: 10U: 2874d, 12hr, 1min ago
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 0L: 0C: 0U: 916d, 22hr, 27min ago
421.7 MB
515.7 MB
450.9 MB
532.4 MB
488.3 MB
706.3 MB
579.9 MB
562.0 MB
564.2 MB
526.6 MB
454.4 MB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

8 comment(s):
07/12/2016 20:26 — Anonymous: "someone"
CoalGirls. What a waste of subtitles.
07/12/2016 20:31 — Anonymous
Upload the subs that you created and I'll give them a try, ingrate.
08/12/2016 00:14 — Anonymous
Haha, coalgirls doesn't even sub this anime, dumbass.

08/12/2016 00:41 *Anonymous
just to be clear, Coalgirls doesn't do translations for any of their releases.  They style and refine subs from various sources for a BD version.  In this case, the translation is an R1 (retail) or retail mod from CMS (Color Me Subbed, I think), as per the link above.

Historically, Coalgirls would take a broadcast translation by a fansub and modify the styles and timings for a Japanese BD encode.
08/12/2016 00:53 — Anonymous
Wow, just noticed that Coalgirls has apparently went on hiatus. When one of the oldest and well known anime encoding group announced something like that, you know that fansubbing is indeed dead.
08/12/2016 01:43 — Anonymous
probably because the average is getting dumber and dumber, they cant even read subs anymore and want to watch everything dubbed
08/12/2016 02:12 — Anonymous
It's just so like the average english speaker. They refused to watch foreign films and rather watch an Hollywood adaptation of it no matter how inferior it is just because it is in english.
08/12/2016 05:01 — Anonymous
As for Coalgirls, I think she wrote she's been doing this for 9 years and feels like moving on to other activities.  That's easy to understand aside from any fansub trends.

As for fansubs, more/most stuff comes with English subs at release, so no crucial need for a fansub translation anymore.  The transition has been fansub mods.  And mods are nice but not essential, so here we are.  The only anime franchise I can think of that needs translating these days is Precure.  There are probably others, but surprisingly few.

As for dubs, I don't have an impression one way or the other as to whether dubs are more popular than they used to be.
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