One Piece 1-336 [HQ][Dual-Audio] Movie 8+10 [1080p][Dual-Audio]

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Source LinksNyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (102.0 GB)
Date Submitted14/03/2014 17:16

50 comment(s):
15/03/2014 22:26 *Editors_are_niggers
[Stupid comment removed]
16/03/2014 21:23 — Anonymous
I read ChaosBlades last encodes have interlacing issues. Everything after episode 205 can anyone confirm.
04/04/2014 09:56 — --1
Planning to grab some early episodes. please can anyone tell me the quality of this encode?
22/03/2014 18:38 — Anonymouse
So is this getting fetch?
L 02/04/2014 16:03 — Tibb
This 100 GB torrent finished over the night and now you can download it from here: Piece/

09/04/2014 13:15 — Anonymous
please do not delete this link for one piece yet, I am still halfway of downloading the episodes.. thank you so much Tibb for these free awesome one piece episodes :)

L 14/04/2014 02:37 *Tibb
For those wondering where this went, I moved it.
Find it here: Piece/

(I needed to delete stuff)
14/04/2014 14:38 *remuxer
thank you so much Tibb I thought links are gone.. :)
15/04/2014 01:07 — Anonymous
Tibb, you free some space if v1's & old encodes are deleted. There's even a duplicate.
18/04/2014 15:01 — remuxer
is there anyone by chance has a  saiyuki season 1 series ddl..please post it..thank you..
18/04/2014 17:40 *Tibb
20/04/2014 05:36 *remuxer
yep this is the one.. sorry I ask you for this since my torrent capability to download is being filtered by my ISP now and I am still in process of applying a different IS provider.. Thank you for the quick reply Tibb, much appreciated. :)
20/04/2014 09:37 *Anonymous

    Configure to accept encrypted peers only
    Change your port
    Use a tunnel
    Use a proxy
20/04/2014 15:08 — remuxer
thank you for the tips.. i'll try this one while waiting for my new ISP subscription.. :)
20/04/2014 22:26 — goldfish
The tips maybe would works, but you have to reconsider before doing them. Be sure that they don't violate your ISP's TOS. One of my friend got blocked by his ISP because he used tunnel (゜∀゜)

Well, to tell you the truth, I use one too and this indeed violate the TOS. Couldn't use torrent is suffering
L 21/04/2014 03:28 *Tibb

or what remuxer posted below

21/04/2014 07:52 — --1
Could you do the rest of the seasons too please? e-d completed them all in dual-audio.
21/04/2014 19:28 *Tibb
Will do. Luckily I found them all on bakabt
L 21/04/2014 22:26 *Tibb
21/04/2014 23:53 — Anonymous
wow thank you Tibb that was fast :D
22/04/2014 03:47 — --1
I really appreciate the work you put into uploading these :D
thanks a lot!

Looks like first season is not exiled-destiny's standard size of 339mb lol

23/04/2014 02:27 — Anonymous
26/04/2014 03:33 — Anonymous
awesome :))
21/04/2014 03:26 — remuxer
thanks for this Tibb[Exi...]_Saiyuki/ downloading :)
21/04/2014 03:29 — Tibb
03/05/2014 02:48 — Anonymous
is there a one piece 337 episode and above ddl? please share it if there is any. thank you
03/05/2014 03:37 — Anonymous
Lazy ass idiot.
03/05/2014 06:57 — Tibb
You wont find any dual audio episodes past 336 (Season 05: Voyage 6) as they have yet to release it.
It looks like the next season will be released on May 14th 2014, hopefully we wont have to wait too long for it to be uploaded :)
05/05/2014 01:02 — Anonymous
Thanks for the reply Tibb.. wish you well..

08/05/2014 16:05 — Anonymous
Hi found this batch[Yel..._-_027-53/    
but I was wondering if there is any available same fansub yellow flash v2 001-026 episodes is available to download.. it seems the torrent from don't have seeders and i am stuck at 14% for a week..
09/05/2014 05:37 — Anonymous
09/05/2014 15:36 — Anonymous
please include also the yellow flash naruto episodes 54-80.. thanks
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