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Date Submitted17/10/2015 22:40
Series (!)Peeping Life TV: Season 1?? - Episode 3 (of 12): Jetto Gets a Girlfriend / Casshern's In-Law Woes / Valentine's Day for Shota and Kohta / Dumb Couple Goes to Guam: At the Hotel
File Name (Size)[BakedFish] Peeping Life TV: Season 1.. - 03 [720p][AAC].mp4 (307.9 MB)
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Sendspace: Part1, Part2

1 comment(s):
25/10/2015 13:56 — Anonymous: "Bat Guano"
Jetto Gets a Girlfriend (01:35) and Astro Boy is jealous. He wants to be taught how to get a girlfriend or he'll wreck Jetto's model train set. Astro needs to know that you don't mess with another man's toy trains unless you're willing to go all the way. But that isn't going to happen since Jetto is a total spaz and won't fight.
Astro Boy, known in Japan by its original name Mighty Atom (Tetsuwan Atomu), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka from 1952 to 1968 with TV anime running from 1963 to 1975. The story follows the adventures of an android named Astro Boy and a selection of other characters. The manga was adapted for TV as Astro Boy, the first popular animated Japanese television series that embodied the aesthetic that later became familiar worldwide as anime.

Casshern's In-Law Woes (06:30): Luna is annoyed by Casshern's parents, but Casshern is fighting robots and has little time for family quibbles.
Casshan, also known in Japan as Neo-Human Casshern (Shinzō Ningen Kyashān), is an anime series created by Tatsunoko Productions in 1973, which was based on a serialization of Kodansha’s Terebi Magazine and Akita Shoten’s Boken Oh. Tetsuya Azuma, also known as Casshern, is an android with a human consciousness, also known as a neoroider (Jinzō Ningen, lit. "artificial human"). Tetsuya turned himself into an android to hunt down and destroy the robots that have taken over the world.

Valentine's Day for Shota and Kohta (11:25): Kohta shows himself to be a punk when things get heavy.

Dumb Couple Goes to Guam - At the Hotel (16:16): The Fiddle-Faddle Couple turns everything into a goddamn argument. Machahiko is a retard who can't get their hotel door open and Yuki accuses him of not wanting to see her looking like an eggplant in her swimsuit.
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