(TMUsubs)Starship Troopers – Invasion (Multi Audio, Multi Sub)720p.mkv

Source LinksNyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (1.966 GB)
Date Submitted18/11/2013 04:46
Series (!)Starship Troopers: Invasion - Complete Movie
File Name (Size)(TMUsubs)Starship Troopers – Invasion (Multi Audio, Multi Sub)720p.mkv (1.966 GB)
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Sendspace: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5, Part6, Part7
ShareBeast: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5, Part6, Part7, Part8, Part9, Part10, Part11

15 comment(s):
29/06/2017 21:00 — naramaki
could anyone send me links for this file?I'am waiting for your reply Eagerly.........& thanks
L 30/06/2017 17:15 — 00sas
We are ONE, we sail under the one banner, WE ARE THE MEDIUM PIRATES!
30/06/2017 18:09 — Anonymous
You are godsend!
30/06/2017 19:17 — naramaki
But there is no japanese audio only (English,French,Portuguese,Spanish & Chinese).Why there is no Japanese Audio??????
30/06/2017 19:43 — Koby
Kametsu Forum | Kametsu Projects | Lost Years | #Kametsu@irc.xertion.org
Probably because the Japanese audio was only released on a Limited Edition Japanese Blu-ray. The other audio languages were on the more easily obtainable USBD, which pretty much everyone utilized for their encodes.

I recently obtained the LE JPBD, so you can expect a dual-audio release by [Kametsu] at some point.
30/06/2017 19:45 — naramaki
When i can see it?
30/06/2017 21:13 — Anonymous
Thanks Koby!
30/06/2017 21:21 — Anonymous
Both Nyaa and AniDB shows that this release has Japanese audio
30/06/2017 21:54 *naramaki
But i saw the file as i told you before there is no japanese audio ,so if you have a japanese audio i'll be very happy.& thanks.
01/07/2017 01:39 *00sas
We are ONE, we sail under the one banner, WE ARE THE MEDIUM PIRATES!
Click on file info,  audio 4 is Japanese. The file I uploaded is the same release.

Edit. It seems its Japanese commentary. Or so the title implies.
01/07/2017 01:45 — Anonymous
What file are you downloading? o.O
01/07/2017 12:37 — Anonymous
<block>a Japanese-American 2012 computer animated military science fiction film</block>
01/07/2017 13:43 — Anonymous
25/07/2019 00:01 — Anonymous
mirror plz
25/07/2019 00:35 — Anonymous
Calling 2013
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