Good Luck Girl! Eng Dub 720p

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Date Submitted30/10/2013 02:57
Series (!)Binbougami ga!
CommentHeres the eng dub didnt really have any time to mux them together with a jap bd
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16 comment(s):
05/12/2013 12:11 — Anonymous
Wait a minute, this is Binbougami ga!!  How did I miss this in Oct?  How can the harsh insults in this show be translated into non-obscene English?!  I wanna know!  I wanna use (if pressed)!

Admin, a torrent push request for this, please, please, please!

05/12/2013 12:18 *goldfish
What's wrong with the title translation though?
Is it the english official title for this series?

Oh, it is.
06/12/2013 15:15 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
I think it's a horrible translation title for Binbougami ga! since it means The God Of Poverty is!

But oh well that's FUNI for ya ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
06/12/2013 16:01 — zooby
The reason for weird titles is to attempt to appeal to the North American audiences. Same with "Cat Planet Cuties." If they only use the Japanese titles, they wouldn't be very marketable. Also, these titles get approved by the people in Japan before use.
06/12/2013 17:14 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Yeah I know am just saying is all and I understand why they done this.

I think they could've done better with the name with this for the English release and same with Cat Planet Cuties.
06/12/2013 09:11 — ichimoku1134
06/12/2013 13:52 *Anonymous
[Racist comment removed]
06/12/2013 21:29 *Anonymous
[Racist childish comment removed]
06/12/2013 21:49 — Anonymous
[Intelligent comment removed]
06/12/2013 23:33 — Anonymous
Huh? I'm guys are removing "intelligent" comments as well as racist ones now?
07/12/2013 00:07 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Am not sure if your trolling or not but some Anon posted that up and it hasn't been modified at all.
07/12/2013 00:30 — Anonymous
[Picture of a horses privates removed]
06/12/2013 22:21 — Anonymous
Maw law cha's everywhere...
06/12/2013 05:42 — Anonymous
Thanks Admin!  I've already watched 3 episodes of this Binbougami ga version.  It's great!

I sort of do and sort of don't miss gg-subs' translation's expletives and profanities.
06/12/2013 09:07 *alpeia2
"I sort of do and sort of don't miss gg-subs' translation's expletives and profanities."

Ummmm, now I'll have to check it out because that's what I really liked about the show (the profanities). It would be a shame (at least I think so) if it's missing in the dub. I mean I loved MM (Ryuumaru fansub version) use of the F word they got it spot on. But we'll see.
06/12/2013 18:02 — Anonymous
I think the emotions come thru.  And "flat-chest" insults bite just as deep -er, shallow...

As for the strange title: F did not dare invoke the name of their most constant companion.
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