[ItachiUchiha] Girls Band Cry [BDRip 1080p][AV1 OPUS][Audio JPN][Subs ITA-ENG][9,78GB] + Extras [AV1 FLAC][Subs ENG][0,3GB]

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Date Submitted08/02/2025 14:11
Series (!)Girls Band Cry
CommentRelease by ItachiUchiha
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 12L: 14C: 20U: 20d, 9hr, 27min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 9L: 2C: 100U: 13d, 18hr, 55min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 14L: 15C: 25U: 20d, 9hr, 19min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 9L: 14C: 17U: 20d, 9hr, 27min ago
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2.810 KB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

17 comment(s):
Q 10/02/2025 20:45 — Anonymous
Let's continue to raise our middle fingers together! Live in the Budokan (2025.09.23)
10/02/2025 21:04 — Anonymous
I'll fart in their general direction.
10/02/2025 22:56 — Anonymous
That would be totally in-character for Iseri Nina...
Yesterday 16:20 — Anonymous
Girls Band Cry won best original anime of 2024 title:
Yesterday 17:11 — Anonymous
Any yahoo can start an X page and claim anything they want. It's highly doubtful that the vast majority of anime fans would vote for GBC as being #1.
Yesterday 17:31 — Anonymous
Anime Corner site is far more established than a yahoo, it's just their Twitter feed where the result was first posted. Here is their static webpage:
Yesterday 17:52 — Anonymous
Overall GBC didn't rank in the top 20. As far as the original anime of 2024 it looks like a joke with one of the candidates even being a 3rd season (not original for 2024.) There were less than 10,000 votes in that category, not representative of the majority of anime fans seeing as the majority never heard of the site. It looks like a site for teeny boppers.
Yesterday 22:41 — Anonymous
> one of the candidates even being a 3rd season (not original for 2024.)

Original means a production not being based on pre-existing source (manga, light novel, visual novel, game, etc.) It's really difficult to create starting from zero, without a manga or LN / webnovel basis (which are cheap ways to test waters with the envisioned audience, often for years and if recipe works 100% guaranteed, then announce anime adaptation) ... and some studios still manage to mess up adaptations! Toei must have been crazy brave to dive into such an expensive original project as GBC.

Anyhow, Garukura x Yorukura (GBC x Jellyfish) collab just got announced today: https://girlsbandcry-yorukura.com/
Yesterday 23:22 — Anonymous
GBC is still a crappy show and I couldn't get past the synopsis for Jellyfish to even try it. Shows like those are for kids, not adults.
Yesterday 23:41 — Anonymous
To most adults anime is just the same as cartoons like Sponge Bob or Bugs Bunny. Negative views toward adult oriented anime are much like those toward Southpark, for supposedly targeting children.

Not My view BTW.
Yesterday 23:51 — Anonymous
IMHO, most adults go for anime like fantasy stories, that would be hard to do as a live action show without tons of CGI. Idol type shows don't fall into that category can easily be done as a live action without CGI.
Today 00:19 — Anonymous
Dancing, playing instruments, and singing are labor intensive when hand drawn (even with CAD).
Today 00:33 — Anonymous
And your point is? Stuff that can easily be done in live action is boring even in anime. Isn't GBC done in CGI and not hand drawn?
I agree with the anon above you. Shows like GBC and even a lot of high school shows are boring and are not the "fantasy" type shows many of us cater to. Those shows are mainly for people that haven't been outside much or haven't really grown up.
Today 00:52 — Anonymous
This is a closed minded false narrative by someone that has done zero research born in an era where parents basically shut American animation capabilities which is why for a long time there were nothing but very childish children's shows. Doubt me. Well Find the dated 1980s American/Canadian movie called Heavy Metal and you will see what kind of things we could be released. Most cartoons in general were also based toward older teens and more adult oriented too. In the 90s and 2000s parents started suing media companies because they didnt like what their kids were watching so the laws of what could be releases (especially with anything animated) got really strict. It wasnt until streaming services that the laws started to become more la again in the U.S. at least. Cant speak for elsewhere.
Its not that the Japanese are just better.  They are just more liberal with media. The fact that the U.S. destroys every other country with overall quality of movies and overall worldwide income made with movies proves we have the capability.

Strict laws can hamper media in any country
Today 01:36 — Anonymous
Exactly, even the 3 Stooges was considered too violent. Good older cartoons like Heckle and Jeckle, Bugs Bunny, the Road Runner and others were banned for violence, racism etc and newer versions were "sanitized".
Heavy Metal is a great animation with a good soundtrack.
Yesterday 20:46 — Anonymous
Metallic Rouge & Ninja Kamui being on that list speaks volumes on the quality of people who visit the site.

Anime Corner " far more established" lmao.
Yesterday 22:42 — Anonymous
Geez man. Is it really necessary for you to state that every time the show is brought up? Mention once or twice and chill. The show was ok. All time great.? Hell no not even close?  Best of 2024? Matter of opinion but not in mine. You go to 50 different sites and unless there is a clear indisputable winner you may get 50 different rankings.
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