[UnderSore] Ookami to koushinryou S01E01 (2024) | Spice and Wolf-Merchant meets the wise wolf

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (1.357 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted10/04/2024 12:00
Series (!)Ookami to Koushinryou - Episode 1 (of 12): Wolf and Best Clothes
CommentA fansub of ookami to koushinryou with karaoke for songs (romanji and kanji), with translations, re-timed, fixed typesetting
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 19L: 0C: 151U: 325d, 7hr, 51min ago
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udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 20L: 0C: 148U: 325d, 7hr, 34min ago
File Name (Size)[UnderSore] Spice and Wolf (2024) - 01 (1080p) S01E01.mkv (1.357 GB)
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SubtitlesAll Attachments | eng [ASS]

19 comment(s):
10/04/2024 21:47 — Anonymous
Lists himself as TL insinuating that he's translating the show himself, despite the fact that it's basically just Crunchyroll/SubsPlease but worse. There's only 20 changes to the dialogue and most of them are done to make it worse, not better: https://www.diffchecker.com/xTbEX6XS/

Example of adding sound effects to subs: https://i.imgur.com/cF8LT5W.png

Dude went on a rant across multiple discord servers bragging about intentionally screwing up the timing of subs on purpose because he thinks subs being on screen at the wrong time is somehow an improvement (one example: https://i.imgur.com/ZfP1Vzc.png ).

Then plasters group watermark, staff credits (example: https://i.imgur.com/G95fsQg.png ), and kanji in the OP like it's 2002. While bragging about "amazing" typesetting so good that you won't be able to notice it... when it looks nothing like the sign (example: https://i.imgur.com/DyRqsAC.png ) and worse than SubsPlease. Seems he hasn't learned what blur is.

Stick with SubsPlease or wait for 9volt.
10/04/2024 23:13 — Anonymous
9volt is limited in terms of experience
10/04/2024 23:16 — Anonymous
in what way?
10/04/2024 23:57 — Anonymous
I felt nothing
10/04/2024 23:58 — Anonymous
were you supposed to cum or smth?
11/04/2024 05:01 — Anonymous
What does 9volt have to do with this?
11/04/2024 01:36 — Anonymous
Not to mention justifying shitty styling by calling it retro. (https://files.catbox.moe/b95uxb.png)
11/04/2024 04:15 — Anonymous
it seems people with ulterior motives to push one fansub group over the other have hijacked the comments to put this release down in favor of theirs and you will see how ridiculous their objections are if you keep reading:
TL claim: the translations for the opening and ending songs, including the typesetting for the song name, are original translations. Even the romanization of the song (karaoke) is original, as this episode was released before official romanization was available for the opening. Also if you look at nyaa, our release notes clearly state that the subtitle script is crunchyroll with only a few modifications

Adding sound effects to subs is just a matter of personal preference and some may find it good, some may ignore it. The scene in question was childish anyway with a character acting utterly recklessly

Timing allegations: You may think that the role of a timer is just to make the subtitles appear on the screen at the right time, when the dialog is spoken. While true, doing such a thing gives the viewer a jarring result that is not immersive and does not allow the viewer to enjoy the show
If you show subtitles at exactly the same time as the speaker says the words, it creates the feeling of subtitles being thrown in the viewers face and the viewer is then forced to take their eyes off the visual and read the subtitle to understand what's going on. This ruins the watching experieence totally
Showing subs around 100milliseconds before the dialog is said allows for speed reading techniques and much greater immersion than is otherwise possible with robotic timing. Adding a 100-500 millisecond delay before the subtitle is removed from the screen gives people who can't read english fast enough enough time to read everything instead of needing pausing the video and otherwise feeling rushed
This is a standard practice in timing known as adding lead in and lead out and just about every other fansub group does it
This practice also reduces subtitle gaps: If you didn't have these delays and decided to draw out subtitles and then draw in new subtitles within a 1000ms windows or less, the white subtitle appearance forces you to take your eyes off the scene to see what changed as the human brain is very receptive to abrupt changes like this. Since this practice either reduces or eliminates the gaps altogether, it prevents the subtitles from being a source of distraction when watching the show
Here is an example ofanother very popular fansub group doing exactly the same thing: https://yukisubs.files.wordpress.com/2..._guide.pdf
So if doki does it, that's automatically good but if I do it, that's somehow bad? You can clearly see a double standard here

The goal of our releases is to imitate the style of the 2002 fansubs and this release is meant to be nostalgic to people who grew up around the original spice and wolf. And I seriously doubt people care about a typeset not being 100% correct. People who think that a slightly out of place typeset somehow ruins the watchability of the rest of the show are just wrong, and are complaining because they don't have any real problems to worry about

The styling issue being talked about was only a problem in the test release that came before this. And that was expected because IT WAS A TEST RELEASE intended to find potential issues before an actual release. You can see in the release notes that over a dozen reported problems were fixed, many of which relating to style

To the other readers, please stop reading comments from people with vested interests and watch the show yourself and be your own judge. If you like it, good. If you don't like it, there will always be someone after me who will do a better job than I ever did. And you can bet that someone will come to replace them as well to do an even better job. That's always how this has always worked and always will. Do also note that you are getting fansub releases from this group within days or even hours of the official release, while other fansub groups can take weeks.
11/04/2024 05:20 — Anonymous
Jesus man stfu. You are way worse than any subber/coder. You write a 10 fucking page essay over this?!!? Look at yourself before bashing others. You need therapy and meds. You could've just said you'd didn't like the release and timing is off and added sounds or whatever in one damn sentence. But fuck no you need to spam the forum like a a 2 year old throwing a tantrum!
11/04/2024 11:37 — Anonymous
good thing nobody has ever considered doki good
11/04/2024 12:08 — Anonymous
> imitate the style of the 2002 fansubs

So you wanted to give the viewer and objectively worse experience than just watching plain CR

What kind of retarded way fot hinking is that  
11/04/2024 04:50 — Anonymous
1) No ulterior motives here, I'm not even a fansubber (haven't been for many years now) nor involved in any other releases of this show, nor friends with anyone working on alternative versions so there is literally no bias going on here.

You brought all this upon yourself when you started bashing everyone and acting like you were the greatest fansubber ever and decided to spam multiple discords bragging about purposely doing bad timing and then lying about translating things yourself when it's very clear you didn't. After diffcheckers were posted proving you were lying about it you quickly changed your tune and admitted it's SubsPlease based, yet you're still watermarking the subs taking credit for translating despite this fact.

If you were taking credits for just Song TL, it would've said that and you'd have never argued differently on Discord claiming otherwise. You specifically labeled yourself as TL and TLC and stated multiple times in multiple servers that you were in fact translating the show. You only changed your tune when people proved that was a lie.

2) Lead-outs and lead-ins are fine. What you're doing isn't that though. You've just outright fucked the timing over completely. Anyone who just read what you wrote would see how that is wrong: "either reduces or eliminates the gaps altogether". You've pretty much made it so once one sub line goes away another instantly appears, at times it's over 1000ms before the line is even spoken and after. At almost all times through the episode a subtitle line is appearing because of this. This isn't timing. There is nothing good about this. SubsPlease timing as it was is infinitely better.

3) Doki is and always was garbage.

4) Claiming it's an attempt to imitate awful subs of the past doesn't really excuse it. There is a reason things improved since then. Also I don't even think this attempts to imitate old fansubs in any shape or form. There is nothing here that makes me think this is anything more than a bad take argued on bad faith.

5) Nah the styling problems aren't fixed on the v2 or even episode 2. All you seemingly did was slightly change colors of the songs. The TS styling seemingly wasn't changed between releases. Still haven't learned what blur is and also it seems like you forgot to include any fonts you utilized that wasn't already used by SubsPlease.
11/04/2024 05:15 — Anonymous
1) All humans are biased, irrational and creatures of habit. Saying that you are unbiased essentially says that you are a being above humanity as a whole, which just tells me you are full of shit
2) I'll have the QC have the final say on this
3) Seems you like to start wars with everyone then. How can everyone else be the problem and you be right? Something worth thinking about
4) If you are not the target audience, why are you dictating how the show should be for the intended audience? Let me tell you why: you have nothing better to do
5) People who reported styling problems were asked if the release fixed them and they were happy with the results. If you have different sets problems with it that is a you problem considering you have openly admitted you are not even the target audience here
11/04/2024 05:24 — Anonymous
I meant unbiased in that despite your claim, I have no affiliation with any fansub group or people working on this series and thus have no reason to be biased against you or this release. I'm here solely because you lied, got called out, doubled down, proof was given, then you backtacked and lied again claiming none of this happened, all the while spamming discord servers bragging about how you're superior to everyone else and only you know how to properly translate... when you're not even translating this.
11/04/2024 05:24 — Anonymous
The tantrum comment was meant for you not the coder. Though his long reply to your stupid comment is also bad. Anyway chill. Go jack off or something
11/04/2024 05:25 — Anonymous
hi stellaraqua.
11/04/2024 05:33 — Anonymous
No clue who that is. The tantrum comments was my first reply. I'm just a downloader here like most. I don't get on any forums to follow or bash coders and uploaders. I download here for anime period. If I dont like something I choose another release. Having an aneurysm over someones upload is beyond childish. Grow up. Anyway I'm moving on. Cant reason with someone with the maturity of a toddler
11/04/2024 05:39 — Anonymous
funny stellaraqua, considering you're doing exactly what you claim you don't do.
11/04/2024 10:48 — Anonymous
shut uppppppp stellaraqua
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