[Breeze] Drifters TV OVA v2 [1080p BluRay][AV1][dual audio]

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (15.29 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted29/11/2022 03:19
Series (!)Drifters: Special Edition - OAD
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 4L: 1C: 235U: 805d, 2hr, 43min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 4L: 1C: 191U: 805d, 2hr, 31min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 805d, 2hr, 14min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 5L: 1C: 250U: 805d, 2hr, 1min ago
1.546 GB
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1.208 GB
1.135 GB
1.060 GB
943.7 MB
1.154 GB
1.073 GB
725.0 MB
1.064 GB
1.065 GB
387.4 MB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

35 comment(s):
18/09/2024 20:16 — Anonymous
none of the audio tracks work
18/09/2024 20:21 — Anonymous
That's funny since no one has complained here or on NYAA about it. Keep smoking whatever you are or get an updated player since this is AV1.
18/09/2024 20:23 — Anonymous
I forgot to add this is a great show so I hope you get it sorted out.
18/09/2024 20:42 — Anonymous
I believe Breeze recommends mpv.  Or there is k-lite.  Wikipedia.
18/09/2024 20:46 — Anonymous
I have no issues at all with VLC. If Breeze is making encodes that only work with certain players then he is a crappy encoder.
18/09/2024 21:15 — Anonymous
I assume you're not the OP since no audio would constitute an issue that 900 users on Nyaa haven't had.

Pirates have to go with the flow if they want content.  I have several players installed.
18/09/2024 21:23 — Anonymous
"I have several players installed."

So do I, my complaint is that if an encoder can't make a release that any of the big 3 players can't play they are lousy at encoding.
When I was releasing encodes I made sure VLC would play it knowing the other 2 would.
18/09/2024 21:35 — Anonymous
I'm surprised that anyone's hobby is to share.  It must be rewarding somehow.

Your hobby is being a leech.  If you ever do otherwise, do things your way.
30/09/2024 18:10 — NekoTrix
AV1 all the way!
Competent encoders do not give a fuck about VLC. We avoid it like there is no tomorrow. You should too:
30/09/2024 18:16 — Anonymous
A "Competent encoder" should be able to make an encode that any player can handle, if they can't IMO they are incompetent. Just because you say that "Competent encoders do not give a fuck about VLC" doesn't make it true, that's just your opinion, man.
30/09/2024 18:52 — Anonymous
I kind of agree with you. VLC is the most popular player around but some encoders want to make their offerings look like crap on VLC therefore making the group look like clowns who don't care what others think. It just gives them a bad name when the files don't play properly. VLC fans should keep their players up to date I should also mention, older versions can have issues with newer encodes.
30/09/2024 20:01 — Anonymous
Imagine blaming encoders that VLC is broken when you want it to <insert NORMAL THING here>

Playing styled subtitles correctly
Playing every audio format flawlessly
30/09/2024 20:20 — Anonymous
VLC does things differently than any other player.  It's fine if it works, not a big surprise when it doesn't.
30/09/2024 20:34 — Anonymous
Imagine a "competent" encoder that is so 'Incompetent" their encodes won't play properly on the world's most popular player, sad days.
30/09/2024 22:21 — Anonymous
I don't think VLC is very popular in the Nyaa community or anime in general.  They certainly never catered to us.

Maybe it's popular among sports watchers.
30/09/2024 23:08 — Anonymous
Thinking and being right can be 2 different hings.
30/09/2024 23:32 — Anonymous
in a recent example, there were 1,000 downloads on Nyaa and no complaints except a year later one VLC guy here.  So no other VLC users out of that 1,000 Nyaa users?  I believe it.  Only that one complaint here so even people here don't use VLC for AV1?  I could believe that too.
30/09/2024 23:43 — Anonymous
VLC works fine here for av1, I just avoid that format because my TV won't play it from a thumbdrive. I do agree that some vlc user with an old version may have complained.
30/09/2024 23:45 — Anonymous
smartest VLC user can't comprehend why it's shit despite being presented with visual proof
30/09/2024 23:52 — Anonymous
Show this visual proof, other than crappy sub encoders.
01/10/2024 00:35 — Anonymous
Visual proof won't happen. It can't happen on a fair basis. They will show you some really filtered screenshot, but who watches screenshots? I watch a show that is in motion and if it has subs I can't really watch the show because I'm reading the subs despite how well they say they can read them. Damn snobs as another anon put it.
01/10/2024 01:33 — Anonymous
Since you seem to act like you are smarter than VLC users show us this visual proof, sucker.
01/10/2024 02:08 — Anonymous
NekoTrix started thus shit storm, I guess he/they can't encode worth a sh*t.
Q 01/10/2024 04:44 *Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Breaking news: Fools Living Under Rock Stuck Voluntarily Using Outdated, Buggy Software.

Won't Someone Please Think of the Winamp Users?!

Oh hey next time you search for something on Google and can't find what you're looking for blame it on the website you wanted instead of Google because that's exactly what you're doing here. Do you also blame textbooks when you come across words you've never seen before too? Hmm on second thought, given your depth of knowledge displayed here that seems very likely to us. Don't worry, keep reading and you'll learn more and eventually catch up to the rest of us!

You Clearly Don't Know How Media Playback Works

Anyways, this whole discussion is fruitless yammering and opining - the choice of video codec has nothing to do with how the player renders subtitles or plays audio. You were given a resource to learn something new and improve your experience but instead you decided that you would ignore that opportunity and continue to falsely lambast the same people who gave you that. Great job showing us all how ignorant you are - we now know your opinion is worthless.

So What Could Have Happened?

Now, in the interest of transparency, there actually are known issues specifically with muxing AV1 into MKV files with FFmpeg but that doesn't apply here since Breeze uses mkvtoolnix - as do we when we learned that the hard way. Another technical tidbit is that we all use opusenc to encode the audio and it's a tried and true method. You can't mess that up - that's not how encoding works. Then again you claim to know more than us so why don't you share evidence of what went wrong here? Or at least try to think of something? That way, we can improve our methods rather than feel like we wasted time.

Well, If It's Not the Encoder's Fault, Then Whose?

Spoiler: It's yours. Someone commented the other day on one of our releases that the OPUS tracks did not play any audio on their installation of VLC. If you and that person were not using an old version as described in this VLC Ticket then it's very likely that VLC has reinintroduced that bug. Consider reporting that to VLC so that dinosaurs using Windows 2000 everyone would benefit. The video otherwise plays perfectly fine with mpv, Chromium-based browsers, and whatever Microsoft uses for the Movies & TV app. We didn't test VLC because clearly when 3 different cars run with the same gasoline we don't blame the gasoline when the 4th car doesn't run.

Stop asking for proof when you're the one making the claim and have done no due diligence,

PS: Don't blame CD Projekt Red when you can't run Cyberpunk 2077 with ray-tracing on your GTX 750Ti.
01/10/2024 09:38 — Anonymous
30/09/2024 22:24 — Anonymous
I have to agree with that. I'm a member of several private sites (movie/TV shows) and there seems to be no issue with the encodes no matter what  group. It appears it is just the anime encoders that claim vlc is crap, maybe because of the oversized coded subs they attach to the files, it really has nothing to do with the video encode except for maybe av1 encodes because the player is way outdated.
01/10/2024 02:25 — Anonymous
esterday 18:10 — NekoTrix
AV1 all the way!
Competent encoders do not give a fuck about VLC. We avoid it like there is no tomorrow. You should too:

In other words you can't make encodes that the most common player can handle. Aren't you special? lfmao
19/09/2024 12:03 — Anonymous
all anime encoders don't recommend VLC
19/09/2024 12:20 — Anonymous
stop bleating *
19/09/2024 13:01 — Anonymous
19/09/2024 14:32 — Anonymous
Wrong, it's *sheepware
19/09/2024 19:49 — Anonymous
"all anime encoders don't recommend VLC"

That's a lie. Only the snob encoders say that, many encoders don't even recommend a player.
30/09/2024 20:31 — Anonymous
i ain't reading all that
i'm happy for u tho
or sorry that happened.
01/10/2024 05:09 — NekoTrix
AV1 all the way!
Thanks guys, I'm moved to see animetosho commenters stay true to their retarded reputation!
It's sad that none of you are capable of basic thinking or reading comprehension, but your stupidity is a blessing in disguise, I don't want any of you to enjoy an AV1 release. You deserve to be using the trashiest media players.

Have a nice and fulfilling day.
02/10/2024 18:38 — Anonymous
If VLC has an issue playing a subtitle or audio track, what should you do? Blame the av1 encoder! lol
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