One Piece Episode 831-854 [English Dub][1080p][onepiecedubb]

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Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (33.06 GB)
Date Submitted24/09/2022 16:24
Series (!)One Piece
CommentHii All.
udp:// 1L: 0C: 48U: 559d, 19hr, 31min ago
udp:// 2L: 0C: 10U: 565d, 15hr ago failedU: 561d, 15hr, 55min ago
udp:// 2L: 1C: 14U: 561d, 15hr, 37min ago

26 comment(s):
28/09/2022 02:58 — Anonymous
All these videos are badly encoded. QuickTime doesnt recognize the mp4 files and VLC plays them inefficiency ie overheats the processor while playing.
28/09/2022 05:21 — Anonymous: "Raikina"
I never ever use Quicktime before but if you having lag in VLC, I suggest you to use Potplayer. for me that was the best player software I've use.

Also don't completely blame the video for overheating your processor, I can't say much considering I didn't knew what kind spec your PC is. But if your graphic card isn't even around gtx970 or above, it's not surprising if your PC is overheat because it can't keep up with certain encode.
Make sure that your graphic card is properly functioning. whenever graphic card didn't function, processor will not have a choice but to take it's place to render your video. So it might be the true cause why your processor is overheating.
28/09/2022 06:47 — Anonymous
he is a troll
28/09/2022 09:41 — Anonymous
QuickTime is still around?
28/09/2022 12:39 — Anonymous: "Anon"
That's because QuickTime is long dead (last updated 6 years ago!) and VLC has much better alternatives including K-Lite Codec Pack, mpv and PotPlayer.
28/09/2022 13:17 — Anonymous
from the description:

Hii All.
One Piece English Dub From Microsoft Store Brought you by ib14 and OnePieceDubb Discord Server.
This is a Recording but Good Quality and Extremely Watchable.
For all of those Who want to watch One Piece Voyage 5 and 6 Dub but frustrated with Funimation Delay/No Date for Voyage 5 yet can watch from this.
We will make a WEB-DL once the Episodes are up on Funimation Website.

Discord Server Link -
Join if you wanna contribute to more MS Store buys or just hang out.

NOTE:- I am Seeding from my Laptop and it’s pretty late here so seeding will be a bit slow. But I will seed it fully.Just bare with me and again sorry.
28/09/2022 19:30 — Anonymous
Im using macbook pro with quicktime as its default player. Its okay I stopped downloading this bloated files. The new torrent 25gb is smaller and silent on my processor.
28/09/2022 21:43 — Anonymous
use a media player made by humans like mpv or mpc + apple cope
28/09/2022 21:15 — Anonymous
Could you post that invite again please? The invite was  timed dead when i clicked it.
03/10/2022 21:26 — Anonymous
some episodes have no sound can you sort this intro will play then nothing
03/10/2022 22:50 — Anonymous
There are no similar complaints on Nyaa, so chances are the problem is at your end.  I suggest you try several media players and see if one works for you.  I would try K-Lite and Potplayer.  Find references in Wikipedia.
04/10/2022 10:13 — Anonymous
Or use mpv because we aren't in 2010 anymore
04/10/2022 14:07 — Anonymous
No, I wouldn't recommend that for the obvious reasons.  If you want to assist someone looking for help, direct your comments to them and try to make it worthwhile.
05/10/2022 14:05 — Anonymous
I don't quite see your "obvious reasons".
05/10/2022 17:34 — Anonymous
To be honest, I have no interest in fanboys (the lowest form of life) or their unsolicited opinions.  You'll have to figure such things out for yourself, if you can.
05/10/2022 18:25 — Anonymous
as per your request I have provided proper referencing to my suggestion instead of "Find references in Wikipedia." so this user can have a nice viewing experience of this absolutely mid anime. You are welcome.
08/10/2022 16:49 — Anonymous
Wikipedia is a safety measure.  Never click on an anon supplied link.  Look up the reference yourself from a reliable source.
08/10/2022 19:03 — Anonymous
GitHub, the famous malware spread website.
08/10/2022 20:52 — Anonymous: "Anon"
GitHub is great and a tiny part of its repositories contain malware code, and that's because anyone can publish their codes on GitHub.
08/10/2022 22:31 — Anonymous
Phishing with small spelling variations is said to now be the most frequent cyber-crime.  For safety, it's still best to get your base site link via Wikipedia.

09/10/2022 00:11 — Anonymous
absolute paranoid
09/10/2022 00:39 — Anonymous
Anyone who is qualified to use github doesn't need advice.
Anyone who isn't, shouldn't.
09/10/2022 00:46 — Anonymous
Ha! Your iso traps aren't working.
09/10/2022 02:03 — Anonymous
you are insane lmao
10/10/2022 13:48 — Anonymous
The truth of the universe is no one cares about your opinions and no one ever will.
05/10/2022 18:21 — Anonymous
Try using the following players:
And follow the setup guide for the best possible experience
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