[LostYears] Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night - S01E08 (WEBRip HEVC 1080p E-AC-3) [Dual-Audio] | Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 08 | YoruKura (Japanese, English Dubs) | 夜のクラゲは泳げない | ヨルクラ

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (1.150 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted10/11/2024 05:40
SeriesYoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - Episode 8 (of 12): Covert Gig
http://tracker.minglong.org:8080/announceS: 9L: 0C: 296U: 2d, 18hr, 43min ago
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 80L: 1C: 465U: 115d, 2hr ago
udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announceScrape failedU: 115d, 1hr, 59min ago
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceScrape failedU: 92d, 6hr, 2min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 78L: 1C: 441U: 115d, 1hr, 49min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 100L: 1C: 574U: 115d, 1hr, 39min ago
http://tracker.anirena.com/announceScrape failedU: 2d, 1hr, 41min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 80L: 1C: 455U: 115d, 1hr, 37min ago
File Name (Size)Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night - S01E08 (WEBRip HEVC 1080p E-AC-3) [LostYears].mkv (1.150 GB)
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AudioGoFile | MdiaLoad | BuzzHeavier
SubtitlesAll Attachments | English / Full / Default / ASS / Okay-Subs (new songs) [eng, ASS], English / Signs & Songs / Forced / ASS / Okay-Subs (new songs) [eng, ASS]

13 comment(s):
19/01/2025 22:44 — Anonymous
8 episodes... goddamn, when's LostYears gonna release the rest?
20/01/2025 05:19 — Anonymous
It's a definitely a better show if you drop it here... Based YD, this goes from short masterpiece anime with a tragic finale, to totally regrettable shit from here. Forgotten and cancelled, you really should only watch up to here, with maybe also the next episode as an extra optional OVA or something at most.
20/01/2025 14:49 — Anonymous
This doesn't answer my question. Seems like LY have paused their releases for this show indefinetly. Anyways I'm enjoying the show rn I have no reason to drop it.
29/01/2025 14:32 — Anonymous
really wish LY did a batch release for this already
29/01/2025 15:27 — geha714
and preferably a BD batch
29/01/2025 15:42 — Anonymous
you don't know LY, do you?
29/01/2025 17:27 *dubs
dual-audio muxer
from the releaser of this show for LostYears (me):

I dropped this show myself on this episode, it really did fall off, but I would have continued trying to make nicer subs than Okay-Subs for it (in terms of typesetting and songs) if it didn’t have so fucking much typesetting and so many fucking songs. I’m really not good at it but sometimes I even tried making my own TS. There was just a seemingly endless amount to repurpose (from a great Spanish fansub) and there was a new ED to restyle or sub almost every episode. And of course I didn’t start working on this show while it was airing, only when it started releasing dubbed, and even then on a weekly basis. Of course, as with any dual-audio muxing project from LostYears, there is always just 1 person responsible for it. Even though I tried to give the show the full fansub treatment, I was doing MOST of it on my own (I was in contact with the typesetter and song styler from the better fansub in Spanish who was repurposing his styling and very occasionally TS for me). The desire to try to add better looking typesetting and songs came from my severe dissatisfaction with Okay-Subs’ at the time, but it burned me out like a bitch and made me hate this show and fansubbing more with each passing week. I think I could’ve enjoyed it a lot more and maybe even finished it if I was simply watching someone else’s fansubs and dual-audio muxes, or if I worked on all the subs way in advance and without this weekly time pressure. Anyway, after I was kicked from the group not too long after this release, a certain staff member at LostYears apparently vouched to pick up this show and continue the history of new fansubs rather than Okay-Subs for it, but they’re too busy making other releases for this group and their own.

P.S. The first two volumes of the JPBDs were available before I started releasing this show weekly and the last two would become available on U2 before the dub reached them. This is why all the descriptions featured images from BD exclusive extras in them. I of course considered using the BD source, but after reading some discussion about it between motbob, smol, sam and other reputable encoders in his Discord server, it became clear that the BD source was very lowpassed and had blurred chroma - was basically unsalvagable, or at least, no one was planning to, not even motbob himself. His WEB encodes were deemed superior and those are what I used. I watch on a quite large monitor and had no issues with video quality. WEB is not suddenly the big evil every time the BD is out, these days it is quite often the opposite. Anyway, if you wanna finish the show past the LostYears releases, just add the dub to Okay-Subs or watch Okay-Subs (even though the batch had no changes and has occasional issues), it is better in terms of video and sub quality than any other release available.
29/01/2025 19:07 — Anonymous
Touch grass
29/01/2025 21:39 — Anonymous
Idk much about the drama, I just would've preferred if there was a batch release with the dub for me to download all at once. I normally like LY's releases and trust them to do a good job, but I'm just annoyed this show was dropped and hasn't been picked back up despite the dub basically being completed. I could just download the VARYG batch and I will probably do just that but it's just sad to see LostYears completely abandon this show and not give us an actual ETA regards to completing it. Don't know about the drama, frankly don't care. Just expected LostYears to be more up front about this. And I personally really like this show.

If anyone from LostYears sees this, please pick this show back up!
29/01/2025 21:42 — Anonymous
more like they crap it.
29/01/2025 22:37 — Anonymous
whatever man
30/01/2025 02:09 — Anonymous: "Arid"
No drama, Muri just likes to talk too much and just overcomplicated things with the wall of text. I think I addressed it in the LostYears discord but I will do you a favor and repeat it here, I will finish up all the shows that were unfinished/unable to be completed including this one, it is just this show is the lowest priority due to the amount of work it takes for the subtitles. If you are in a desperate need to finish the show just watch whatever web source is available, no one should wait for fansubs (unless there's no English subtitles in the first place). It's not "dropped", just is in the queue last (and for the record again, I'd probably want to look at things from scratch when I do since I hold myself to a certain standard and I have no idea if this meets that).
30/01/2025 09:46 — Anonymous
Idc too much about the sub, I just wanted a LY batch (with the dub) of this series. There's no ETA or anything for that and I have no idea when LY will go about finishing this show, especially since the dub has long finished airing. Anyways I hope you pick it back up soon.
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