
Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (10.51 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted20/10/2022 02:01
Series (!)Shen Lan Qi Yu Wushuang Zhu
udp:// 6L: 1C: 152U: 864d, 16hr, 2min ago
udp:// 0L: 1C: 0U: 532d, 23hr, 21min ago failedU: 864d, 15hr, 39min ago
udp:// 2L: 2C: 138U: 864d, 8hr, 19min ago
udp:// failedU: 18d, 13hr, 9min ago
udp:// failedU: 18d, 13hr, 8min ago
udp:// 0L: 0C: 0U: 18d, 12hr, 41min ago
udp:// failedU: 18d, 10hr, 33min ago
12 more trackers
1.288 GB
957.3 MB
717.0 MB
708.6 MB
656.7 MB
708.2 MB
667.0 MB
675.3 MB
241.3 MB
733.0 MB
668.6 MB
731.8 MB
258.0 MB
778.9 MB
946.3 MB

8 comment(s):
30/11/2022 11:05 *bullitbaby
ALL INTRO MUSIC, PREV EPS RECAP,  EXIT TRAILERS, AND NEXT EPS PREVIEWS HAVE BEEN REMOVED (except episode 001 - for any fans of the intro/exit music 001 was left intact but this intro music is just standard canned anime stuff - no biggie.)

4.5 hours of pure content - no interruptions.  nice LONG 16-20 min of content episodes.

>>>If you enjoy my releases please help seed as much as possible.  I only have 30Mbit seed ability so any help you can give is GREATLY appreciated by me as well as others who get to enjoy my torrents thanks to your help,  Cheers>>
30/11/2022 19:59 — Anonymous
take this chinesium praise to anidb or somewhere else
30/11/2022 21:54 — Anonymous
I believe this is a pointless copy/paste of the Nyaa listing info, which anyone can read by clicking on the Nyaa link at the top of this page.
01/12/2022 15:12 *bullitbaby
bunch a haters - just trying to be helpful.  go complain about something else like global warming or bad sushi...jesus FC - ITS a FEW LINES OF TEXT - get a life
01/12/2022 17:02 — Anonymous
copy/paste isn't being helpful, it's spam.
02/12/2022 02:48 — Anonymous
>just trying to be helpful
failing miserably
03/12/2022 01:07 — bullitbaby
GOD theres some idiots in this world.  ALL this blah blah blah bah blah about 5 lines of text.  it just boggles the mind.  smh
03/12/2022 14:25 — Anonymous
Sneeding bro
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Current Time: 31/03/2025 00:58

