[KOTEX] Girls Band Cry Scripts+Fonts for Moozzi2 [BD].zip

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (60.02 MB) | NZB
Date Submitted01/01/2025 16:10
Series (!)Girls Band Cry
CommentSource: Trix
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 7L: 2C: 143U: 61d, 8hr, 9min ago
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udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 8L: 2C: 140U: 61d, 7hr, 44min ago
File Name (Size)[KOTEX] Girls Band Cry Scripts+Fonts for Moozzi2 [BD].zip (60.02 MB)
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9 comment(s):
Q 01/01/2025 16:26 — Anonymous
Hello, what is KOTEX and what is Moozzi2?
(The 2-part movie version of GBC is not supposed to come out until mid-late 2025.)
01/01/2025 16:51 — Anonymous
Moozzi2 does RAW (untranslated) uploads on Nyaa.
KOTEX does the scripts (translations) to go with Moozzi2s uploads.
01/01/2025 18:07 — Anonymous
Thank you for the insight!

By the way, 5-chan of Japan has choose Girls Band Cry to be anime of 2024. Third year in a row that a music themed story won (Bocchi, MyGo, GBC)
01/01/2025 18:09 — Anonymous
01/01/2025 22:22 — Anonymous
So it won because it's a music show, not because it's good
01/01/2025 22:34 — Anonymous
you should have said "spoiler alert"
01/01/2025 23:29 — Anonymous
Silver medalist was Hibike s3, also a music show, while Makeine got bronze. Thus Girls Band Cry won on merits of its animation, music, characters and story. 5 years from now nothing anime will be remembered from 2024 but GBC, because it's a revolutionary show for the entire industry!
02/01/2025 02:38 — Anonymous
>5 years from now nothing anime will be remembered from 2024 but GBC

Wrong, a few will remember it but most like me won't even think about it. It was a struggle to actually watch all the eps and I wish I had that waste of time back.
01/01/2025 22:58 — Anonymous
Moozzi2 excessively post-processes video chroma/luma space, disrespecting anime creators' vision of how visuals shall look like. That's why many forums ban them.
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