Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (2013) [Doki][1280x720 Hi10P BD AAC]

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (3.392 GB)
Date Submitted30/03/2014 21:04
Series (!)Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
270.1 MB
232.9 MB
275.0 MB
238.7 MB
266.4 MB
288.3 MB
241.5 MB
245.0 MB
243.9 MB
258.0 MB
303.6 MB
266.7 MB
291.2 MB
18.18 MB
33.90 MB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

9 comment(s):
21/04/2014 23:05 — Anonymous
Can we also have the final batch for 1080p version?
21/04/2014 23:45 *Galaxy_Defenders
I don't see a listing for it in our database to push.  But here's the listing at Doki, maybe admin or Tibb could grab it (6GB):


(v2 on 8 eps)
22/04/2014 02:15 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Looks like the reason why this one got fetched is maybe because Doki put it on the anime section on tokyotosho and then switched it to batch (don't think it's possible unless deleting the torrent from their unlike nyaa's).

But to me that doesn't really seem to be the case here.....
22/04/2014 02:59 — Galaxy_Defenders
The header of this one and the one I noted is non-standard or new standard for doki - Doki not first in title, no website info except irc.

I'm surprised someone found this one, since it doesn't come up on AT series listing, due to its novelties (unsorted).  The other one, if it comes here, will probably be the same.
L 22/04/2014 03:41 *Tibb
Here is the 1080p!
or you can get it from here http://yukinoshita.eu/yukinon/ddl/Kami... BD FLAC]/

If you want another host, let me know!
22/04/2014 03:43 *Galaxy_Defenders
Thanks, Tibb.

Do I recall a request for Envy magic when the batch came out?
22/04/2014 10:17 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Whaa?! Envy magic?! ?_?
22/04/2014 10:43 — Galaxy_Defenders
Strange, I had such a Vivid recollection of the request.  I must have been Subs-tituing some other memory.
22/04/2014 13:04 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Ooooh I thought that's what it was well um..... >_> I kinda forgot about it but thanks for reminding me.
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