Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi - 12 END (Uncensored).mkv

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Date Submitted31/03/2021 20:49
Series (!)Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi - Episode 12 (of 12): The Healer Starts a New Journey!
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 4L: 0C: 0U: 1027d, 3hr, 32min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 0L: 0C: 0U: 220d, 22hr, 55min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 1026d, 14hr, 4min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 2L: 0C: 0U: 1025d, 23hr, 46min ago
http://www.anirena.comScrape failedU: 20d, 10hr, 52min ago
File Name (Size)Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi - 12 END (Uncensored).mkv (283.6 MB)
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SubtitlesAll Attachments | jpn [ASS]

25 comment(s):
29/11/2024 15:38 *erindalton
Professional Content Writer
Q 29/11/2024 15:46 — Anonymous
Did Ronald put his name on every frame?
I'll pass.
29/11/2024 15:49 — Anonymous
Gotta love a so called "Professional Content Writer" spewing praise for watermarked shite.
29/11/2024 19:40 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Let's not be too hasty in passing judgement here. For better or for worse, this site generates screenshots with the first default subtitle track enabled. This release has the JA (should be marked as EN) subtitle marked as the default and that's what's being rendered in the screenshots. It's also easy to tell in this case because the video is extremely compressed and yet the text rendered looks better and cleaner than the rest of the image. So from that alone we can determine that the video isn't watermarked in the traditional sense. Also what vain fool would go through the effort of watermarking without the right fonts being loaded? That's the 2nd indication that there isn't a watermark on the video itself. You could make a fair argument that not everyone will take the time to pixel peep the text for that discrepancy so here is the offending line from the ASS file:

Dialogue: -1,0:00:05.70,0:23:59.98,Trance720p,,0,0,0,,{\fad(1000,1000)\an3\fnpalatino linotype\b1\i1\fs44\pos(1250,700)}Ronald{\fndfkai-sb\b1\i1\fs30}・リノアフェイト

Making this line appear throughout the entire video is a tad too far for our liking but at least the subtitles can be modified or replaced entirely. Watermarking subtitles isn't considered as heinous as watermarking video but you're free to have your own thoughts and opinions on the practice.

This presents an interesting opportunity to think about whether or not it's worth rendering subtitles for these handy screenshots in the first place as misunderstandings like this can occur on any release.

Have a nice day,
- Sav1or
29/11/2024 19:54 — Anonymous
Download and watch, then tell us if you are correct,

Have a nice day,
- me
29/11/2024 21:28 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
29/11/2024 21:33 — Anonymous
So, that's how you play the game.... Why should we pay any attention to what you say?
Q 29/11/2024 21:44 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
We were interested in dissuading people from making hasty conclusions and ridiculing others. We're also more interested in the merits of including subtitle rendering in screenshots. It would be nice to hear from the Admin on their thoughts and reasons for doing so - assuming it's intentional.

Regarding your question: You shouldn't. Don't trust us. Don't ask us to verify the information we just gave you. We could have easily lied to you about it but we didn't. Verify it yourself or trust someone else to verify it.
29/11/2024 23:22 — Anonymous
I will never trust you now. I will ignore anything you say.
30/11/2024 00:06 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
If you are willing to learn anything then learn this:
Trust no one. Skepticism is healthy and you shouldn't trust one stranger over another.
30/11/2024 00:26 — admin
whether or not it's worth rendering subtitles for these handy screenshots in the first place as misunderstandings like this can occur on any release.
If you remove the "s=3" bit at the end of the image URL, it'll render the frame without the subtitles.
It's included by default as it's expected that's what most viewers will see.
30/11/2024 00:37 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Thank you very much for the info on the queryParam - we never realized that! And thanks for providing an official method of determining it. It's quite handy and appreciated. We doubt anyone would want to trust let alone look at our evidence so that's a much better solution.

The reasoning for using the first default subtitle is good and we agree. We just have one suggestion: Add a button to the image list that switches the images and their links to the raw image version. We recommend naming the button "Toggle Subtitles" or "Show/Hide Subtitles". While we have your attention, thanks for everything you do around here and maintaining the site - we appreciate accessibility to subtitles since that has saved us so much time and effort.

Have a good one,
- Sav1or
30/11/2024 06:34 — admin
It's a hidden switch that isn't documented anywhere, so it'd be surprising if you knew about it.
Thanks for the suggestion; my concern is that it'd clutter the UI for something few would care about, so I've left it as a hidden switch for now.

I also appreciate the contributions you've made, both in terms of submissions and attempts to inform others.
29/11/2024 22:53 — Japanimelvr
I can verify that Ronald is watermarked throughout the episode and not in the subtitles.
6 seconds into the opening and all the way through the ending credits translating to "Ronald Rinoa Fate" (Google)
I personally don't believe in "watermarking" unless it is from the channel your watching the show on.
There are other options from other uploaders.
29/11/2024 23:20 — Anonymous
So, in other words Sav1or was lying. Too chickensh*t to check it out himself before spewing crap.
L 29/11/2024 23:53 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
This is a DDL of this release: https://multiup.io/f5d6798219683685083...c916627f0b
This is a DDL of this release without any other tracks or attachments besides the video: https://multiup.io/2506308e5294dba5bce...ccd1ffff5e
You can generate it with your own copy by using the following FFmpeg command: ffmpeg -i '.\Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi - 12 END (Uncensored).mkv' -map 0:v:0 -c copy video.mkv
Thid is a slow.pics comparison of the release and the release with subtitles turned off: https://slow.pics/c/ouwIuTv3

You should have verified it yourself. Japanimelvr is either severely mistaken or they recognized that you were too gullible in believing strangers online and lied about the watermark originating from the video. The watermark does not exist on the video track. Instead of spending your time trying to discredit and insult us you should have spent it verifying the accusation you falsely made in the first place. What Japanimelvr described is accurate when the subtitles are turned on but not when they are turned off. In other words, the watermark is not on the video. Regardless, they do make some great points. Watermarking video is not a good practice and it is also forbidden on Nyaa - which also means that if the video were truly watermarked it wouldn't exist on Nyaa after so long. They also make an excellent point in that there are better releases for this series.

Don't be foolish. Why would you trust one random stranger on the Internet over another?

- Sav1or
30/11/2024 00:54 — Japanimelvr
I downloaded this episode and had "Ronald リノアフェイト"  the entire time in the lower right hand corner of the screen while using Media Player Classic.
I download and watch Anime. I am not an uploader, encoder or someone who can break down a video file piece by piece and analyze it like others can.
I just posted what I saw and my opinion... nothing more. I am not attacking or criticizing anyone. I also didn't realize how people here are so "on the offensive" so I apologize.
30/11/2024 01:15 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
You made a genuine mistake so we don't hold it against you. You also apologized for it which is admirable. We didn't and we don't mean to call you dishonest or anything - just that one statement was false. We haven't used MPC-HC in ages and the version you're using might very well be very outdated so that might explain the erroneous output you saw. A lot of users and encoders recommend MPV and VLC as the foremost modern and up-to-date media players. Both are supported on a wide range of hardware and software. Despite its shortcomings with accurately rendering ASS subtitles, VLC should be a far more potent and capable media player than the currently unsupported MPC-HC. If you're on Windows and want to use MPV, we recommend using mpv.NET; it can be found on Github and it's even available on the Microsoft Store. Hope that turns out to be helpful for you.

- Sav1or
30/11/2024 03:06 — Anonymous
MPC-HC is supported and constantly updated in the K-Lite release.
30/11/2024 11:29 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Ah we were mistaken about that then. The other MPC we knew about was MPC-BE but it doesn't seem to be as ubiquitous as the others - even including the old MPC. In that case it's very likely they would be using this fork from clsid2 which had an update just a few days ago and judging from the release notes it's included in K-Lite Standard. Very nice to see more options. Thanks for the info!

Have a nice day,
- Sav1or
30/11/2024 00:04 — Sav1or
Now known as SavI0r
Props on making the original accuser look like a gullible fool. That was brilliant. If that wasn't your intent and you made a genuine mistake, then you might want to ensure your media player turned the subtitles off when you tell it to. Otherwise, you make great points and we agree on everything else!

Have a good one,
- Sav1or
30/11/2024 03:33 — Anonymous
Lots of big Egos here on the free comment section
30/11/2024 02:19 — Anonymous: "VidLover"
The way "Ronald ..." is rendered in screenshots makes it more than obvious that it's not hard-coded meaning it's from the subtitle.
30/11/2024 15:03 *MeH
Possibilities are endless ...
The best and most powerful media players on earth are K-Lite Codec Pack (Full or Mega) (with MPC-HC as its embeded player) and mpv (which is based on MPlayer and mplayer2). KLCP (Full or Mega) and mpv can play ANY media file out of the box without the need to configure or download any extra codec. KLCP is Windows-only while mpv is cross platform. Having both of them on a system is a wise thing to do.

PotPlayer and SMPlayer are runner-ups.

VLC Media Player was once considered the Swiss army knife of media players, but those days are long gone! It's not recommended anymore due to its inability to play some codecs and inferiority as compared with KLCP and mpv.

The only issue with mpv is the fact that its configuration isn't as simple and straightforward as KLCP. However it can be done with little effort.
In my opinion only two things initially need to be configured in mpv: subtitle size and subtitle margin from bottom. (As mentioned it's a subjective matter.) It can be done by opening a new file in Notepad++ (or any other text editor) and adding the two lines below and saving the file with the name "mpv.conf" and placing it in the "mpv" folder:

The best video players for Android are MX Player, XPlayer and mpv.
30/11/2024 15:08 — Anonymous
he is the GOAT. it's strange the softsub is recorded in the screenshot, unless there is a permanent watermark.
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