[Judas] Hunter x Hunter (2011) (Complete Series + Movies) [BD 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Dual-Audio][Eng-Subs]

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Date Submitted02/03/2020 18:17
Series (!)Hunter x Hunter (2011)
CommentTitle: Hunter x Hunter 2011 (Complete Series)
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 151L: 229C: 9624U: 385d, 14hr, 41min ago
udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announceScrape failedU: 582d, 5hr, 14min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 214L: 40C: 52576U: 147d, 4hr, 35min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 152L: 191C: 2949U: 680d, 19hr, 20min ago
udp://tracker.nyaa.uk:6969/announceScrape failedU: 8d, 16hr, 35min ago
udp://jeremylee.sh:6969/announceScrape failedU: 9d, 23hr, 51min ago

24 comment(s):
02/03/2020 19:32 — Anonymous
Can this be fetched please?
02/03/2020 19:39 — Anonymous
They offer ddl links after 3 days of the release on their Discord server.
04/08/2020 08:00 — Anonymous
They have uploaded it to google drive. Get the links from their discord server
03/03/2020 00:44 — Anonymous
Bit rate is low making the edges and some of the color soft and some banding. Artifacting in the action scenes is annoying. Worst of all for being dual audio they set JP as the default track.
03/03/2020 01:05 — Anonymous
Catar [CTR] has a good release that isn't bitrate starved, has better subtitles, and is dual-audio with English default. Also it's available via GoogleDrive on Nandato or via torrent on Nyaa. Seems to be more what you're looking for.
08/07/2020 15:05 — Anonymous
Not OP, but thanks for the rec :)
03/03/2020 01:11 — Anonymous
You should quit looking at small files when that isn't what you want.
03/03/2020 04:00 — Anonymous
Dual Audio does NOT mean English has to be Default.
03/03/2020 05:05 — Anonymous
and they stupidly named both sub files as english and the player can't auto pick the track you want.
03/03/2020 15:08 — Anonymous
I made a batch file header conversion and changed the defaults because of that. I won't be able to seed the torrent but I don't care at this point. If both sub tracks weren't set as English it would have been easy to set the player for the track I want.
To the anon above for many years of the good releasers have made English the default on dual audio. Most people who go after dual audio are after the English dub. Since the JP dubs were released first the main reason to get dual audio is for the Eng dub.
03/03/2020 16:22 — Anonymous
If the main reason to get dual audio is for the eng dub then why do dual audio creators, those who are just dub watchers put the japanese track in there. They should just create english dub only releases.
03/03/2020 16:36 — Anonymous
I'll ask the same in reverse: If the main reason to get dual audio is for the JP track why not get the JP only releases that were put out before the english dubs were released? The reason most people get the dual audio is for the english audio and since most of the english discs have Japanese audio on them they make dual audio.
04/03/2020 01:17 — Anonymous
because the video quality is normally better. not talking about these re-encodes but just in general. people will always go for the newest releases thinking the quality is better and having dual audio on them is often times irrelevant outside of those wanting the dub.
03/03/2020 18:12 — Anonymous
For many of us, having all the options is fine (dual audio) even if we prefer subs.  But dub only I auto skip.  Why dual?  I may change preferences in the future, or circumstances.
21/03/2020 01:27 — Anonymous
If you don't like one upload, find another one. If you can't find one, ask for it. Personal taste is personal.

Like personally, I prefer original. Japanese audio only, with or without sub. I usually avoid dual audio uploads but if there's no jap audio only then I can live with it, though most dual audio uploads are set default to english which honestly too troublesome to switch to jap at each episode. And if I can't stand it, I look for jap audio only or ask for it. Complaining about personal taste is not constructing, just like or hate on certain titles.
21/03/2020 01:42 — Anonymous
You can set your software player to play just the English or Japanese audio tracks. When you have 2 subtracks and the language is set to English on both then your player can't decide which track you want. The better groups will label the signs/songs as zxx or label the full English track as Japanese. This group labeled both sub tracks as English.
14/04/2020 09:24 — jiBYo
Use plex to watch them, and set your default audio languages in your settings. It'll make this easy
31/05/2020 16:44 — Anonymous
Just wanted to say I usually really like Judas releases. And I prefer having japanese audio set as default. I download dual audio version because I'm not the only one watching the anime I download and sometimes other people may prefer it dubbed. That's it.
31/05/2020 16:50 — Anonymous
When I run into JP as the default I change the default header and never seed it again. It doesn't matter who the group is.
The vast majority that get dual audio are after the Eng track.
31/05/2020 18:33 — Anonymous
alternatively you can set your player to always pick eng dub instead of bothering with default flags that leaves you supposedly incapable of seeding.
31/05/2020 20:13 — Anonymous
Most of the time the group, judas also, will name the full and sign tracks as English and usually the full is the first sub track.
At that point your player will play the first English track so the header needs to be changed anyway because I'm not going change it by hand when the next ep comes on.
But for the most part I try to avoid groups who set JP as the default on Dual.
27/10/2020 11:31 — Anonymous
can someone get me the subs for this
03/11/2020 19:19 — Anonymous
can someone get me the subs for this
16/04/2021 08:50 — Anonymous
Just a heads up, episodes 129 and 130 have been swapped. Just rename them after download so you don't get confused when that part comes. :)
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