[Judas] Dan Da Dan - S01E07 [1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Multi-Subs] (Weekly)

Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (451.2 MB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted14/11/2024 18:59
SeriesDan Da Dan - Episode 7 (of 12): To a Kinder World
CommentTitle: Dan Da Dan - S01E07
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 84L: 10C: 3413U: 67d, 10hr, 21min ago
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 42L: 0C: 865U: 69d, 22hr, 27min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 78L: 3C: 3033U: 68d, 1hr, 25min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 68d, 1hr, 14min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 81L: 6C: 3170U: 67d, 9hr, 55min ago
File Name (Size)[Judas] Dan Da Dan - S01E07.mkv (451.2 MB)
DownloadBuzzHeavier | DailyUploads | GoFile | KrakenFiles | MdiaLoad | MultiUp
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AudioGoFile | MdiaLoad | BuzzHeavier
SubtitlesAll Attachments | English [eng, ASS], French [fre, ASS], German [ger, ASS], Italian [ita, ASS], Spanish[ESP] [spa, ASS], Spanish[LAT] [spa, ASS], Portuguese[BR] [por, ASS], Russian [rus, ASS], Arabic [ara, ASS]

24 comment(s):
Q 15/11/2024 02:07 — oranghitam
how to download from buzz, anyway...??
I could download from there smoothly before, but now their download button is red and does nothing..
15/11/2024 02:19 — Anonymous
It's red here but let me download.
15/11/2024 02:31 — Anonymous
Buzzheavier is a honeypot. Would not recommend downloading from that place.
15/11/2024 02:36 — Anonymous
I use a VPN, even with DDL.
15/11/2024 07:15 — Anonymous
bit unnecessary, for torrenting VPN is a must. but for ddls I don't think you need that.
16/11/2024 04:37 — Anonymous
the need for a VPN is dependent on your location
16/11/2024 05:04 — Anonymous
Which location needs VPN just to download from DDLs? I'm genuinely curious.
16/11/2024 17:58 — Anonymous
None, I was talking about torrenting. Using a VPN for DDL is just lowering your speeds for no good reason
16/11/2024 18:37 — Anonymous
I use a VPN all the time because it is none of my ISPs or anyone's biz what I do or where I go on the internet.
If it takes me 30 seconds longer to DL a file big whoop.
16/11/2024 18:54 — Anonymous
sorry but paranoid schizophrenia isn't a good enough reason
16/11/2024 19:14 — Anonymous
People define what they're comfortable with, that's their call not yours.
16/11/2024 19:16 — Anonymous
Ok schizo, don't forget to check for people inside the walls. Love you!
17/11/2024 04:55 — Anonymous
Hey look, it's a bigot who's mentally incapable of understanding a different opinion!
17/11/2024 06:23 — Anonymous
yeah maybe take a min to read so you understand what's being discussed. We're talking about using vpn for ddls not vpn for torrenting. that's also included in my original reply to the anon @02:36
17/11/2024 06:56 — Anonymous
Some streaming sites are blocked in my location, I have to use vpn.
15/11/2024 04:38 — Anonymous
I wouldn't worry about it. In the past 30 years of downloading, and even the old days of hacking cable tv and satellite (until they basically put an end to the cable and satellite thing), also IPTV, lots of warez sites, news groups, game console jtagging and jailbreaking both soft and hard mods, and even in software and game hacking groups many years ago .... Its extremely rare (and I do mean extremely extremely extremely rare) that they go after the end user. In the past 30 years Ive only seen like 5 or 6 end users get busted. Its almost always only the site runners (business owners) that get busted. Ive belonged to like 15 sites as an active member that the Feds took over. Some of them the Feds took over and literally kept running for a while but they only did that to get everyone that was either a part of the business in someway or the ones spreading the illegal stuff.
In my experience if you are going to get busted as a downloader its far more likely that its going to be by your isp and only because they would get fined if they were found out not obeying the law. Ive known quite a few that got busted and even personally but they were almost always on the business side.
Its all a guess but Id say at least in the U.S. you have maybe a 50 million to 1 chance of getting busted as simply the downloader.
15/11/2024 04:45 — Anonymous
To add .... as long as you aren't making money off illegal media you have nothing to worry about. Just dont torrent through your isp without a vpn and you should be good. Most of these download server sites use encrypted download files.
15/11/2024 07:04 — Anonymous
For me, first click is an ad (like popad), second click then I can download.
15/11/2024 07:13 — Anonymous
people don't use ublock origin these days? smh my head.
15/11/2024 07:29 — Anonymous
So far, only Kraken, gofile and buzzhavier on AT have good speed. Mediaload and dailyuplo are very random in speed.
15/11/2024 18:36 — Anonymous
krakenfiles used to be good, now they just randomly caps your download speed. But I don't really use ddls, I came here torrents.
15/11/2024 18:37 — Anonymous
*come here for (frikkin autocorrect)
16/11/2024 15:39 — Anonymous
You lying, torrent is definitely the last plan.
15/11/2024 19:32 — Anonymous
You click on the download button? Then the download starts. Click 2 times because the first one will be ads.
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