[GLORY] NieR Automata Ver1.1a - 01-12 (Batch) [1080p HEVC]

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Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (30.62 GB) | Website
Date Submitted11/08/2023 23:22
Series (!)NieR:Automata Ver1.1a
Comment[GLORY] fansub release.
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 21L: 0C: 193U: 226d, 21hr, 30min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 30L: 5C: 1184U: 546d, 17hr, 21min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 220d, 19hr, 34min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 35L: 11C: 1606U: 546d, 5hr, 2min ago

23 comment(s):
Q 12/08/2023 01:18 — Anonymous
Could this be fetched? Thank you in advance.
12/08/2023 01:31 — geha714
I second this
12/08/2023 05:06 — Anonymous
Please fetch! Little edits to all episodes
12/08/2023 07:31 — Anonymous
Request for fetching

Contains Fixes for all Episodes
12/08/2023 14:41 — Anonymous
Bro fetch, cmon
13/08/2023 00:18 — admin
It looks like a patch was posted for the old version: http://zahuczky.steropes.feralhosting...._PATCH.zip
13/08/2023 01:07 — Anonymous
nobody is downloading that malware
13/08/2023 01:13 — Anonymous
It's by the torrent author and on the Nyaa page.  You don't want it, fine.
13/08/2023 16:00 *BetaMAX
#Even a Pawn can take down a King#
It's possible to download signed xdelta3 windows binaries from the  github  project page and just use the .xdelta files in "Patches" folder. On linux there should be a xdelta3 package from the distribution.
No need to run provided binaries and/or scripts.
13/08/2023 01:07 — Anonymous
man wtf why are yall being so annoying, just fetch this

i'll give yall a cookie
13/08/2023 08:59 — Anonymous
I ask for request as well the patch does replace only Glory releases while some of us grabed his subs and used smaller encodes for them like from asw/ember due to space issues
13/08/2023 14:33 — Anonymous
The author described the changes as "small".  So you're fine with whatever you already have.
13/08/2023 15:15 — Anonymous
what a stupid response. word/grammar changes are still significant to the experience. might as well not grab anything that isn't a v0 then by your logic
13/08/2023 16:18 — Anonymous
As broadcast encodes get larger you should plan to rely on using patches or waiting for the BD.
28/08/2023 14:22 — Anonymous
But you know what They shouldn't or rather they don't need to be larger than 650MB for 1080p files. Anything bigger when the source is clean is a waste of space and time.  But since 2011, only credible groups still use the guidelines that existed before then.
28/08/2023 14:34 — Anonymous
You sir are an idiot.
28/08/2023 16:52 — Anonymous
How does your argument work when there are multiple sources merged? Maybe learn a thing or two before yapping around
L 13/08/2023 20:30 — MeH
Possibilities are endless ...
ep01              ep02              ep03              ep04              ep05              ep06
ep07              ep08              ep09              ep10              ep11              ep12
28/08/2023 14:19 — Anonymous
Just want the subs.  it would have been helpful if it was fetched.   But this group is too new so its no surprise it wasn't
28/08/2023 15:20 — Anonymous
28/08/2023 17:23 — Anonymous
People with large files are only a minority of 0.1%. just ignore him, admin, don't let the server get into trouble because of this.
28/08/2023 20:54 — Anonymous
could you back this info up?
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