[GJM] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 06v2 [8760C52F].mkv

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Date Submitted21/02/2020 10:57
SeriesToaru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 6 (of 25): The Battle Begins
Comment- https://www.twitter.com/goodjobmedia
Article (!)To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T – 06v2 Update
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 3L: 0C: 22U: 475d, 2hr, 3min ago
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http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 249d, 8hr, 43min ago
File Name (Size)[GJM] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 06v2 [8760C52F].mkv (1.018 GB)
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ExtractionsSubtitles: All Attachments | No Honorifics [eng, ASS]

53 comment(s):
21/02/2020 11:15 — Anonymous
V2 is reserved for explaining how pointless the previous blog was.
21/02/2020 12:22 — Anonymous
V2 still has no honorifics. The pro-honorifics fanbois lose again.
24/02/2020 20:01 — Anonymous
The fucking state of animetosho comment section.
21/02/2020 17:31 — Anonymous
In all reality it is the pro honorifics fans that start the crap. If there was this rabid "anti-honorifics" movement I find it strange that none of the [edited-GJM] sub threads that clearly state (Honorifics) has been "attacked" by this so called "anti-honorifics" movement.
It's either the honorifics fans starting it or people just trolling.
24/02/2020 20:02 — Anonymous
kys pls. do yourself a favour.
26/02/2020 00:11 *Anonymous
24/02/2020 18:57 — Anonymous
I load these scripts in Notepad and fix the sh•t anyway. I win.
24/02/2020 19:11 — Anonymous
Congrats on winning something the rest of us don't care about.
24/02/2020 20:05 *Anonymous
24/02/2020 20:08 — Anonymous
He is obviously refering to himself and his collection of sock puppets
24/02/2020 20:22 — Anonymous
"sock puppets" was fun, the rest of the comments here are blah.
25/02/2020 14:01 — Anonymous
assuming you are admin with youre hat off

Yes, the 'sock puppets' is fun, but now bereft of context since you memory holed the comment it was refering to, which if menory serves, was drawing attention to the fact that the guy that wrote "The rest of us" has a bloody cheek insinuating that he speaks for anyone but himself.
25/02/2020 14:03 — Anonymous
I think it was a joke about how the guy that wrote "the rest of us" was referring to him, his mom and his sister.

Pretty innocuous comment, and strange it was hooked to be honest
24/02/2020 20:16 *Anonymous
24/02/2020 23:03 — Anonymous
Sorry, most people outside of Japan don't care about beatdownifics.
If you like being put into your place just use honorifics, that will tell you where you stand in the social order......
24/02/2020 23:10 — Someone
Americans use honorifics all the time, like with "Miss", "Mr.", "Ma'am", "Sir", etc.
24/02/2020 23:23 — Anonymous
Sorry, I'm not an American and don't care what they do. Even where I am from we don't call people sempai etc.
We use our local language and when I watch shows I want to see it in my formal language not someone's idea of what I should be seeing.
Do Americans actually call that honorifics or is that something to make you feel superior?
24/02/2020 23:34 — Someone
That is what are called honorifics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorific
What you care about is irrelevant. This is the counter to your claim that "most people outside of Japan don't care about beatdownifics" and "social order" nonsense. Most people, maybe. But honorifics are not unique to Japan.
24/02/2020 23:39 — Anonymous
Then put those honorifics in my native language. Don't mix Japanese with my native tongue.
If I want Japanese honorifics I'd learn to read Japanese.
You just want to feel superior because you are a weeb.
25/02/2020 01:00 — Anonymous
The funny thing about weebs is they want Japanese honorifics but don't care to learn the language so they don't need the subs.
Except for honorifics the want everything else in another language.
25/02/2020 01:39 — Anonymous
Finally someone speaks the truth. The only thing the pro-honorifics crowd cares about is the honorifics being in Japanese.
They don't care about the Japanese language other than that because they are real shallow and want to feel like they are better than normies.
25/02/2020 14:08 — Anonymous
Well, to be honest, reading your comments makes it pretty easy for them to feel they are superior to you at least.
25/02/2020 08:29 — Someone
Wrong about me. I never claimed to have any side on honorifics. I am also not American. Merely correcting your misinformation.
25/02/2020 21:24 — Anonymous
What the anon said seems fairly on point. In English there isn't much use of honorifics in the way the Japanese use them. In English you don't use your brother or sister's name then add an honorific onto it. They already know they are a sibling and don't need to be reminded along with the use of their name. I call my father:dad and don't need to add an honorific to that as in why would I need to say papa-san instead of just papa?
The Japanese appear to use honorifics to put people in their place when there is no real need to except to enforce a social order.. People who feel the need to add a Japanese term to their native language are nothing more than people who feel the need to personally feel like they are more connected with the Japanese culture.
There is nothing special about being Japanese, just like there isn't anything special about being French, German etc.
26/02/2020 17:50 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 17:52 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 17:55 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 17:56 — Anonymous
There is always hope...

Ganberae Corona-chan!
26/02/2020 18:06 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 18:20 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 18:22 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 21:58 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 22:01 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 22:09 — Anonymous
In my culture (far from Japan) we do use our family members' name with honorifics. So that's your problem and not ours.
27/02/2020 12:36 — Anonymous
Again you and your BS "There is nothing special about being Japanese".
27/02/2020 13:33 — Anonymous
Explain to all the peasants here what is special about being Japanese. I'll wait.
25/02/2020 14:10 *Anonymous
25/02/2020 18:38 *Anonymous
25/02/2020 18:45 — Anonymous
Because we all know that opinion means more than facts and wiki is user uploaded.  ;-)
25/02/2020 19:44 — Anonymous
Wikipedia is fine if your looking at hard fact, like the date of a war, someone's date of birth, the track-listing of a CD etc. But for everything else its very iffy. Even if there are citations and quotations, it is still wide open to editorial bias. Addition, emphasis's, omission, there are endless ways to cook a wikipedia page to suit the contributors own opinions and biases.
25/02/2020 19:51 — Anonymous
I know of someone who tried countless times to edit his own wikipedia page to correct an error, every time he tried he was denied access because, and I kid you not, he wasn't an expert - On himself! Apparently random other people where experts on him though! After going through hoops to finally get someone from wikipedia to listen to him, they finally told him that if he provided hard ID that he was in fact himself, they would delete his page, even then they still stone wall refused to let him edit his own page.
24/02/2020 23:50 — Anonymous
Thanks for bringing up a point that a lot of a-holes seem to miss. English is not American it was a language way before the USA became a country. I find it strange that everyone thinks English belongs to Americans.
25/02/2020 00:23 — Anonymous
That's true. England was using English for a few centuries before Columbus stumbled across that land.
England, English makes sense unlike America and English.
25/02/2020 08:00 — Anonymous
no one implies that english belongs to america. a lot of official english translation companies and fansubs are america based thus end up catching a lot of heat due to translation choices.
26/02/2020 17:44 *Anonymous
26/02/2020 22:13 — Anonymous
Well, people don't care about your opinion ;)
25/02/2020 18:34 — Anonymous
Just tried the .ass with find and repolace in notepad and it's pretty easy to do. Onee-sama ftw!! Cheers sempai.
25/02/2020 05:42 — Anonymous
It seems the owner of this site, by commenting previously about honorifics, encourages this type of juvenile insult laden trash talk on this subject.
Its a good site and the comments are easy to ignore, so if he wants to read this stuff it's not my problem and I don't care.
25/02/2020 07:53 — Anonymous
so according to you higher ups should never engage
25/02/2020 13:51 *Anonymous
25/02/2020 16:21 — Anonymous
25/02/2020 08:18 — admin
It seems the owner of this site, by commenting previously about honorifics, encourages this type of juvenile insult laden trash talk on this subject.
That's an awfully speculative assumption...
I'm not quite sure how you came to that, so apologies if it came across that way, but it's certainly not true.
25/02/2020 18:35 — Anonymous
Poor quality thread compared to the last few, which actually had some interesting points imo.
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