[GJM] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 06 [75506B2D].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (1.018 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted19/02/2020 07:10
SeriesToaru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 6 (of 25): The Battle Begins
CommentTo Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 06 \- https://www.goodjobmedia.com/ \- http://www.twitter.com/goodjobmedia \- [\#goodjob@irc.rizon.net](irc://irc.rizon.net/goodjob) \- https://discord.gg/0jeKKhzGn3EBNDI2 If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using the most recent version of MPC and xysubfilter, or mpv.It is highly recommended that you use mpv.Please note that there may be minor rendering differences between MPC/xysubfilter and mpv. Enjoy the release!
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File Name (Size)[GJM] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 06 [75506B2D].mkv (1.018 GB)
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ExtractionsSubtitles: All Attachments | No Honorifics [eng, ASS]

58 comment(s):
19/02/2020 13:24 — Anonymous
1 Gigabyte for this? Sh•tty encode much?
19/02/2020 13:32 — Anonymous
Subs no better.
19/02/2020 14:33 — Anonymous
Mini-encodes are to the right, just follow the arrows.
19/02/2020 14:39 — Anonymous
Giga-encodes are to the left, just follow the 'Hey Stupid!' signs.
19/02/2020 14:56 — Anonymous
Then this file is right in the middle then, right?
Gigas to the left and minis to the right.

Reminds me of a Steeler's Wheel song. 'Stuck in the middle with you'.
19/02/2020 23:01 — Anonymous
Since it's 1080p with crf=15.0, it's no wonder.
There are several encodes for every anime. You can download smaller ones instead of bitching ;)
19/02/2020 17:30 — Anonymous
Some people will complain no matter what. Give the video the required bitrate and you'll have people on both sides claiming it's either too big or too small... but they're just clueless idiots who know nothing about encoding.
19/02/2020 18:15 — Anonymous
It's mainly the honorifics crowd finding something to bitch about because of no honorifics.
Just the rant they use hoping people will avoid it because someone complained.
19/02/2020 18:58 — Anonymous
Take your pills schizo.
19/02/2020 19:02 — Anonymous
Gotta love a psycho that reminds themself to take a pill on a public board.
19/02/2020 21:53 — Anonymous
What you love is not my concern, but take your pills now, schizo. Your condition is getting worse very fast.
20/02/2020 01:10 — Anonymous
The only schizo I see here is you thinking all the comments are made by the same person.
Please, take your meds.
19/02/2020 22:11 — Anonymous
After a nice refreshing break the hate honorifics A-hole is back.
19/02/2020 22:54 — Anonymous: "Anon"
That's odd, I didn't see where they said anything bad about honorifics. Your panties must be a bit too tight if you saw that.
20/02/2020 00:57 — Anonymous
My ears are burning for some reason...

They've gone to some dumb plots I have no interest in.  I'll take a look at the end of the season.

Enjoy it, if you do.
20/02/2020 13:01 — Anonymous
what if I tell you this first arc is all about Misaka going Level 6?
It'll show hints about ToumaxMisaki as well
20/02/2020 17:44 — Anonymous: "Raikina"
i'm sure that u never read railgun manga. this is big arc because we also able to see dragon came out clearly from touma right hand. this arc made misaka emotion unstable that ended becaming the last boss in this arc.
20/02/2020 19:18 — Anonymous
I don't really have a dog in this fight but in browsing past threads, I've noticed the pro honorifics lads always seem to have a more convincing argument.
20/02/2020 19:20 — Anonymous
The anti honorifics people always seem to resort to ad hominem. Infantile troll tier insults is the best they can come up with to counter the pro honorific viewpoint.
20/02/2020 19:27 — Anonymous
That's funny when the pro-honorific crowd started jumping all over this group because the subs are labeled 'No Honorifics'.
That viewpoint is only good in their own mind considering the subs are English, not Jenglish.
20/02/2020 21:51 — Anonymous
That is true, the honorifics fans started vilifying [GJM] for labeling the subs with no honorifics.
Makes me wonder if the Japanese add honorifics when they subtitle foreign films/shows.
If they do are there realistic Japanese people arguing against the use of honorifics in these shows?
After all there is no use of -san etc in English, German etc.
But, I guess that weebs got to weeb........
21/02/2020 07:27 — Anonymous
The Japanese do indeed add honorifics when adding subtitles, although foriegn movies will be dubbed with honorifics included. (Although Japanese and most other Asiatics mostly prefer domestic TV and Cinema)

The idea of not using honorifics is abhorrent to those from honorific using societies, it can be very difficult for them to get used to, have you ever told an Asian shopkeeper or telephone customer services representative your given name, and they insist on adding the Mr. to it? "Please do not worry Mr. David" "I can certainly sort that out for you Mr. Bob" - Please realise, the person you are speaking to is doing this for himself, not you. You have just told him to call you by your first name, this is often horrifying to him, it is a bit like you just asked him to call him "Babe" or "Honey" - Removing an honorific in a friendly situation like your phone call would seem that intimate.
21/02/2020 09:53 — admin
I think you'll find it's just mostly "pro-honorific" purists and those who think the idea is silly.
On the other hand, most people don't give a crap either way - if they're present, they're there, otherwise, they're not. The honorifics are spoken in the audio, so it's not like any meaning is getting lost, regardless of what's in the subtitles. The gripe is purely based on what's specifically written.

Professional translators generally don't use them. I suspect they were mostly introduced by fan translators, possibly as a bit of a uniqueness thing, so people got used to the idea. I get that it may feel a bit jarring, having to deal with something you're not used to, but I haven't seen complaints about it really getting anywhere, so you may as well learn to deal with it.
Amusingly, there's plenty of other stuff that gets dropped in all English translations (for example, sentence ending particles or usage of 'desu' which can affect the nuance of what's being said), yet no-one seems to complain about them not being in the subtitles. Perhaps most viewers never got introduced to the notion.
21/02/2020 18:29 — Anonymous
Nice to see admin-san chipping in here!

Back in the day honorifics were almost always left intact, I think it was only when monetised stream sites appeared that the dreaded anglosization became a thing. I've seen threads on crunchyroll site asking for hons to be left intact, and to their credit a lot of these paysites do have shows each season with honorifics faithfully translated.

In my experience a lot of the translations with honorifics actually do use the desu, a word that is often misused by English speakers, albeit in good humour. (English speakers often use it as a substitute for something like "I know right?" or "y'know") I see it as a sort of self-honorific, that can be used when refering to the self (eg "admin-dess!") or used to plug a gap in a sentence that feels bare without an honorific, but doesn't really merit one.

and hey, the conversation on this page is a good example of how interesting and actually fun our cultures and languages can be!

t. anon-dess!
22/02/2020 02:23 — admin
'desu' serves an important purpose in showing politeness/formality. In some ways, it's similar to the point of honorifics, but no, it's not really a self honorific (in fact, in general you don't use honorifics for yourself) and doesn't supplement one.
Consider these two sentences which have exactly the same meaning:
- nihongo wa muzukashii (日本語は難しい)
- nihongo wa muzukashii desu (日本語は難しいです)

I've never seen any translation try to differentiate the two unless the context makes one particularly out-of-place or similar (and even then, you generally won't find 'desu' in the subtitles).

I suspect many people who complain about the lack of honorifics aren't aware of this, and aren't fully aware of its purpose. Which isn't surprising, as it hasn't really been exposed in fansubs, so not picked up on. The point is, despite the importance in the language, there are lots of stuff that has to get dropped in translations. In the big scheme of things, honorifics hardly matter, yet, funnily enough, it's what gets complained about because watchers have been made aware of their presence.

Translations from Japanese will be subjective in many ways, particularly since it's rather different from English. And in many ways, there's no 'correct' or 'wrong' interpretation, just opinions and choices. I think people need to stop thinking that their ideal is the 'one true way' and learn to be more accepting of others' opinions. If you appreciate other cultures enough to be pedantic over small differences, then surely you should be able to appreciate alternative interpretations which challenge you to accept something that feels a little out of place?

Here, we've got both options anyway, so complaints on either side is pretty much pointless.
22/02/2020 11:13 — Anonymous
I lived in Japan for 10 years, and I have to say yours is possibly one of the most fatuous and inept comments I've ever seen by a gajin trying to pontificate about his superior understanding of Japanese.

Tip. Honorifics have nothing to do with politeness. That is another great gajin idea.

Honorifics are about dignity. nothing more, nothing less.

23/02/2020 06:54 *admin
I'm glad that you've managed to master the understanding of honorifics in those 10 years. Shame that you didn't manage to figure out how to watch anime without subtitles though - maybe you just needed another 10 years or so.

Now perhaps you could demonstrate your understanding of dignity by showing more respect towards others in your comments here. I get that this goes against your desire to stroke your superiority complex, but no-one takes insults with any degree of seriousness. Thus, it would be in your own interest (as well as everyone elses') if you're hoping to win arguments.

I also kindly ask you to refrain from further comments regarding honorifics. Obviously it'd be wiser to keep your master-level understanding to yourself than spread it amongst the 'inept gaijins' here.
Thank you for your cooperation.
26/02/2020 22:25 — Anonymous
23/02/2020 07:43 — Someone
Lived 10 years in Japan and can't even spell "gaijin" right, which is a word the actual gaijins get right.
20/02/2020 23:05 — Anonymous
To all anti-honorifics:
There is big difference between Akane, Akane-chan, Akane-san and Akane-sama.
21/02/2020 00:42 — Anonymous
To all the pro-honorifics:
There is a big difference between English and Japanese and therefore also English subtitles and Japanese subtitles.
Therefore -chan, -san, and -sama can be translated to English for the English subtitles. There is no need to not translate words.
21/02/2020 07:35 — Anonymous
I absolutely agree 100%. THe honorifics add so much in terms of the understanding of the inter relationship dynamics of the characters. Anglosization of the honorifics just appeals to the lowest common denominator. Why sub groups decide to attempt to appeal to casual viewers at the expense of the viewing experience of real anime fans is incredibly puzzling to me.

21/02/2020 07:37 — Anonymous
It literally takes like no more than watching just a few episodes of anime to start to get the hang of honorifics - And bloody interesting and good fun too!

21/02/2020 07:40 — Anonymous
Maybe the lower IQ watchers aren't able to get the hang of it and need to be spoon fed westernised equivelents?
21/02/2020 09:50 — Anonymous
It has nothing to do with getting the hang of it, it's about not feeling the need for them.
When you talk to your sister do you call her: sis, sister, her name or sister <name>?
I call my sister by her name and don't feel the need to remind her she is my sister.
Do you call you dad: dad, his name, papa-san, what?
We don't use honorifics is western culture because we don't feel the need for them.
22/02/2020 11:07 — Anonymous
Your sister calls you faggot-kun under her breath. She feels the need for it.
22/02/2020 16:51 — Anonymous
That would be funny if she even knew what honorifics are. She doesn't even watch anime and what does being gay have to do with it? Like someone pointed out most of the west doesn't use honorifics even if they know what they are.
21/02/2020 07:43 — Anonymous

- If someone calls someone KIrito-kun, then they are using -kun for a reason - Translators fucking with that are making decisions that would not be intended / condoned by the original writers and artists that made the show!
21/02/2020 08:14 — Anonymous
The subs as they are heard is called Japanese Closed Captions.
21/02/2020 09:16 — Anonymous
If you literally translated what the Japanese VAs are saying it would sound like garbage in English.
Sentence structure etc are different between the 2 languages.
If you understand honorifics and actually follow the show to know the characters you don't need to read the honorifics since you actually hear them say it.
Mainly it's sub purists being snobs like they are better than anyone else because they feel the need for honorifics.
If you want to be a real purist learn Japanese and drop the subs.
21/02/2020 09:45 — Anonymous
embrace the honorifics. accept the weeb love.

kun, san, sempai, sama has already entered english language, no point in denying this fact. GJM and their ilk can cry all they want, the official subs has already acknowledged it.
21/02/2020 09:55 — Anonymous
The only people I know who use honorifics in the English language are weebs. I don't know anyone who doesn't watch anime that uses them.
The honorifics anime crowd is very small compared to the world population.
21/02/2020 10:32 — Anonymous
majority of the world population dont even know what anime is.
the no-honorifics crowd is even smaller.
21/02/2020 12:48 — Anonymous
"majority of the world population don't even know what anime is"   What kind of crap is that. Have you ever been to an anime convention before?  Obviously you are a "shut in" and don't have much experience with the real wold.
21/02/2020 12:53 — Anonymous
"Obviously you are a "shut in" and don't have much experience with the real wold."

lol use "world population" properly next time
22/02/2020 02:50 — Anonymous
Yes, I have been to a sizable anime convention and the majority was not speaking in honorifics. BTW, the amount of people at an anime convention is minuscule in size to the city it is held in, let alone compared to the world population.
Not sure what point you were trying to make, but it failed.
21/02/2020 17:43 — Anonymous
Not who your responding too, but I would posit that you are not really understanding the guys point. A point which has been made in these threads countless times already, which is as I read it, an appeal to fansubbers to write the characters names as we actually hear them in the audio. Thus Kirito-kun is Kirito-kun, and not Mr. Kirito, and not simply Kirito.

I totally agree that the honorifics add so much to the (instant) understanding of how the characters relate to each other.

And its also respectful to try to be as faithful to the original work as possible, messing with the characters name and honorific can imply all sorts of things unintended by the writers and artists that created the work.
21/02/2020 17:44 — Anonymous
(repost from below for conext)

Not who your responding too, but I would posit that you are not really understanding the guys point. A point which has been made in these threads countless times already, which is as I read it, an appeal to fansubbers to write the characters names as we actually hear them in the audio. Thus Kirito-kun is Kirito-kun, and not Mr. Kirito, and not simply Kirito.

I totally agree that the honorifics add so much to the (instant) understanding of how the characters relate to each other.

And its also respectful to try to be as faithful to the original work as possible, messing with the characters name and honorific can imply all sorts of things unintended by the writers and artists that created the work.
21/02/2020 17:45 — Anonymous
(repost from below for conext v2)

Not who your responding too, but I would posit that you are not really understanding the guys point. A point which has been made in these threads countless times already, which is as I read it, an appeal to fansubbers to write the characters names as we actually hear them in the audio. Thus Kirito-kun is Kirito-kun, and not Mr. Kirito, and not simply Kirito.

I totally agree that the honorifics add so much to the (instant) understanding of how the characters relate to each other.

And its also respectful to try to be as faithful to the original work as possible, messing with the characters name and honorific can imply all sorts of things unintended by the writers and artists that created the work.
21/02/2020 19:34 — Anonymous
" its also respectful to try to be as faithful to the original work as possible, messing with the characters name and honorific can imply all sorts of things unintended by the writers and artists that created the work."

When the Japanese studios are adding honorifics to subtitles for foreign shows they are being respectful and faithful to the original work?
They are making it for their intended audience and really don't care about it being as accurate as the original work.
21/02/2020 17:46 — Anonymous
^^ double posting was an attempt to use the reply to the poster "If you literally translated what the Japanese VAs are saying..."

Reply function not working for me
21/02/2020 17:52 — Anonymous

No worries! Sempai tier wisdom is worthy of double post! <3
22/02/2020 12:13 — Indonesian_Weeb
Anime is trash. And so am I!
Dear god, this comment section...

Take a chillpill everyone!
22/02/2020 16:33 — Anonymous: "Hey_fellow_weebs"

It's actually quite a decent, relatively drama-free read. I actually found it quite interseting.

Each to their own I guess, and tbh no one forced you to read it fren
22/02/2020 12:42 — Anonymous
The admins should take out one of their magic wands (we all know you have them, being fans of magical girls anime) and wipe this comment off the face of the site !
22/02/2020 16:41 — Anonymous
anons attempt at a humerous jibe is a bit too forced. If your gonna jibe at least keep it snappy & avoid bracketed explanetary validations if possible.
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