[GJM] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 03 [1FEEFF5B].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (946.6 MB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted27/01/2020 04:32
SeriesToaru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 3 (of 25): Balloon Hunter
CommentTo Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 03 \- https://www.goodjobmedia.com/ \- http://www.twitter.com/goodjobmedia \- [\#goodjob@irc.rizon.net](irc://irc.rizon.net/goodjob) \- https://discord.gg/0jeKKhzGn3EBNDI2 If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using the most recent version of MPC and xysubfilter, or mpv.It is highly recommended that you use mpv.Please note that there may be minor rendering differences between MPC/xysubfilter and mpv. Enjoy the release!
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http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 360d, 12hr, 28min ago
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File Name (Size)[GJM] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 03 [1FEEFF5B].mkv (946.6 MB)
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27 comment(s):
27/01/2020 15:41 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Here's a patch that adds in honorifics https://waa.ai/TkUs/eea977.zip
27/01/2020 18:34 — Anonymous
Haven't checked your patch as I swapped out the honorifics on my horriblesubs copy already, but good job there lad, ganberae and btw, theres a person on here that boohoos and sharts his pants every time someone mentions honorifics, if they post here just ignore them.
27/01/2020 18:46 — Anonymous
Professionals don't use honorifics and modern fansubs don't.  So I'm trying to figure out what kind of people want them.  I think it's people who want to pretend they're Japanese but can't learn the language.

Given Japan's past issues with their neighbors, it's a strange thing to pretend to be Japanese.
27/01/2020 18:52 — Anonymous
maybe if the honorifics were printed in kanji to be authentic.
27/01/2020 19:04 — Anonymous
I lived in Japan for 4 years, there's nothing special about being Japanese.
27/01/2020 22:36 *Someone
> Professionals don't use honorifics
Yes they do, e.g. CR subs, Muse Asia official subs, funimation subs, Hidive, Sentai, etc. and some disc releases even
>> modern fansubs don't
Yes they do, e.g. Gremlin and the first commenter there
> So I'm trying to figure out what kind of people want them
No you are not trying to figure out. Plenty of people have already given the reasons, you are just being troll
27/01/2020 22:38 — Anonymous
>Professionals don't use honorifics
That's why they're sh!t. And modern fansubs DO use honorifics. It's not people who "want to pretend they're Japanese." What a nasty attitude toward people who just want a proper translation. An accurate translation.
27/01/2020 22:48 — Anonymous
"people who just want a proper translation. An accurate translation.
So, you would consider Spanglish to be proper English translation? That's basically what honorifics in English subs amounts to.
27/01/2020 23:57 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
I'm doing this for myself and I decided to share it with others who may want it.
And I don't give a rat ass what people think about it and of course I'm gonna ignore them.
28/01/2020 00:20 — Anonymous
28/01/2020 02:14 — Anonymous
Well, I'm not going to get any answers here about why some people want honorifics.  They don't know themselves.  But people who need Roman script ('Romanji') will someday have to realize how little they know about Japan and Japanese.  You remain 'foreign devils'.
28/01/2020 03:39 — Anonymous
Why do you need "answers about why some people want honorifics" in the first place?

Make your life easier by not getting your panties in a twist over strangers' preferences. Like what you like, let people like what they like. Simple.
28/01/2020 03:49 — Anonymous
I like understanding everything.  My pants never twisted.  It's the honorifics people who are breathless in their rage.  --which also would be interesting to understand, although rage is an easier and duller topic.
28/01/2020 05:25 — admin
I like understanding everything
Some people like blue, some like red, others like green. Preferences are preferences - you're free to come up with your own personal understanding if you wish, but there's no need to question this any further.

It's the honorifics people who are breathless in their rage
Loaded statements like these are not appreciated. If you're truly looking to understand everything, as you say, you wouldn't be including this. If you're looking for a flamewar, please go elsewhere.
28/01/2020 04:09 — Anonymous
They can't get their weeb on without honorifics.
28/01/2020 04:14 — Anonymous
I think so too.  They care about comments because they want to be thought of doing something noble when they aren't, and that's why they're mad.
28/01/2020 05:26 — admin
I find it amusing that you feel strongly enough to see the need to point that out...
28/01/2020 05:49 — Anonymous
Yes, prior to your statement everything had been said.  "Breathless in their rage" was a wordsmith's response to "panties in a twist".  It's strange what you latch upon.

Always glad to amuse an octopus, however peculiar its constructions.

If you want this over it now is, unless you want to make some other snipes.
29/01/2020 01:41 — Anonymous
"prior to your statement everything had been said."
Yeah, no. Everything had not been said because admin had something to say, just like you and me. The only time anybody uses that kind of phrase is to shut down dialogue they don't like.

"Breathless in their rage" is a "wordsmith's reponse" ? Sounds trite and tryhard, but okay.
It's strange what phrases you latch upon.
L 28/01/2020 04:53 — Anonymous
28/01/2020 05:02 — Anonymous
The Vapors - Turning Japanese (1980) Official Video
28/01/2020 05:28 — Anonymous
Thanks, interesting.  About the same time as the first Walkman...
28/01/2020 05:53 — Anonymous
The same negative things are said about honorifics in response to the word "honorifics" being posted in a link or comment here. Rarely are these comments made about the subs posted here that contain honorifics when the word "honorifics" does not appear.
If honorifics disturbed so many anime fans that download from this sites links, this place would have the majority of its posts flooded with negative comments about them.
I hope that never happens.
28/01/2020 11:04 — Anonymous
It wasn't that long ago when the weebs were jumping all over groups who were leaving out honorifics, it's a 2 way street.
It got so bad on Nyaa that the mods disabled comments when a certain group made a release.
28/01/2020 11:17 — Anonymous
the group had requested mods to do so.
28/01/2020 11:31 — Anonymous
Of course. Instead of making second track, they rather ban and block everyone, while shitting everywhere else if someone edit subs to add what was missing. Classic nyaazi fansub mafia.
28/01/2020 11:53 — Anonymous
Because they got tired of catching crap because they didn't add honorifics.
The thread was filled with hate comments by the pro-honorific crowd.

To the other anon: Why should they have to add a second track? After all it's their release and they aren't getting paid for their time/work.
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