[DmonHiro] Solty Rei (BD, 720p)

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Date Submitted03/09/2023 23:58
Series (!)Solty Rei
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 6L: 1C: 19U: 206d, 3hr, 31min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 5L: 0C: 87U: 203d, 7hr, 42min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceScrape failedU: 196d, 18hr, 28min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 6L: 0C: 82U: 199d, 14hr, 35min ago

23 comment(s):
04/09/2023 03:11 — Anonymous
Missing 2 episodes? I have Arigatou version and it has 26 episodes, but this torrent only has 24?
04/09/2023 03:28 — Anonymous
Season is 24 episodes.

The other two that'd make it 26 in Arigatou is the OVA aka episode 9.5 which is double length, but apparently some releases split that into two regular length episodes (maybe it was that way on the dvd).
04/09/2023 05:45 — Anonymous
and this torrent actually has that episode... so it's missing nothing.
05/09/2023 00:36 — Anonymous
It's still missing something important: dual audio. So hchcsen version is the best.
05/09/2023 00:39 — Anonymous
if you're a dub watcher, yes
05/09/2023 15:14 — Anonymous
Which torrent is hchcsen version? This one?
05/09/2023 17:13 — Anonymous
yes :)
17/10/2023 04:19 — Anonymous
DmonHiro version has one of the extra episodes named 8,5 but missing the other, and hchcsen has both extra episodes named S00E01-S00E02. Too confusing trying to figure out the correct order to watch (without spoilers) so I ended up getting Arigatou version, since they have all episodes named 1-26.
04/09/2023 12:40 — Anonymous
Arigatou split the ~45 minute special in two episodes, and included it as part of the main series. If you look on anidb the title of the special is "Opportunities Missed and Love Shared", which Dmonhiro included as episode 8.5 in this torrent.

On a side note, I miss the early 2000s back when most anime had amazing opening songs like this. Nowadays it's mostly just generic anime songs, very rare we get catchy opening songs like Solty Rei. Only great opening song I've seen so far this year is Oshi no Ko.
05/09/2023 17:30 — Anonymous
Dimension W also has great anime OP song :)
09/09/2023 23:17 *Anonymous
09/09/2023 23:22 — Anonymous
You forgot your red pill again :(
09/09/2023 23:17 *Anonymous: "Perry Como"
L 15/09/2023 22:36 — MeH
Possibilities are endless ...
ep01              ep02              ep03              ep04              ep05              ep06
ep07              ep08              ep8.5             ep09              ep10              ep11
ep12              ep13              ep14              ep15              ep16              ep17
ep18              ep19              ep20              ep21              ep22              ep23
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