[DeadFish] Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke - 02 [720p][AAC].mp4

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (197.7 MB) | Website
Date Submitted15/01/2013 07:37
Series (!)Courtesy of Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke - Episode 2 (of 12): The Melody of Assassination: Ghost of WW2
CommentDDL: http://filevice.com/adi14f0tp8bn
File Name (Size)[DeadFish] Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke - 02 [720p][AAC].mp4 (197.7 MB)
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9 comment(s):
16/01/2013 09:18 — Anonymous
Hey, I extract the rar files and I've got files with 0 kb size ??
16/01/2013 09:32 — Anonymous
We don't use rar files here for various reasons.  Which download service did you get them from?  Also, there don't seem to be any multi-part versions here, so their should only be one file.  Assuming you got a 7z file like the one at PeejeShare, use 7-zip 9.2 or later to unzip the file.  You should have an mp4 of about 200MB.

Also, be sure to refresh the directory.  Sometimes the initial file size is reported but not updated to the final file size.
17/01/2013 07:02 — Anonymous
I try the peeje one..
17/01/2013 07:16 — Anonymous
I just try your advice and actually it works.
I wonder why winr*r can extraxt that file actually.
17/01/2013 08:18 — admin
What version of WinRAR are you using? It may be out of date.
17/01/2013 12:08 — Anonymous
Glad it worked out.  I always settle for solutions.  The "Why" questions cause hair loss, like admin.
17/01/2013 12:48 *admin
But being bald is actually quite convenient ya'know.
19/01/2013 01:35 — mr.B
winRAR can't process titles with colons ":" as well as some windows OS's, it gets confused because it can't create the file...  Any title with colons i just download from a non-compressed source, but as much as I deeply appreciate deadfish and I do deeply appreciate them and AT for giving us soo many options, I wish they'd drop titling things with colons or other punctuation that some OS's can't handle. and uh...go Niners, and Ravens...(since they have to play someone)
19/01/2013 02:35 — admin
Ah, I keep forgetting about that.
Those interested might want to consider reporting it as a bug to them.
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