[ENTE] Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995) [AV1][BLURAY][OPUS]

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Source LinksAniDex | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (26.68 GB)
Date Submitted09/07/2022 12:00
Series (!)Shinseiki Evangelion
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 0L: 0C: 0U: 585d, 1hr, 41min ago
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 0L: 0C: 4U: 676d, 2hr, 39min ago
udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 1L: 0C: 0U: 905d, 7hr, 59min ago
udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:6969/announceScrape failedU: 65d, 21hr, 36min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 1L: 0C: 0U: 904d, 2hr, 53min ago
udp://www.torrent.eu.org:451/announceS: 0L: 0C: 0U: 13d, 16hr, 20min ago

16 comment(s):
09/07/2022 14:51 — Anonymous
PSA: If you care about quality do not get this release. Go with vanner64's BDremux or [McBalls]'s mux for the series and [Baws] or [Arc] for the rest.
09/07/2022 18:23 — Anonymous
According to Comment Instructions, your lack of reasoning and information make this a WKA: a Whiney Kid Announcement.

Your recommendation of BD-Remux also kills your credibility, as does claiming a PSA.  

If there is a next time, do better.
11/07/2022 10:16 — Anonymous
Alright then, if you care about quality at all you should avoid this and all AV1 encodes for that matter due to the following:
Detail loss (AV1 behaviour)
Smoothing (AV1 behaviour)
Degraining (AV1 behaviour)
Banding (encoder didn't bother to fix)
Fucked lineart (encoder didn't bother to fix)
Furthermore, what is wrong with reccomending a BDremux (McBalls is not a BDremux) when it's the best source available? The "PSA" clearly states it's for people who care about quality. Why are you mad?
11/07/2022 11:50 — Anonymous
BD Remux*
11/07/2022 15:03 — Anonymous
If you actually looked at what you criticize, you're a step above the average troll.  But I hope you're not going to waste everyone's time tagging every AV1 release here.  People make their own judgements.

As for BDremux, it's such a waste of resources that AT won't touch them.

More importantly, I'd say you don't understand Evangelion at all which is about the characters, plot and ideas.  The artwork and action are not what it's about.  And your obsessions are about you.

The most important lesson than anime fans have to learn is that no one will ever be asking your opinions about anything.  As no one did here.
11/07/2022 19:07 — Anonymous
Never said AT should be fetching the BD remuxes, simply said it's the best option. Evangelion has fantastic art and I believe it should be enjoyed in the best possible quality, however I'm not saying "DO NOT GET THIS RELEASE OR I WILL DRONE STRIKE YOUR HOME" or something like that, you are free to grab whatever you want, be my guest. All I wanted to do is to inform those who care about quality that this isn't the way to go.
11/07/2022 19:25 — Anonymous
And still, no one is asking.

If you've got nothing but time on your hands, go do a project of your own.
12/07/2022 10:51 — Anonymous
I will drone strike your mudhut.
12/07/2022 16:26 — Anonymous
I doubt you could even install the batteries.
12/07/2022 10:38 — Anonymous
Good info. Thanks ;)
12/07/2022 11:14 — Anonymous
"Size savings
MEDIA: 346.60GB -> 28.40GB (-91.80%)
FONTS: 1.35GB -> 26.50MB (-98.03%)

Thank you to the people who made the source files available to everyone through creation, acquisition, and seeding!

Feedback & Requests: enterelease (at) protonmail (dot) com"
12/07/2022 13:21 — Anonymous
L 13/07/2022 20:02 — MeH
Possibilities are endless ...
04/12/2022 17:09 — Anonymous
lot of extracted files are corrupt. if possible please archive and upload again. torrent is dead hence recovering is impossible.
04/12/2022 17:26 *Anonymous
06/12/2022 06:38 — Anonymous
came back to say everything is ok. apparently whatever method MeH used renamed the special characters and other stuff so files weren't matching checksum.
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