[FumeiRaws] Little Witch Academia (2017) Vol 1-2 [BD 1080p FLAC]

Source LinksAniDex | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (10.49 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted27/05/2017 16:32
Series (!)Little Witch Academia (2017)
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 0L: 0C: 0U: 962d, 11hr, 32min ago
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 0L: 0C: 0U: 583d, 9hr, 25min ago
udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969Scrape failedU: 37d, 1hr, 16min ago
udp://zer0day.to:1337/announceScrape failedU: 20d, 22hr, 25min ago
udp://tracker.doko.moe:6969Scrape failedU: 65d, 7hr, 44min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 0L: 0C: 80U: 1299d, 13hr, 52min ago
39.11 MB
38.91 MB
1.913 GB
1.697 GB
1.883 GB
1.471 GB
1.769 GB
1.684 GB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

9 comment(s):
05/06/2017 09:44 — NoMore10bit
I don't think the files are big enough for redundant encodes. But then again I don't see the common sense in creating such a file.  If the rip is from a Bluray It's already HD. And if the files from that rip are above 1GB. There's more than enough source to ensure the video is unchanged. Encoding to 10bit is a waste and overkill to a file that won't benefit. Out all the people that encoded 10bit files. Less than 5 have done it correctly.
When will everyone realize why 10bit files have never taken over all the other media types but continue to only exist in Anime. Do that and I know you will stop making them.
05/06/2017 10:08 — Anonymous
Fansub has high taste in quality. 10bit precision will improve quality. Most normies will not notice this. Here's ur homework to read https://gist.github.com/l4n9th4n9/4459997
26/06/2017 15:40 — lerusso
This one doesn't even have a fansub. Its sub is from BD. [RH] also has BD-RIPs posted but theirs have both BD sub and Asenshi's sub! Cool.
05/06/2017 12:13 — 10bit Fan
opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
05/06/2017 13:30 — Anonymous
go back to Nyaa
05/06/2017 14:15 — Anonymous
NoMore10bit, if you don't like 10bit then don't download them.
Encode your own so you can be happy.
I've been encoding 10bit for a couple of years now and won't quit just because you don't like them.
26/06/2017 15:48 *lerusso
When it was converted to a DVD, ConvertXToDVD removed all the excess and created a 2.2G DVD (from eps 1-3) and 1.5G DVD (from eps 4-6). That size is pretty much the same as the one made form either [RH]'s or [Asenshi]'s source. The size didn't really help the quality.
26/06/2017 15:56 — lerusso
Thank you for your work. I'd like it if you had chapters. Also I noticed some block noise in ep. 6.
26/06/2017 19:47 — BetaMAX
#Even a Pawn can take down a King#
These "NoMore10bit" troll posts come up frequently. Any argument is a waste of time. I suggest to just ignore it.
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