
Source LinksAniDex | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (37.47 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted25/05/2020 20:57
Series (!)Darling in the Franxx
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 11L: 1C: 808U: 768d, 20hr, 58min ago
http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announceS: 10L: 0C: 800U: 1498d, 17hr, 33min ago
1.613 GB
1.704 GB
1.736 GB
1.899 GB
1.549 GB
1.710 GB
1.771 GB
1.570 GB
1.542 GB
1.387 GB
1.588 GB
1.695 GB
1.282 GB
1.301 GB
1.794 GB
1.406 GB
1.341 GB
1.690 GB
1.421 GB
1.536 GB
1.620 GB
1.221 GB
1.691 GB
1.408 GB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

13 comment(s):
12/10/2020 00:36 — Anonymous
Direct links please?
12/10/2020 01:48 — Anonymous
is much better than a crappy handbrake usbd encode.
12/10/2020 02:43 — Anonymous
You must be a tard, you pointed out another that wasn't fetched.
12/10/2020 02:55 — Anonymous
regardless, better to ask for it to be fetched than some shitty handbrake usbd encode.
12/10/2020 03:24 — Anonymous
Sure, ask for one that was turned down already......
12/10/2020 11:18 — Anonymous
better than wasting time expecting garbage to be accepted.
12/10/2020 13:52 — Anonymous
When someone asks for steak they aren't looking for soup. Just because you don't like a group doesn't mean you should be pushing another. If the other had already been fetched it would be a different story.
12/10/2020 14:37 — Anonymous
seems like a waste of bandwidth to fetch garbage when steak is available.
12/10/2020 15:24 — Anonymous
It's called personal preference. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others have to agree with you. But you want to be a dictator, right?
12/10/2020 17:26 — Anonymous
Since you're so concerned that people watch what you considered to be good why don't you upload it and supply the OP with some links?
12/10/2020 19:42 — Anonymous
stfu dude. some people prefer watching garbage than actual good encodes. thats personal preference okay?
12/10/2020 20:41 — Anonymous
you tell him, who needs that [chotab] garbage.
14/10/2020 00:35 — Anonymous
Thanks so much for the links!! I greatly appreciate it!
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